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  1. I owned a home (joint ownership, joint mortgage) with my ex-girlfriend. We sold the house over 2 years ago, and the proceeds are being held in a client account by my solicitor until the split is agreed. The proceeds of sale total around 54,000, with my 50% 'claim' being 27,000. However, my ex offered me £5000 from the proceeds (which was just insulting considering we split all expenses equally). I have offered to take £15000 just to get things cleared away. It's nowhere near what I paid in, but it's a year's salary for me and I was willing to lose the money to avoid legal fees that I can't afford. Since her first lowball offer, my ex has 'ghosted' and will not reply. She will not reply to emails or letters from my solicitor, and did not attend mediation. The proceeds were previously in her solicitors account, but were transferred to a client account held we my solicitor when she decided to leave her solicitor. It seems that neither of us can touch the money, however my ex seems to be holding out as she watches me financially ruin myself with legal fees. My lawyer advised me that the next step is court, but court fees are £10,000. However, I was of the understanding that they are 5% for a claim of this size. Either way, as a Carer on little more than minimum wage (and having already build up a sizable bill with my solicitor for past services), I simply don't have the money to take this further. Is there any way I can get around the initial cost barrier of court? It's frustrating as my money is just sitting there, but I don't have the money to access it. Is there a time limit to bring a claim to court in these circumstances? Will there be any enforcement issues with the release of money (currently held by solicitors) following a judgement - e.g. will my ex still need to agree to the release of funds? Are court costs typically recoverable under these circumstances? Will I be entitled to any interest from my ex on the funds that she is causing a delay in the release of? What happens if I can't take my ex to court? Will the money sit with the solicitors forever?
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