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Everything posted by Cardriver12

  1. Thanks both. I wasn't in the car, I saw it happen from inside a shop. One of my sons was in the back of the car though. One of the shop employees saw it, as did another of my sons, so I would hope I was fairly well covered in terms of being able to disprove a change of position on the other party's behalf. My insurance policy says to "give us as quickly as possible, full details of any incident which could lead to a claim". Since I would only claim on the other party's policy (which I'm not going to do), and they won't claim on mine (for the aforementioned reasons), I don't think that what's happened matches the statement in the policy. The main question as far as I'm concerned is whether or not my insurers will "get wind of" the nudge as the other party has reported it to their insurers, but doesn't have my policy number, although they do have my name and reg. My wife's car was damaged in a car park when we were away from the vehicle and the "offender" left a note. It sounded like they would have needed to claim on their insurance, but we took no action and just touched up my wife's car ourselves. This seems to be a similar situation, in that they would have had her reg to cite when telling their insurers about the incident, but I don't really see why they would even need it. I appreciate that my insurers would be interested to find out as my vehicle will now be at greater risk in their eyes than previously, and would consequently up my premium. However, as I mentioned earlier when quoting my policy, I'm not sure that this incident requires me to tell them.
  2. Thanks for the replies. They do have my reg. The Third Party's insurers would obviously be able to see whether or not I was insured, but would they be able to confirm the company, and if so, would they then contact the company saying what had happened? I just don't want them to find out, as I know that premiums increase, at fault or not, claiming or not. I have noted that my insurance policy states that I need to inform them of an incident that may give rise to a claim (on my policy). Since the person who hit me has admitted it, and has sent me emails saying as much, then there would be no claim against my policy, so I wouldn't need to inform them. Surely?
  3. Someone drove into me whilst I was parked. As the damage to my car was minor (no damage to theirs), I didn't want to involve insurers. They initially agreed to this, but then changed their minds, and have told their insurers. They are now asking for my insurance details, but I don''t want to give them as I'm not going to claim. It is my understanding that you only have to give them (if you're not at fault) if someone is injured, which they weren't. Does anyone have any experience of an incident like this? Cheers.
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