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  1. MMnn... not sure you need to do this. I didn't (neither did lots of others.) Have just paid my cheque into bank this morning. Foxy Please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong but I didn't read that you have to do that anywhere in the procedures.
  2. Nothing else to do Sarahdactyl. Just sit tight and wait for good news! You should be send cheque automatically. Best of Luck ukwbg
  3. Hold your nerve guys. It really does work. You will get all your money back I DID. :) :) Cheque arrived in the post this morning (flex account was closed last year) for the full amount claimed less £50 which I have no inclination to quibble over. Haven't stopped grinning yet. Just want to say thanks to all you lovely people on here without whom I would have probably lost my bottle ages ago. Special thanks to Dolly I have noticed how much help you are giving to as many people as you can on here. You are remarkable. The support on here is fantastic and an amazing example of people sticking together and fighting for justice. Without getting all soppy its actually very moving. Will be back to donate as soon as the cheque's cleared and now have the confidence and will be taking a close look at Barclaycard in the next few days. Bestest ukwbg end of acceptance speech God bless Nationwide
  4. Me again. No news from me but keeping everything crossed. My account was closed by NW last year so hoping thy are in the process of raising a cheque. Keep us posted. ukwbg
  5. That's great news. Well done.... just going to check my account now.. back in a minute. ukwbg
  6. Think I should join this club too. Just want to say be patient. I for one know its easier said than done.. my claim was also acnowledged on the 13th by Mr Bacon with an "intends to defend". At the end of the day this buys Mr Bacon et al 28 days to make a defence or otherwise (otherwise being pay up). I would try not to worry until that time is up. I realise its hard when you see others being paid much quicker but I suggest we wait till 28 days from acknowledgement and if we haven't heard anything by then (which we should) then panic. LOL They prob do them in batches and have a backlog. Best wishes ukwbg
  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That's great news. :) Enjoy it. ukwbg
  8. Thanks for that Dolly. You are a valuable member of this site. Thanks and looking forward to giving back to the site. ukwbg ps. oh and a nice celebratory drink but trying not to count my chickens and all that.....
  9. Mmm, papers served and acknowledged... Charles Bacon is to defend claim. I think this is standard procedure but can someone please confirm this for me. Also not sure if its 14 days or 28 days from my money claim online till payday. Going to read through all posts again to seeif I can find the answers but in the meantime if anyone can help??? ukwbg
  10. kydcarmen Thanks and yours will be on its way very soon i'm sure. alisarah no advice other than the waiting for the statements is probably the hardest (longest) bit. Once you've got that its pretty straightforward. Also good idea to start your own thread and you can ask any spcific questions you have. As you've prbably already seen there are many on here ready and willing to answer your queries. Just read all the forums, study and understand the templates and follow the stages step by step and you'll be fine. Good luck and best wishes. ukwebgirl
  11. Posted my money claim online today.. Seems like everything has gone according to plan so far and now I wait. Fingers (and everything else) crossed. Hoping to report some good news soon. ukwg
  12. Thanks for the speedy response kydcarmen. Looking forward to putting my claim in. Seems to have been a long waiting game so far. As always best of luck with your claim. By all accounts you should be celebrating in a matter of days.. Best wishes, ukwg
  13. Couple of quick questions of anyone here is able to help please. Firstly my LBA 14 day deadline is fast approaching and I just wanted to make sure that the next step is making my claim against Nationwide on the moneyclaim site (have already registered)?? Secondly, my flex account was closed in 2005. Does anyone know if Nationwide will pay my claim into my cashbuilder account (still open) or have they been known to send a cheque. Thanks in advance for any and all answers. ukwg
  14. Sent LBA today c/o Deborah Desborough (you couldn't make it up) at Member Account Servicing, 1st Floor Electra House, Farnsby Street, Swindon SN2 1SR telephone number FYI is 01793 712 603 ukwg
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