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Everything posted by gooner938

  1. Hello all, Just an update, I've already paid the fine of £629 as agreed with my employer. After reading the plea form, I was charged with "Contrary to byelaw 17(1) and 23 of the Transport for London Railway Byelaws made under paragraph 26 of Schedule 11 to the Greater London Authority Act 1999 and confirmed under section 67 of the Transport Act 1962." I'm still deciding whether I would like to proceed with Statutory Declaration, but I'm unsure whether I can possible reverse the conviction? And possibly whether I could get some money back? If so, how much you reckon?
  2. @dx100ukWhat's the difference between standard dbs and enhanced dbs? Can you you change the title as it's not confirmed if I have a criminal record
  3. Do you think it's possible for them to remove the criminal record once I have paid the full fine and considering they got my address wrong? And even if I did get a criminal record, why didn't it not show up on my DBS today? Sorry for the questions.. I'm just worried
  4. The letter I got today from London Collection and Compliance didn't say whether I would get a criminal record or not... and it didn't even show in the DBS checker I did today Yes it was for a freedom pass I stupidly used which I regret... Used it a number of times but didn't tell the inspector how many exactly The inspector pulled me to one side and searched me, at the time I told them I stupidly had the card for no good reason How serious is the criminal record? Will it stop me for doing or getting certain things? As I never had the opportunity to write to TFL, do you think I could potentially get an OOC instead?
  5. Hello, Earlier this year I was stopped by a ticket inspector at one of the London Underground stations for using a someone else's freedom pass. The inspector took my details and kindly returned back to me the card only to give it back to the original person. Weirdly I've never heard back from TFL since that event happened, during that time I was panicking and depressed, I even called TFL customer helpline 30 times asking for advice and what's next, but at the time I never got the letter so I didn't had any reference number at all.... 8 months later... I received an email from one of the management team from work today saying they received a letter from the London Collection and Compliance, it said I had to pay a fine of £629 but the letter had no explanation of what the fine was. I suspected it was to do with the incident with the ticket inspector earlier this year, I called London Collection and Compliance and they confirmed it. Funny enough, the letter from the London Collection and Compliance had my home address wrong.. correct street name and post code but the wrong house number... London Collection and Compliance has now updated my address to be correct, but also suggested me to email the magistrate court and request for a Statutory Declaration because of the wrong address. All this time, I reckon the TFL letters were sent to my neighbours and unfortunately they never gave it to me... I sent an email to magistrate court requesting for Statutory Declaration with the explanation that I never received any letters and that I would've replied if I had received the letters correctly. I also attached the letter from London Collection and Compliance that shows my home address incorrectly and attached proof of my actual home address. I even mentioned in my email that I was happy to pay the full amount of the fine for now, mainly for a good gesture but wanting Statutory Declaration to get some refund back in the future if possible, but also included my concerns of getting a criminal record that it may affect my job, future opportunities, going abroad etc... Will I get a criminal record out of this? Today I even did a DBS basic check via the gov website and thankfully nothing came up! Thanks in advance!
  6. 3 mts Freedom Pass Misuse - **WON OOC and Formal Warning Letter ** - Public transport (Trains, tubes and buses) - Consumer Action Group Out of interest, when did you get caught and how long did it take for you to get the letter from TFL?
  7. tfl summons to court, misuse of freedom pass. confused with letter - Public transport (Trains, tubes and buses) - Consumer Action Group Out of interest, when did you receive the first letter from TFL?
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