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Everything posted by hoteljk

  1. I’m talking about the response to the initial letter sent by TFL. On the first letter they send there are three options. I chose plead guilty and attend court. the prosecutor said that if I just ticked plead guilty and do not go to court then I would not have got a SJP. NoSJP= no criminal record. just putting this information there for others maybe times have changed but I asked the tfl prosecutor NUMEROUS times to clarify this.
  2. Went to court and it back fired tbh. Apparently, if I ticked guilty and do not attend I would not have got a SJPN. my advice: when the initial letter comes just plead guilty and do not tick that you want to attend court. it doesn’t look good it gives you a criminal record- which I have now. good luck- my fine was 350
  3. Do you mean how much are the after for the fine? In the past the firm has been £250 for other users of the forum. they haven’t disclosed a fine to me yet.
  4. Not me. I pleaded guilty. I have no idea what they’re taking about. I will call the courts on Monday and let you know what they say. I think there’s been a mistake.
  5. No I didn’t request an adjournment. unable to upload right now as my laptop is out of use so can’t transfer into a pdf.
  6. Didn’t mention anything about uses: letter reads as follows SUMMONS TO COURT Date of issue you are summonsed to attend the court sitting at you must attend the court where and when required to do so date and time Location To answer the following: Enter a compulsory ticket area on the TfL Region railway network without a valid ticket Contrary to byelqw 17(17 and 23 TFL railway byelawa made under paragraph 26 of Schedule 11 to the Greater London Authority Act 1999 and confirmed under section 67 of the Transport Act 1962 reason as you or your legal representative have requested an adjournment
  7. Hi, received the court summons. If anyone can offer help in how I can prepare please do so.
  8. Thanks Bazza. I understand that so that’s why I’m not sure what to say next? Other than sorry. its difficult to word these things
  9. Im stumped. I've given evidence of mental health issues, contract stating I may lose my job if I have a criminal conviction. All I can do now is say sorry which I have done so many times I'm running out of ways to say it!
  10. Shall I keep emailing them. This was their latest response: Thank you for your email today. I note that you are requesting to ‘pay an immediate fine to cover costs’. This is not an option currently open to you. I note that you confirm you have responded to the Singler Justice Procedure Notice and entered a plea. This was the correct thing to do. You will receive a reply and a decision from the Court service in the near future. Regards
  11. My friend gave me this account so I can just communicate myself. By my friend is the one that started it. I should have clarified aha
  12. Still rejected to settle OOC. Please can someone look at my letter to see where I'm going wrong?
  13. Sent another grovelling letter without evidence and will send evidence Tuesday with another grovelling letter. even thinking to had write a letter too to send. Thank you for your response I appreciate the resources that you sent over for me to have a look at and they do put me at ease a little bit. Again, I would like to sincerely apologise for my actions. I’ve been having panic attacks, lost appetite and sickness due to my actions. I am ashamed of what I done. I acted out of character, I believe that depression, anxiety and financial hardship led me to act selfishly and criminally against TFL and members of the general public that day. For this reason, I would like to plead with TFL and yourself to please review my case and allow me to pay an immediate fine to cover costs for this one-off act of defiance of the clearly stated rules imposed by TFL and the law. Honestly, my actions are inexcusable and I extend my deepest apologies to yourself and the rest of TFL. I appreciate TFL for the freedom pass and overall service and the hard work that it takes to maintain such a service. This service should not be taken for granted and should not, under no circumstances be misused. I do believe that my actions are not a true representation of who I am. I have always wanted to do things the right way but that day I acted completely against this ethos. I’m still trying to understand why I done what I done but I am working through this in counselling. I am working on getting corroborative evidence and will send it across in due course. I just wanted to take this opportunity to extend my apologies to the organisation again. I’m sorry that yourself and your team have to waste time and resources on people like myself who have acted in defiance against rules that are there to protect us.
  14. Would appreciate any help. Wheres the letter that you sent? They denied my evidence too
  15. My understanding was that once you’ve filled out the SJP then there’s no point trying to get an OOC settlement as you’ve already agreed to go to court
  16. Nope not yet. It’s given me until 2nd November and hope to have it dropped before then. Im trying as hard as possible but do you think it’s worth me just giving up?
  17. Okay, thanks Dx. going draft another email and post it up here
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