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Everything posted by helpneeded.

  1. Their story behind not having an address is that they are an online only company. It is the same company. If you google search AK Vehicle Management Limited and then click website under the Google pop-up, it takes you to akvehicle.com. So most likely is just different branding. Yes, their website has many red flags that suggest it's not a legitimate company. The companies house registered number is 09000483.
  2. Yes, the company is extremely dodgy. I've obtained a copy of one of the hire agreements and the driving licence number of the form is fake. Other details, e.g. date of birth, are also wrong. The website of the company AK Vechicles | Just another WordPress site (akvehicle.com) The website says 'We understand the pressures faced by PCO drivers so we do everything we can to ensure you can spend as much time as possible on the road. We will take care of your PCNs, PCO testing, servicing, MOT and insurance, leaving you to focus on earning a living.' I think this company is just a company that fraudulently offers this scam as a service. I've reported them to trading standards but don't think that really did anything.
  3. When I challenge the enforcement notices, the challenges are successful, it's not the case that the local councils think that it's me. They just don't have any system in place for this situation and have no flexibility to consider unique situations or do anything that isn't per their textbook. Ultimately, when I share the Action Fraud reports which say that it isn't me, that does the trick The admin burden is still huge though, a CCJ could be issued against me at any time, sometimes I have very limited time to challenge as the bailiffs are already at the final enforcement stage by the time I find out about the charges and this generally is a mental burden on. So all very difficult.
  4. I've had penalty charges issued by TfL and a variety of London local councils. I've also had a few private parking charges. In total I've probably contested about 30 charges (i.e. ones I've received enforcement notices) and I know that there are many more out there from doing a Subject Access Request on a bailiff. I've contacted TfL and the various local councils; they say there's nothing they can do to stop this and that I should just challenge each charge when I receive an enforcement notices through the TEC route. Neither Action Fraud nor my MP have been of any help either.
  5. I shared various news articles of other identity fraud stuff with my MP and asked her about this but she said the articles weren’t helpful as the fact patterns were slightly different. How would I reach out to the pres myself? And think I’d ultimately have to make it an article about the system failing as a whole? The company is AK Vehicle Management Limited. AK Vechicles | Just another WordPress site WWW.AKVEHICLE.COM The ‘no hassle’ tab goes on to say ‘We will take care of your PCNs …’, the phone number is fake, and the website contains very poorly written English. These factors make me very suspect of it, which is why I tried to take this to the police in person. I managed to speak to a victim support adviser at ActionFraud but they just told me I had to keep challenging the PCNs one by one. I’ve gone to the police but they tell me they do not have the power to investigate this as it falls under Action Fraud’s jurisdiction.
  6. Not very well, unfortunately. My MP has explored various avenues but unfortunately, it doesn't seem like there is a solution. Victim Support Groups aren't able to help with this case as they don't deal with circumstances such as mine and I keep receiving more and more PCNs. The company that I know that at least some of the vehicles have been hired from has developed a website that is very very dodgy (and refers to them "sorting out PCNs"). I went to their registered address in person and discovered that they do not have an office and just use the address for mailing purposes (although they have never responded to my letters). I took this to the police but was just told to inform Action Fraud and when I do that ... nada happens. Not too sue what else I can do to end this trauma once and for all.
  7. Yes, i rented out a room in it. I've reached out to the agency I rented from previously but they didn't respond and I think they may have ceased to operate now
  8. I went to the police station and spoke to a police officer about my case, and presented evidence. Through submitting subject access requests on various entities, I also have a possible phone number and email address for an employee of the company that is hiring out the vehicles (and having investigated further (and with new info coming to light) I think the company is itself fraudulent). However, the police informed me that I should supply all evidence to Action Fraud / National Fraud Intelligence Bureau as it is AF / NFIB who deal with fraud matters rather than the police. I did as much, however, they said that they do not have a line of inquiry to proceed (despite me providing one). I've looked into victim support lines, however, they all seem to provide emotional support. I am looking for practical support on how to resolve the issue rather than emotional support.
