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  1. Thanks, it was mentioned the person doing this was someone called Tony Taylor on the MSE forum. It was spotted due to the price charged and the person who spotted this was right. Seems he is "well known"
  2. An honest opinion is better then no opinion otherwise I would not have come to the forums for advice etc.
  3. I am going to speak to him about it when he is back in the office. It is no exaggeration when I say over the years (quite a number) it appears to have been several thousand tickets
  4. thank you , ive checked and there to many different parking notices, I found a couple from last week and I went to the parking companies website and they already have appeals in progress Reading the MSE thread it seems that someone is making use of what might look like a loophole , charging for it and making money due to the volumes involved. Then the company i work for and others are saving money because they appear to know they can make use of this loophole I am not however going to identify any of the parties involved
  5. I was just going of what someone said on the mse parking page If it isnt fraud then maybe not a problem. I think i was more shocked by how long its been happening and the ease of them doing it, thats why it appears to have spread to other haulage firms
  6. I have got copies of them and they look genuine, i went to the company (parking firms website) and the pcn numbers are genuine The drivers appear to have been told you don't need to pay for parking at certain sites and the company will deal with , the company gets the paper work and emails over to the person dealing with them who sends in a paypal invoice each week I posted this on another forum and they have said it appears to be fraud so I am going to tell my boss he needs to stop doing this.
  7. The address given by the person he uses isn't a company it just appears to be a normal residential address rather then anything professional
  8. Hello, can someone tell me how this is possible I work for a fairly big haulage firm and have over the last week covered my boss who is off with Covid and I have seen something I have never seen before What appears to be happening is that the drivers don't pay for over night parking at various moto and road chef sites which normally costs £25 for the night. They do this with the intention of getting a parking notice, The parking notice is then received and they pay some bloke from Birmingham £10 for each one and then each ticket gets cancelled (apparently he has never failed to cancel these particular tickets) so the company saves £15 a time and this has spread to several other haulage firms How on earth does the company and the guy who does it get away with it? has been going on for years by the looks of it and not done by accident it seems like they are intentionally getting a ticket as the person he uses knows he can get them off and does it by the dozen. f I haven't said anything to anyone else in the company and its interesting it doesn't seem to involve any other parking firm Thoughts?
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