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Everything posted by Devise

  1. I've been back for a few years now - I just haven't needed credit before. I travelled back and forth when I was based overseas using my accounts when I was here, abroad and since I've been back. Plus I maintained a residence in the uk while I was away. It's really just a matter of the accounts not being reported.
  2. Thanks for the link - I'll take a look at it. I have no other backup plan except to start again. The bank will start to report my credit if I give consent (just no backreporting). On the slim chance that the FOS fulfill their mandate and decide on the basis of what is fair and reasonable - I'll update.
  3. That's exactly it Ethel. Both accts are with the same bank and in good standing. The say they are unable to backdate the credit reporting (though I don't know if they're unable or just unwilling). I'm trying to appeal to FOS on the basis of 'fair and reasonable' although I don't have a great deal of hope because they already dismissed my complaint. I guess I'll just go ahead with the appeal. I doubt I'm the only person out there who's experienced this.
  4. I'm just trying to demonstrate that I have a reasonable expectation that my accts were being reported. I'd like to be able to establish the timeline for when the banks began reporting. It's some time after 1995. There are no issues with my accts. I've been abroad and literally have just the 2 accts which I've kept active solely for the purpose of creating good credit.
  5. Hi DX - Thanks for the reply. I've been with my bank since the early 90s. I have a cc and overdraft with them. I recently learned they've never reported my accounts to the CRAs. I'm making an appeal with the FOS. They've found that because there's no legal obligation for banks to report - the bank is in the clear. I've always understood that the banks do report ( and they say it's automatic with new accounts). But the FOS found that the bank wasn't required to obtain my consent to report (or even advise that I needed to consent) because they're under no legal obligation to do report to CRAs. If I can find out when banks started reporting - it would allow me to argue that they have an obligation to report or obtain my consent from that date. If anyone knows the exact date I'd appreciate it.
  6. Does anyone know how long the 3 main CRAs have been in existence and when reporting from the big banks began. If someone knows the piece of legislation that enacted it - I'd appreciate it. Thank you
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