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  1. You repeatedly asked me a question which I politely answered. You seem to want to take over this thread, which is quite amusing, given you know absolutely nothing other than one persons comments! As you love to quote legal cases so much, please feel free to continue, but rest assured, now I have answered your question which you badgered me to answer, then give a condescending reply, I really will not be responding to you any longer. Thank you for all your advice, some useful, some not. Good Evening
  2. Page whoever you desire, however, this thread isn’t about you, I’ve thanked you for your advice, and I’ve highlighted that we intend to pursue legal advice regardless of your ‘advice’ Ive also stated you know the bare minimum of the events which have been posted by one person, an intelligent person would know there is always more than one version of events. What was publicly posted about our company was inappropriate and should not have been posted, I’ll leave it to our solicitors to decide what they wish to determine it as. As for the Kangeroo Court that has gone on in this thread, unbelievable!!! Nothing more to add. I bid you Goodnight.
  3. Bazaa S, please don’t concern yourself with our Solicitors correspondence. I appreciate your advice, however you do not know the full version of events. For a seemingly intelligent person, you let yourself down with your sarcasm.
  4. Paul Walton, you seem confused, of course we have the emails, they are not from you though. As stated previously you were not the customer.
  5. Paul Walton, We also have all the emails, documents. Your comments regarding us which have now been removed, edited, whatever have been sent to our solicitors. Our case is about your comments.
  6. Bazaa S….thanks for your comment, as I said, we have contacted our solicitors regarding the written posts on the thread, we will leave it to them to pursue.
  7. A very generalised sweeping statement that is also very dangerous. I note you have chosen not to comment on my comments about you working for this platform, and commenting on the slander that was posted, whilst allowing it to remain on the thread. It would appear you were very quick to give advice based on half truths, and also state and I quote…. It’s about time someone delivered a lesson - you also fuelled this thread against our company, whilst also asking for the company to be named and then you changed the name of the thread which is how this was picked up on Google. You have a responsibility if you are hosting an open thread to be visible to monitor what is being posted. As I said we have now taken this legal therefore require a response to my last email.
  8. Bank Fodder, call it what you like, editing, hiding, removing, they were slanderous, unjustified and should never have been left posted on this thread. More alarmingly is that it would appear you work for this platform, commented on them and have left them posted!! Equally the fire has been fueled with some of your comments! We work closely with the Motor Ombudsman and Trading Standards for a reason….. we do things legally and correctly. Cars fail, new cars, used cars, it’s a fact of life. I await your response to my email earlier today also please.
  9. We were alerted to this thread and it’s contents, hence us contacting you today with reference to the derogatory comments about our company. We take the accusations and the comments made by Paul Walton very seriously as we are a reputable company and we are also a member of the Motor Ombudsman. Firstly Paul Welton was not our customer, the slanderous comment he posted which you have now removed has been screen shot and sent to our solicitors, along with the inaccurate details he has posted on this thread. Bank Fodder - your comments about it’s about time someone delivered a lesson? You have read a version of events, you do NOT know the full facts. A lesson learnt maybe to arm yourself with the full facts, just because we sell used car does not make us dodgy, does not make us the epitome of dodgy car dealers. Maybe asking for proof of what’s being posted to ensure it’s accurate and not embellished! These threads can be very useful, but equally dangerous and we take the accusations very seriously Please be aware, the customer had purchased the car 5 months previously. The date of Paul Walton’s first post on this thread is the date that he first emailed us about an issue with the car….. I note from his first post he set the scene that he suspected we would be ‘tricky’ to deal with ……. With nothing to back that up with. The update you have requested I can answer for you, the customer was paid £300 by ourselves, as a gesture of goodwill. I hope that clears up some of the inaccuracies, general statements, and conclusions that have been jumped to. Regards Car Hub Birmingham
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