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Everything posted by mikeb1

  1. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support their. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Hi stigman what is the name given to the final letter you mentioned it before, but I can't seem to find it When contacting the Ombudsman, do I need to send all the details to them, i.e. the contact etc, or just explain why I think the bank are wrong to dismiss my section 75 claim stigman
  3. Thanks unclebulgaria67 and stigman. I have complained to the bank again via email, asking for top management to look at the case again, I will ask the bank for the final letter, if that does not work, so then do I have to go through the motion of the FSO , and when they refuse take the claim to court ? I am Scottish, we don't have county courts per se. Think it maybe Glasgow district court, so if any Scots can help on that one I would be much obliged... Will do some research though the bank agreed with holiday club that the 2nd part of the deal was a legal contract on a seperate entity. My wife and I were in the room with one person and we are both adamant that an uncancable clause was never mentioned. The 14 day cooling off was for the gran canaria part of the deal. But holiday club are saying the 2 week world wide deal was not cancable and the bank agreed.
  4. Thanks for your reply. How do I complain to the bank ? The DCA ARE intrum justitia Hi Stigman Thanks for your reply. The bank has already told me to go to the ombudsman if I did not agree with the decision, so I guess that's my next move. is there any good templates for writing to the ombudsman, or just tell it like it is
  5. Hi All I hope I am posting in the corret thread here, if not can admin move it... I signed up for a deal with Holiday Club in Gran Canaria, and when I got home I started asking around forums if they were ligit. People PmD ME from the GC forum and told me not to touch them with a barge pole, as they never give you the dates that you ask for, when you want to take your holiday. Long story short. I used the 14 day cooling off period when I got home, and decided to cancel. In the contract put in front of me, it clearly said that I could cancel. But hidden in the back of the forms, was a clause that I could not cancel the second part of the dea,l as the deal was for 2 weeks world wide holiday and 3 weeks in GC or mainland Spain. I paid £600 deposit by CC with the option to pay another £600 in 14 days after I was home. I attempted to claim the initial 600 back under section 75, my bank Santander, said it was a forgone conclusion that I would get the money back. A week later they called me, after holiday club had contacted them, and changed their tune. Angry enough at that, I put it down to a bad experience. But ow they are pursuing me for the other £600 through a debt collection agency based in Dublin. What I would like to know is if they can take me to court if I refuse to pay ? any input greatly appreciated
  6. Thanks for this Michael we will phone them and quote this figure Mike
  7. Hi IMS thanks for your quick reply,but what are CMCs ? Mike
  8. Hi The above company did PPI claim for my wife and they took 50% of the claim for themselves,is there anyway to dispute this it was only £220 but they want exactly half . Mike
  9. Hi All Just to let you know that this is still ongoing all these months down the line. The latest update today is Tesco are not interested in pursuing the foreign trucker, they have told my daughter that they have the drivers details, but as someone said early in this thread, that because the trailer registration is different from the cab , there is nothing they can do,and that she can`t expect them to go chap his door in Bulgaria. and that the only way they will pay out is if she accepts liability for the accident. She is waiting to here back from the traffic cop who attended the accident scene. She will now officially report the accident as a crime. Mike.
  10. Hi Sam Trying to get her to do this now. And yes the trucker never got my girls details either.
  11. No what good would that do ? we have the drivers regi number and have contacted his uk agent but they are avoiding us like the plague. Are you thinking if we go via the police then the Manchester agent has to act quickly ? Best Mike
  12. Hi update is no one wants to know. the Manchester agent denied all knowledge of the email we sent them re-the accedient, and the message that was left on their answer machine. Got a hold of them on the phone yesterday, but waitting on reports they say. Could take weeks. Will post when any change. Mike.
  13. We have more hope now as we have a chance of going through something similar to MIB, won`t know till monday, will post results, this thread should help others in the future. Thanks to all of you who responded. Best Mike.
  14. Hi We have the truckers regi now thanks to a cop my daughter knows, we have also contacted drive assist (through Arnold Clark) they won`t take the case on, We have found the trukers uk agent who are from Manchester, they couldn`t help they said as no one speaks Bulgarian. May try help hire as we didn`t have the regi number when we contacted them. Who is MIB ? Thanks for your imput Mike.
