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Everything posted by C0uldntgive

  1. Thanks for the help and advice guys. Ex 91st/93rd here myself Stu007. Situation kind of resolved , and yep 100% correct Stu - I couldnt name names or specify anything without possibly jeopardising my OH's position. SITREP - regional director was forced to get involved after SWMBO team got organised and contacted him for a sit-down and chat. Turns out - allegedly - he was unaware how far reaching the changes were - i.e shifts being changed , people giving serious thought about quitting etc. Cutting a long story short ....a compromise was reached in the meantime until their HR got it under control ( temp home manager was pulling a flanker and making changes for her own benefit - without the necessary clearance to go ahead.) Kind of irrelevant now - she applied for , and was accepted by the local council, for 2 positions and can take her pick of the jobs , I wasn't impressed as she has just passed up a redundancy payout for her service...but anything for a quiet life ,roger so far ? A chieftain nearly wiped me out in sennelager and got my revenge in BATUS by redesigning a few gonk bags that the aforementioned tankies had ( rather foolishly ) bungeed onto their wagons . Cheers again.
  2. Thanks for the reply STU007 - you a tankie perchance ? The news article was in the local press - which was down to the NHS making a PDF downloadable which was released in error , and someone noticed it ( may have been a relative of a resident ) and wasnt too pleased to hear that the place was in line for closure and nobody had even consulted them. I have a copy of the PDF , and will send you some snippets if possible. The company was in administration not too long ago AFAIK. I can provide a link but will not do it on an open forum. Wont let me pm you ? 1. Yes. Part of a major group in that sector. 2. Care home is run by the company ,but strictly for NHS funded residents. They lease the building from someone else, it isnt owned by them. Currently more staff than residents , that in itself tells you where this is heading , roger so far ? Thanks again.
  3. Sorry Emmzi - I honestly dont think thats the case here. The story was leaked to local news recently that funding was stopping. NHS here confirmed it, but the company has remained silent and gave no other details. Staff have jumped ship left, right and centre. Most/all of the vacant positions at the other homes are now filled , funnily enough. So what it looks like is that my other half now will either change to a shift pattern that will affect our work-life balance or lose a potential redundancy payment from a company thats employed her for over 25 years. Poor treatment to decent and loyal staff that have fought covid over the last 2 years. Sad day if it is Thanx again.
  4. Hi , Thanks for the tip. Ive had a quick look around it and some of it does look like this isnt being dealt with in the manner it should. I dont understand half of it to be honest , it certainly looks like my partners company is trying to push changes to avoid paying redundancy to me.
  5. Hi all. Bit of a sticky one here. Posting on behalf of the other half who isnt tech handy. She is an RMN staff nurse who has worked for the same company , at the same site , on basically the same contract for 28 years. Recently - her employer has been shedding leased buildings that the care homes are based in , there may be financial issues - I dont honestly know. Her care home may have lost their NHS funding (as care inspectorate reports show - they are rated highly ) so it is an unknown as to why this rumour has started, I can only surmise the company may be muddying the waters to cover their own tracks. I digress. Rumours begun about the future longevity of the care home, which led to staff morale plummeting and obviously nervy nurses and care workers leaving to join more 'secure' employment - which has led to remaining staff increased workload , stress etc . Now they've found out that there is a push on to alter shift times - these changes mean night shift staff starting 3 hours earlier - but day shift staff only starting 30 mins earlier ( nightshifts were a few hours shorter than days ) leading to potential childcare issues, negative impacts on family life etc. This has been done by a proposal pinned on a notice board - which staff that were off on holiday weren't aware of , and seems to be being pushed by the care home management itself...they had to choose which start time they preferred when they started doing 12 hour shifts , and no consultation whatsoever for actually changing to a 12hr shift pattern. My other half has worked there a long time - and doesnt want to alter to a 12hr pattern and is now talking about quitting. Bearing in mind the fact the company alluded to redundancies due to the NHS funding stopping -I am looking ahead and can maybe see why this is happening right now, as it stands - their care home is unusual in that it doesn't do 12 hr shifts, others nearby in the same group DO , so am I being paranoid in thinking this is the companies get out of jail card ? i.e offering suitable alternative employment , knowing that a lot of their staff at my partners care home are unable to do the 12hr shifts , leaving them no choice but to accept the 'proposed' changes or be dismissed , then losing any redundancy? Q- The shift pattern is different elsewhere right now before the proposed changes - can this be termed as 'suitable alternative employment' or not ? If not - and the company pushes through the proposals - is this constructive dismissal or unfair treatment ? Any help would be great - head buzzing with all the stress. Thanx
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