  9. Does anyone else have any suggestions of what to do? I've gone to the police, action fraud, my MP etc. but no one will help and I keep receiving more and more enforcement notices. It takes hours to sort each one out and the threat of enforcement is forever hanging over me
  10. It doesn't show the creditor and let's you know this before you go through the payment process for the search. You have to pay per address but any Judgements are almost certainly looked with the same old address that all the penalty charges went to.
  11. Yep. Will check my credit file again in light of this but all my addresses I've the last 3-5 years are on there and before that I lived abroad. It doesn't say who the creditor is.
  12. I've frequently been checking my credit file over time (approx. every couple of months) I've just done a search of CCJs online and the search suggests that there is one Judgement that was given out on 27 April (and I dont think I've checked my credit file since then).
  13. I cant be anything like that. I no longer use an overdraft (only did when I was a student but never went over the limit) and don't have a credit card. All my bank accounts have also been updated with my various addresses as ans when I've moved places. I've always updated them swiftly to keep a higher credit score.
  14. My mortgage broker has now informed me that I have various County Court Judgements in my name. I havent received any notice of these Judgements and wondering why there are these? They are surely related to the penalty notices. I've looked online and it looks like I have to pay £275 to file an N224 form per CCJ and go through a court process which will take ages and prevent me from buying a house.
  15. I have a letter from my employer stating that I was abroad for the whole time that offences have been incurred (that I aware of so far). I'm continuing to submit the necessary forms to challenge those offences that I am aware of and am writing a letter to my MP for more long-term assistance. Thanks all.
  16. I still have not received the Court Order and a lot of time has passed. When I call the court, the automated system asks me to email but they are not responding to my emails. I've also just had 4 more enforcement notices arrive for PCNs for failing to comply with a prohibition on certain types of vehicle issued by Hackney Council so as working on a letter to my MP as the endless PCNs are consuming too much of my life. Do you know what forms I need to submit to challenge the new penalty notices? Is it PE2/PE3 forms this time around?
  17. Yes, I set up a royal mail redelivery before moving this time so I get mail which is sent to my old address. If the 14 days starts from the date the order is sent, I should be able to send the TE7 form again then.
  18. Thank you Bailiff Advice, I have submitted the forms. The hire agreement will likely be from the same company as previously but I can ask it for it again. I've asked re the address the notices were sent to and they were sent to my old address. I mentioned this on my forms and provided evidence that I was out of the country with work.
  19. I tried calling the police at the beginning of the process but they directed me to action fraud. I've been speaking to them but in short they say there isn't much they can do really
  20. Hi, I have just received a notice of enforcement from Newlyn explaining that I did not pay a PCN incurred for parking or loading in a restricted street where restrictions were in force and that they will seize my goods tomorrow if I don't pay the amount now. However, (i) I have not received any notice relating to the PCN as I think that they were sent to my old address (I wasn't living in the country at the time of the contravention) and (ii) the offences were not committed by me (someone has stolen my identity and hired cars in my name). I have called Waltham Forest council (the council who issued the notices) and they have explained that they can't halt or pause enforcement now that they have escalated it to the TEC and it has gone to the bailiffs and that my only cause of action is to submit TE7 and TE9 forms. However, I did this previously when I received a notice of enforcement from a different local authority (same situation as here) and I recall someone mentioning that I would have been better not to file the forms (after I had already done so). As such, I just wanted to check whether people thought filing the TE7 and TE9 forms asap was the best course of action? Thanks
  21. Unfortunately, I have now received another notice of enforcement from Newlyn (enforcement agent) relating to a PCN issued by Waltham Forest council. I've spoken to the council and insisted that they take control of the PCN back from the TEC but they insisted that they cannot do this and that I should submit TE7 and TE9 forms. Is doing so the best cause of action?
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