  15. Her insurers are in the process of sending for the police report, but my daughter never got a copy of the police report, I here what all you guys are saying she will defo have to go through her insurers, but I fear the worse here. Best Mike.
  16. When her insurance is due for renewal and the case has not yet been settled surely this would affect her no claims ? I have seen another case on here involving TESCO that took 11 months to settle. I think also when my daughter is paying over a grand a year for insurance that her insurer would be obliged to help her, but I guess that`s not how these legal insurance scams work. Another problem she has is if tesco act for her she`s got to pay almost a grand up front for excess, which she doesn`t have.Thanks for your input. Best Mike.
  17. Hi All My Daughter was lucky to escape with her life the other night, when she was hit by a Bulgarian artic lorry driver, Tesco insurance her insurer won`t pursue the case for her unless she makes a claim through her own insurance, it was the truckers fault and she can`t afford to claim her insurance as this would put her already extortionate policy through the roof. It seems the police who took both their details won`t help either by telling her the truckers details etc. Does anyone know if their is anything she can do, she can`t afford a lawyer, the injury lawyers were on the phone via tesco with all sorts of crap about claiming phoney injuries, but these scoundrels are not interested in helping trace the driver. Surely the trucker can`t just walk away from this without being liable. She also stands to lose 2 and half grand out of the finance deal if she has to go the route of claiming her own insurance.....is there anyone to approach for help ? Mike.
  18. Hi I put a cheque in the bank last week which was for American dollars. I was told there would be a charge for processing the cheque which was fine, but before the cheque has even cleared the bank has taken the fee, leaving me overdrawn on my account. Is this my fault ? or are the Allieance& Leicester/ Santander out of order, by the time they take their charges, they will make more out of the cheque than me. Any advice appreciated. Mike.
  19. After taking part in a Europeran exchange trip in 2008, for which I was awarded a grant from Erasmus, (the organisation responsible for student exchanges within Europe), I am now being chased to pay this money back or I will not be permitted to graduate this summer. As I undertsand it Erasmus offer this fund to all European undergraduates who take an approved exchange trip i.e. as part of a language course. As it was a compulsory element of my Spanish degree I had to go to Spain on exchange last year. Throughout the organising stages I was advised by my university about Erasmus' details. I was informed that students in most European countries receive £440 pounds per month of exchange for rent etc. Paid in two installments the first 70% and the second upon succesful completion 30%. Before I left Scotland I received a cheque for £630 approx, for flights and deposit for lodgings etc, which I spent. After some bad experiences on the exchange I came home to Scotland without completeing the specified minimum residency. Thus I now need to pay this back. My problem is, before going on exchange I was advised an Erasmus co-ordinator would meet me at my destination and assist me in finding suitable lodgings and enrolling at university in Spain, this never happened and despite efforts to find help I never got any. Also after returning to university in Scotland I discovered that instead of the previously specififed 30% payment upon succesful completion of the programme my peers where receiving more than double what they received in the intial payment. Thus we felT misled and some insued some uneccesary debts, under the impression that the second payment would not cover costs the faced. I am hoping that some one may have some information about avoiding paying back this money as I had already spent most of it, on return flgihts and deposit and one months rent in Spain. Erasmus had not met the standards they has advertised before I signed up to their programme.
  20. Hi Can anyone tell me if the council tax can arrest my wifes account for non paid bill I had when we wer`nt together ?
  21. Thanks for the link Andy but that letter sounds a bit ify
  22. Hi all Got letter from buchananclark + wells who say they are coming to my home regarding an unpaid council tax bill.I have told them several times that I have been in contact with citizens advice who have contacted all of my creditors and are trying to come to an arrangement with a payment plan for all concerned.They say they have not been informed of this and keep harrassing me.I told them to contact the council and they would let them know whats happening,but it doesn`t stop them harrassing me.I seen a post somewhere which said I have the right not to let them into my home,but cant find it now,can anyone point me to a link,or give me advice regarding the law here in Scotland?as I think it was an English post I saw anyhow. CAB never intended to write to them only the city council regarding the matter,they are now threating to arresst my bank account,help please.
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