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Everything posted by stuber

  1. as you know I'm a taxi owner but have several drivers, quite easily I wouldn't know who the 'driver' could be . . .
  2. sorry in that case it's the CPR I'm in the process of creating the pdf for you . . . here's the CPR from Elms . . . 2023-03-28 Elms SAR return.pdf
  3. yes I did the AoS 2 days ago . . . I have started the defence but unsure which legal defence you guys say I need to do . . .
  4. For PCN's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] (must be received within 14 days from the Incident) Please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement 6.10.22 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] Sorry Can't Find It 3 Date received Sorry Can't Find It 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [Y/N?] Sorry Can't Find It 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? [Y/N?] post up your appeal] No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Vehicle Control Services 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Doncaster Airport, Bus Stop just before the Short Stay Parking For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. IPC - international parking community There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check HERE If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here - Demand for Payment, Final Demand, Notification of Instruction (from their legals), Court Summons
  5. Which Court have you received the claim from ? - Northampton, Name of the Claimant : Vehicle Control Services Limited Claimants Solicitors: Elms Legal Limited Date of issue – 17 March 2023 Date for AOS - - Yes started this but unsure of the 'contest jurisdiction' Date to submit Defence - 18th april. What is the claim for – 1. The Claim is for a breach of contract for breaching the terms and conditions set on private land. 2. The Defendant's vehicle, XXXXX, was identified in the Robin Hood Airport Doncaster on the 6/10/22 in breach of the advertised terms and conditions; namely Stopping in a restricted bus stop / stand. 3. At all material times the Defendant was the registered keeper and/or driver. 4. The terms and conditions upon entering private land were clearly displayed at the entrance and in prominent locations. 5. The sign was the offer and act of entering private land was the acceptance of the offer hereby entering into a contract by conduct. 6. The signs specifically detail the terms and conditions and the consequences of failure to comply, namely a parking charge notice will be issued, and the defendant has failed to settle the outstanding liability. 7. The Claimant seeks the recovery of the parking charge notice, contractual costs and interest. What is the value of the claim? - £255.00 Amount Claimed - £170.00 court fees - £35.00 legal rep fees - £50.00 Total Amount - £255.00 claimform.pdf
  6. Hi Caggers, I was collecting a customer from Doncaster Airport, I pulled over onto the bus stop just before the entrance to their car park, it was 10pm and I was checking the Arrivals App to see if the flight was on time . . . whilst sitting there I noticed a camera vehicle drive past me, thought nothing of it and continued to the car park to collect my passengers . . . I am a hackney carriage btw . . . I received various letters asking who was the driver etc and finally received a Final Demand, a Demand for Payment, Notification fo Instruction from a bully and then I actually received a Court Summons!! Looking on here when they first contacted me I saw that this lot have only gone to court 3 times and never won, so I'm a tad perplexed that I've received the summons unless something has changed on the legal stances? Any help or direction would be very much appreciated
  7. cheers, i've been ringing them and emailing and just getting nowhere . . . the last straw when one guy said he doesn't know how long it will be, to which I said, how long would you leave it if it were your money? He was coy about answering obviously . . . Thanks for your help, i'll update as I soon as I have something . . . Many thanks
  8. £1200, I get it, they need to ensure i'm no drug dealer etc, so i'm empathetic to their reasons, but it's getting beyond a joke . . . nope never been excluded and I bet every now and then so not a regular, it had been a particularly boring night work wise so I thought sod it, i'll go and have a play . . . yes just didn't want to go legal as such as they have plenty of cases where they've rescinded bets as per their t&c's etc . . .
  9. Hi Caggers, I went into a high street Ladbrokes in the town where I live, I started to bet and inserted a good amount of cash into the slot machine with the intention of staying there for about 30 minutes or an hour. As i'm betting and actually winning the staff behind the counter announced that the store would be shutting in 15 minutes, with me being slightly up I thought i'd cash out and return the following day. Upon approaching the counter I was told they couldn't pay out as i'd have to run ID verification with head office, I said fine no problem, i've nothing to hide and with that he gave me a leaflet with the contact details on and away I trotted. That was 11 December after numerous uploading of my passport, driving licence, bank statement, council tax form etc i'm still waiting . . . I need a plan B, what are my choices please? put up with it until it's done or force their hand someway? Many thanks in advance guys . . . Stuber
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