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  1. thank you will do both - i’ve tried calling nacro but if they’re busy you’re not put on hold they just cut so i will email but try call again tomorrow.
  2. they did not tell me will i receive this in a letter? the assumption was that it would just come with the fine so they gave me the number for nacro is there any way to know? i can’t do an enhanced dbs on myself
  3. update: i went to court as they didn’t respond to my email. asked the prosecutor for an OOC but he did not allow it although his reasons were not great i went to court and was given a fine and they were sympathetic as i was a low income earner. however, i’m still worried about the record and they advised me to look into citizens advice or nacro thank you guys for your help - the prosecutors were not budging sadly they made me sign for each offence separately so they removed the ones that were not me
  4. sure, this is the email i will send today unless there are any changes i should make? Dear Sir/Madam, I am emailing as I wish to ask for an out of court settlement regarding my case (case number). I realise that my actions have caused TFL financial harm and for that I am truly sorry, and would like to help remedy this in any way. Whilst there is no excuse for my actions, at the time, I was struggling to afford transport as a student working only 6 hours a week. Student finance did not provide maintenance for masters and on top of this, I was on universal credit during that time. I have since been paying for the travel using my bank card and despite going into overdraft multiple times, I continued to pay the full fare for the past 4 months and will continue to do so. This is a mistake I truly regret and am willing to pay the entire amount stated to settle this as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Kind regards,
  5. okay i will email thank you. had exams so i was a bit MIA. and yes, there’s a letter with the one offence and then the sheet with the other offences but no place to sign to each of them separately
  6. i am confused. i read threads and used it to write the original letter (threads have said to add proof etc) but i did not see anything on how to do an on the day ooc maybe i missed it the court letter has been signed and i intend to plead guilty but i have not sent it as it says i can take it with my on the day
  7. The first one I apologised, said I have since paid with my bank card and have proof and said I will pay the fine if we can settle out of court. Now that they have said no, I am writing what I will say in court to ask for no criminal record if they reject my OOC on the day
  8. 21 out of 23 so not a huge difference. I sent a letter to TFL but it was rejected so i am trying to amend it to read out at court
  9. Hi, as i am writing the letter i was just wondering if i should mention i am a law student or if this will look bad on me and if i should mention that some journeys were not made by me (or admit to them all)
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