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Everything posted by dark.knight.10

  1. Sure, ill combine the last few documents in one Yes I did read that ... As for the status A claim was issued against you on 18/07/2022 Your acknowledgment of service was submitted on 24/07/2022 at 17:47:34 Your acknowledgment of service was received on 25/07/2022 at 08:05:10 Your defence was submitted on 18/08/2022 at 14:59:28 Your defence was received on 19/08/2022 at 08:05:11 All_Combined1.pdf
  2. Hi guys, I have an update, on the 19th of Aug, HM courts sent me a letter of acknowledgement of my defence. Today, I received an email! from Gladstone solicitors about informing the courts to go ahead and have asked for mediation! (I assume they got my email from when I submitted my defence) Interestingly, on the email, they claim to have emailed me the evidence that I asked for on the 22nd of Aug. I didn't receive anything!! I found their email in the spam folder, I've uploaded it to this post Lastly, I have convinced the gym manager to email them... to apply pressure... I have three questions now ... 1. Do I mediate? if not, does that not hurt my case? 2. If the gym manager emails saying that I was in his gym, does that not hurt my case? I believe my defence is built on not knowing who was driving the car when the PCN was incurred? 3. This is a stupid question but if I loose the case, no CCJ will be on my record ... right? P.s here is bit of history, on 12/11/2019, turns out Gladstone have tried this with me before, they sent me to a county court for something else I assume and I stupidly paid! This is the second email
  3. I know it's rather confusing. Apologies. Thank you @dx100ukeverything on this thread is correct. The PCN is in page 1
  4. Guys! I just went to see the boss at the gym. He says he has no control over the CPM as they were hired by the landlord. he says they would know I was in the gym but they don’t care. he continued to say that due to GDPR rules. They don’t have CCTV. lastly, as I was showing him the letters, I realised two things 1. I’m the registered owner of two cars. The car in question is my sisters car. I must have used it when my car broke down. 2. I must have registered my car, instead of my sisters car. 3. i have 2 tickets same place diff reg. I'm sorry about the confusion, it didn't occur to me that they are coming for something that happened in 2019!! 3 years ago! is there a time limit for this kind of thing? Their POC in my other thread states my the reg YK0**** which is my sisters car, I must have used it for some reason on that day. mainly because my car YP6**** broke down. So in short, invoice 2 is from post 0-7 its for YP6**** which happened in July 2022. (now this thread - DX) Everything else is for YK0**** which occurred in 8th of July. (now moved to the courtclaim thread - dx) both tickets are exactly the same "Vehicle not registered" and my name is on both Vehicles I have attached the 2019 invoice to this post pcn 31-01-2022.pdf
  5. Hi Guys, There a learning curve for me here so please excuse any stupid mistakes ... So from what I understood from reading all the information pointed out (thank you so much for that), I have set out my defence to be the following... please let me know what you think?
  6. There is CCTV but I'm not sure they keep it for this long. I can pop over to the gym and ask for it ... but does this prove there wasnt a typo?
  7. Hey, Yes I can prove that I was in the gym that day but cant prove that the car was regiestered
  8. Thank you for asking, I have gone back to them and explained but they are not replying to me emails .. i dont know what to do now
  9. Sorry I missed this, unfortunately they gym doesn't hold these records. its an ipad by the entrance door that you register your car with. I assume it goes straight to the company. It doesnt help that the gym share its space with a wedding venue ... so they crack down on parking alot!
  10. They Emailed back saying thing .... I think this guy has no access to the case ... thoughts? Hello Thank you for your email. If you were unaware of the court proceedings and did not receive the summons to attend the court hearing, you may be able to make an application for a statutory declaration. This can be made at your local court house. You have 21 days from the date on which you became aware of the case to make a declaration. If the court decides that it was not reasonable to expect you to make the declaration within this period, it may accept a late declaration made ‘out of time’, Please note - if you make a declaration, you know or believe to be untrue, you could be convicted of perjury, a criminal offence punished with imprisonment of up to two years. If the statutory declaration is granted any sentence made in the previous hearing becomes null and void. However, the original offence will be put to you on the day of the application, at which time you will be required to enter a plea and then advised of any other hearing dates to attend to provide any evidence to support your case/offer mitigation. You can contact your local Magistrates’ court to request/be assessed for the booking 0300 303 0656. I hope this is helpful. Kind regards, M.xxxxxxxxx Admin Officer Willesden Magistrates’ Court northlondonmc@justice.gov.uk
  11. one last question @Man in the middle This is a message my brother had forwarded me, Do you think we need to include a plea in our letter? "Single Justice Service: To apply for your case to be re-opened, write to the court (click the link for details of the court) https://www.find-court-tribunal.service.gov.uk/courts/willesden-magistrates-court or email northlondonmc@justice.gov.uk and explain why you think your case should be re-opened. Include your case reference number (xxxxxxxxxxx), name, date of birth, address and contact information. Most importantly, tell the court whether you would plead Guilty or Not Guilty. Enforcement of any outstanding fine may continue until the court directs otherwise. For further information on Single Justice Procedure Notice's please visit: https://www.gov.uk/single-justice-procedure-notices"
  12. @honeybee13 you're absolutely right! typo @Man in the middle Thank you. I will send it! and cross fingers! I'm ever so grateful!
  13. @Man in the middle Does this work? I'm not sure how to address the Clerk? Apologies if the words aren't perfect Wilsden Magistrates Court 448 High Road London NW10 2DZ HM Courts Ref: xxxxx My ref: xxxxx 09th Aug 22 Dear Sir/Madam (Clark?) I am writing in relation to (insert ref number). As per your letter on the 13th of June 2022. I am submitting a notion to reopen my case (Ref no). I have been sentenced without my knowledge and the sentence is inconsistence with the sentencing guidelines. I’d like to note that my appeal is not time bound and that there are some exceptional circumstances in my case. I am the sole carer of a disabled person who has been very unwell for the past few months. It was my duty to stay with them and care for them. Being away for long periods meant that I had missed the letters prompting me to respond the ruling. Kind regards XXXXX XXXX
  14. Alright! sounds like a plan! I really appreciate the help! I know it's maybe a long shot but you never know He is! we will write something up and post it here asap!
  15. I agree, The focus is reopening the case. I asked him about missing these paper and proceedings, he says the person he cares for was unwell upon his return from his break and he stayed with him... so he didn't go to his home in a while Is there a template of some sort to follow in order to get the case reopened?
  16. @Man in the middle Thank you so much for the comprehensive information, this is super useful! I'm just as confused as you, There were some other papers that he mailed back with his plea. I read them, the officers statement was on there ... from what I can remember, the officer stated that my brother "had changed lane twice without giving proper time or indication" the papers did not mention speeding or anything else... It doesn't help that the car he was driving (belonging to the mechanic) has a custom exhaust installed ... I'm not sure if this had anything to do with the officer being wound up... My brother said he "had it in for him" ... do you think the judge has seen the video? or is this judgment solely based on the officers statement? Furthermore, My brother is adamant against a guilty verdict ... do you think that reduced the chance of this case being reopened? As for the fine, they are already taking money from his universal credit which is effecting his life in a great way
  17. @lookinforinfoThank you! that makes more sense. I will put my defence as a generic version of the above. I appreciate the explanation
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