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  1. All done. Ready to send it tomorrow first thing in the morning CAG_Particularised Statement.pdf
  2. It is on Page 28-29 of the same document (bundle). And it is as follows:
  3. Please see witness statement draft attached. I will be reviewing it this weekend so I can send it to all parties later next week. Witness Statement.pdf
  4. See Notice of Allocation attached. Notice of Alocation to the Small Claims Track (Hearing).pdf
  5. I have now received the Notice of Allocation, and separately Parcel2Go's bundle (see attached). I'll have to send the bundle now, containing my defence. I assume the content in the sticky thread below should be my defence? Binder4.pdf
  6. I'm sorry about this, £1280 is a lot of money. Hope you can get it back from these criminals.
  7. There had been none! I had sent the DQ (see attached) on 13th April. opting for Mediation however I never received a response. I did receive a letter two weeks ago: The Defendant, you have been sent Notice of Proposed Allocation to Track which specified the date by which you were required to return the Directions Questionnaire. You have failed to file the DQ with the CCBC by the date specified in the Notice. However it seems Parcel2Go have now responded and filed their DQ (only yesterday!). See below: N180 Directions Questionnaire.pdf
  8. Parcel2Go.com Limited filed a DQ on 27/06/2022 Your claim was transferred to GUILDFORD on 27/06/2022
  9. Directions Questionnaire sent to the County Court Business Centre. Also served (via e-mail) to Parcel2Go.com. Opting for mediation. Let's see how that goes.
  10. Agreed. So am I to receive the DQ through a letter soon? Do I need to Request Judgment through MCOL?
  11. I keep seeing the moderators removing names from letters etc Hence why the name was removed. It was signed by C Walton.
  12. So nothing has changed on the Money Claims website. The status of the claim remains as it was when I filed it. From my understanding after reading the forum, a Directions Questionnaire will now have to be filled by both parties? Will I be receiving something from the judge to fill?
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