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  1. Sorry reg keeper is what i meant. The keeper is my husband and he doesn't want to get involved
  2. I have now received these 2 letters. Should I do anything? If requested to appear in court does the owner need to appear or can I represent them? docs 1.pdf
  3. Fab thanks. It was VCS themselves, their debt and litigation dept apparently
  4. Would you mind reviewing what I plan to send please? Also is there any way for me to limit the amount of time they have to respond? Would prefer not to have this hanging over me... Responding to your letter of claim to make it clear no payment will be forthcoming. You must really be Simple Simon if you’re not aware it’s a legal requirement to stop at a zebra crossing when someone is crossing and that this doesn’t constitute parking. Even if this wasn’t the case the Protection of Freedoms Act (POFA) 2012 Schedule 4 states that Airport land is not 'relevant land' as it is already covered by statutory byelaws and is specifically excluded from keeper liability. I see you couldn’t resist adding on unicorn food tax, you really know how to make a bad case even better (suggest you check out DDJ Harveys’ judgement at Lewes on 5 February 2020, claim number F0HM9E9Z). Please be aware that if you persist in taking this to court, I will be claiming unreasonable costs under CPR 27.14(2)(g), which I will spend on well-deserved break after having to deal with this nonsense.
  5. Right, I now have a letter before claim. Do I send a snotty letter only or do I need to fill in the reply pack too?
  6. Am I correct to think a letter before claim has to come from a solicitor? I've got a letter from VCS saying this is the final opportunity to settle claim before court proceedings are commenced and want to be sure I'm not ignoring the wrong letter...20220613_131338-converted-compressed.pdf
  7. Ah ok, just googled and realised letter before claim is when they say it's going to court, not that it's gone to debt collection! Should I respond now before their deadline, or keep waiting? Also question about keeper/driver still applies (keeper not willing to deal with the hassle as already under stress)
  8. I now have a letter of claim. It arrived this week while I was on hols, some when between 30th May and 5tj June, despite being marked on letter as posted 24th May. It gives deadline for action as 7th June. What now? Send them a snotty letter? If I post tomorrow will it get there on time? Also, the keeper will not be willing to go to court, do I say now that I was the driver? 2022-05-24 VCS Demand for payment.pdf
  9. Looking for help please.. I've received a parking charge notice from VCS I stopped at zebra crossing, person crossing was my passenger and they opened door and jumped in What action to take? I've been ignoring but now unsure 1 Date of the infringement 01/04/2022 2 Date on the NTK 06/04/2022 3 Date received 08/04/2022 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? No 7 Who is the parking company? Vehicle Control Services (VCS) 8. Where exactly Bristol Airport on main road running through airport, just in front of zebra crossing Operate under IAS 20220422_114721.pdf
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