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Everything posted by runstop

  1. Thanks, not to worry. Appreciate your time. P2G have admitted some liability in one of their responses to my complaint. This is what they said (don't know if this changes things?): - " Section 49 (reasonable care and skill) we agree this has not happened following the damage. Section 54 (3) states the consumer is entitled to a repeat performance or price reduction on the service booked. Our offer is a full carriage refund and a settlement for the protection purchased when booking with us to the value of £20.00." Interestingly, P2G contracted to UPS; and UPS do not have turntables on any exclusion list as far as I am aware.
  2. I had the tone arm assembly completely replaced for new as part of servicing. This brand new tonearm has a moulded metal part that almost completely snapped off during return shipment. The counterweight that sits on the back of the tonearm, which was separated in the packaging and separately protected with bubble wrap etc. was also cracked (a plastic dial that screws onto a metal body). Honestly, the parcel must have been subjected to some serious force to have caused the damage it did as everything remained well packaged on reciept (with a few 'dings' on the box). The parcel was covered in labels advising that it was kept upright during transit and when it was delivered it was rocked/dropped from a small height on its side against my door (I have video footage of this). Don't get me wrong, it was definitely packaged well enough to sustain this sort of treatment, but it hardly fills you with confidence when you see the courier handling things like that. I have a video of the turntable in working, fully serviced state before it made its way back to me that clearly shows the serial number. Edit: Forgot to mention, I have a formal quote/invoice from the service centre for the repair, which is where the £450 comes from.
  3. That's right. When booking the return contract, I was signposted to the link that shows the prohibited items. In short: it says that they will ship turntables but they will only be covered for outright loss, not damage. And even then, only if I take out the additional cover (which I did not).
  4. Appreciated. As mentioned previously, there is a prohibited items list and it explicitly mentions turntables. They fall under the 'Items protected for loss only' section - https://www.parcel2go.com/prohibited-items The original claim I filed with P2G only stated the combined value of both turntables (separate parcels, same order - inherited from the declared value I think), which is well in excess of what I am claiming damages for. Because of this, is it not prudent to still include the monetary amount I am pursuing? The situation is a little unusual as repair is the only remediation route as this equipment has not been manufactured for many years so cannot be outright replaced.
  5. Understood, and rest assured my intent isn't to make things difficult. I can't edit the previous post so I tried to remove even further scope for ambiguity with the following:-
  6. The collection was referring to the pickup of the parcel from the service centre for return delivery but I can see how that could be misconstrued. I've edited my post.
  7. I've drafted a Letter of Claim (attached) which I will both email and snail mail if you believe it's the sensible route forward? I welcome your comments. I've also registered on the Money Claim site but am yet to complete any of the paperwork. I'm also planning to spend more time reading up on things (spent another hour or two earlier). I doubt you've read the full email dialogue I attached previously, however it seems P2G are hiding behind Section 54 (3) of the Consumer rights:- If the service does not conform to the contract, the consumer’s rights (and the provisions about them and when they are available) are— (a)the right to require repeat performance (see section 55); (b)the right to a price reduction (see section 56). They deduce from this that are only obligated to refund me the courier costs (which they have offered to do). What are your thoughts on that? LOC_P2GO@20220308.pdf
  8. Apologies for the confusion and thanks again. Are you still of the opinion that my primary route to resolution/complaint should be via Parcel2Go, or would you recommend continuing to apply the pressure on UPS directly, given that they are ultimately the ones culpable? My main gripe about the whole situation is having one entity own the situation. Parcel2Go don't seem to want to talk to UPS. UPS will deal with me insofar that I can probably get them to pick the item up for inspection, but what happens beyond that point is anybody's guess as they're telling me they'll only communicate outcomes/next steps with Parcel2Go It just feels to me like a recipe for further problems/losses.
