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  1. A little update from this, Owner has recently seen his premium go up massively with a claim of 5,000, still going down the insurance route but after informing him I've seeked advice/suggestions (not just here) he has changed his views. Now says me having his vehicle at any point were lent out on a "friends" basis and he doesn't hire his vehicles out. Surely this cannot be correct with someone performing a trade and still has our vehicle that still needs a major repair and it's been months with delay after delay? Also says he finally spoke to the person on the phone (the contact details given to me during the accident) and they the company are now saying it has been returned to the hired company and written off with the garage owner taking the blame on his trade insurance. I've said I would co operate in explaining and providing a statement/pictures as I feel I am not 100% at fault but he seems enraged with him taking zero responsibility in providing his own vehicle correctly to his customers.
  2. Thanks for the reply. 1. Yes, one of his services is taking the repaired car to his garage in exchange of his own list of cars he has available or turn up to his garage and exchange. 2. Yes and it's a T bone accident by me turning right but my defence is already being out the junction to which they stopped the vehicle then accelerated quickly on a turn right only central lane to cut across and smash into the front of the car. Taken pictures of both vehicles and debris of where they taken over on the wrong lane to attempt an overtake. But they have two staff members who were in the other vehicle so only have pictures as my defence with a statement I wrote down on the day to remember everything correctly. I also forgot to mention he told his insurance company my details which is why I would expect the NIP.
  3. I were recently in an accident with another vehicle earlier this month and swapped details of both myself and the owner of the garage etc no police were contacted and both able to return as normal. After contacting the garage they then inform me later on, in the day they required my own insurance to cover the cost only to be a named driver on the one being repaired and informed them of this. I then requested they come collect the vehicle in which they did days later. Didn't hear much more until recently with the owner of the garage contacting in abit of a panic for insurance details again and explained once more being a named driver on the policy, His insurance has received a '3rd party allegation' in which the garage owner has passed my details on for being the driver. I and others have used this person for years and when we first used him I would ask him verbally how come we can swap vehicles and he informed me he had business insurance to cover anyone whilst their vehicle gets repaired and this is clearly a lie. I did get some legal advice and one of them were to wait for a Notice of Intended Prosecution but i am concerned the owner might not be telling the truth to their own insurance or not telling them what happened?? Should I hand myself in the police and tell them the garage isn't being honest? Any help or experience/expertises would be greatly appreciated.
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