  9. I have spent an hour or so reading the various stories in this board and I was of the impression that even without additional cover, there is laibility. It was your initial reply to my post here that cast some doubt in my mind
  10. There are exclusions that apply to the additional cover you can take out with Parcel2Go. See the items only covered for loss section here, where musical equipment is referenced - https://www.parcel2go.com/prohibited-items The outbound and return journeys were two separate transactions with P2G. I purchased additional cover for the outbound journey but Parcel2Go then pro-actively contacted me to advise that because it was a turntable I was shipping, I would not be covered for damages. Because of this, I made the decision not to purchase any additional cover for the return journey (it was too late to renege on the cover I had already purchased for outbound). It was during the return journey - with no additional cover purchased - that the item was damaged. Is it simply the case that without the additional cover, I am up the creek, so to speak?
  11. Thanks. I think you've understood this, but just to be 100% clear: The exclusion list I'm referring to relates to the additional cover I took out with Parcel2Go for the outbound journey (note, *not* the return journey during which the damage occurred). There is no exclusion list in terms of the naked shipping (well there is, but it doesn't feature turntables); Indeed, musical equipment like this is referenced specifically in some of P2G's blurb advising you ensure they are packed in flight cases or original packaging if you are shipping them (which they were). The outlook isn't looking great then it seems, and I may be resigned to chalking this up to a very bad mistake. The unnerving thing is: I'm going to have to repeat this whole process in order to get my equipment repaired, it will be with a different courier though and I'll be going direct with them. I am still in dialogue with UPS and as far as I know my claim is still open. I suspect I could probably arrange another inspection with a bit of pushing but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely apprehensive about taking this route. UPS have already told me that they will not share the outcome of the inspection with me (only Parce2Go), and Parcel2Go are not agreeing to liaise with UPS on my behalf. I'm not sure there are many peope that would hand over a £1000 piece of electrical equipment without any assurance as to where it's going, what UPS will be doing with it, or if they'll ever see it again; especially considering UPS broke it last time round without so much as removing it from its box! If it's of any help, I've attached some of the dialogue with UPS (redacted my email address/names and some other identifiable info). Doubt it changes your opinion but would appreciate your thoughts regrdless if you have the time to read through (apologies for awkward line breaks). Edit: FYI, I'm already mindful I am referncing a government act in my complaint that isn't applicable for domestic freight. I didn't realise at the time. runstop_ups_dialogue.pdf
  12. Hi all, Hoping for some advice on how I am best to proceed with a claim against Parcel2Go/UPS for a parcel of mine that they damaged through negligence/mishandling. Summary I arranged for courier of a pair of turntables (2 x parcels) to a service centre for repair, and then arranged for them to be couriered back to me. Both outbound and inbound were via UPS, purchased through Parcel2Go. It's probably of little consequence, however I paid Parcel2Go for addtional insurance cover for the outbound trip. Once I discovered that turntables were on their exclusion list though, I forewent paying any incremental cover for the return trip. The service repair cost me £900, and on return receipt of the two parcels (outbound was fine), I realised that UPS had damaged one of the units in transit. A completely new part that was fitted is snapped, and another detachable part of the device has been cracked. In addition to this, I have doorbell video footage of the parcel being mishandled by the courier (although I don't believe this particular interaction is what caused the damage). The cost for me to arrange (repeat) repair of the damage that has been caused is £450 including labour and I rasied claims both with Parcel2Go and UPS the day of receipt. Parcel2Go have offered their standard £20 recompense and refund of courier charges, which I have so far not accepted. They seem unwilling to pursue the matter further dispite protracted dialogue over email/live chat and escalations to their CEO. UPS did begin by attempting collection of the turntable for inspection, however this was completely without notice/context so I declined to hand the parcel over to them. When I then contacted them to enquire about next steps, they refused to deal with me directly and repeatedly referred me to Parcel2Go, advising it is they who need to co-ordinate any claim and they who would be in receipt of any recompense etc. This is unless Parcel2Go provide UPS authority to deal with me directly (something I have requested of them, but they have failed to act on. Next steps? From reading other cases on this forum, would it be right of me to assume that a sensible next step would be an LOC directed at UPS - with intent to raise via Small Claims Court if it isn't responded to? I'm guessing in doing so, I can be cofident in citing the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 as a reason why UPS should be willing to deal with me directly? I assume I've a reasonable case here, bearing in mind I did not take out any additional cover with P2G for the return leg? Thanks.
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