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Everything posted by roundhouse2021

  1. Well it all goes back to that letter from Connex (GDR) I got the other day. I'm trying to figure out what on earth the debt could be, as since my bankruptcy in 2011 I haven't had any credit, loans, finance etc, my credit score is good and clear, no arrears and I pay everything upfront. So any debt they are chasing me for has either been wiped by my bankruptcy or is statute barred. The only debt that I know of (which applies to me) which isn't covered by bankruptcy is TV License debt and that's why I wondered if it fell under the statute barred umbrella. I didn't get a bill or any letters demanding money back in 2011 from TV License. The property had been rented out and the tenant had left without me knowing, so for 5 months the house was empty with no tv license registered to the property and I didn't notify TV Licensing about this.
  2. Is TV License debt older than 6 years statute barred? I know it's not covered by bankruptcy
  3. Just an after thought. What should I do if this relates to the tenant who lived in this flat before me?
  4. Wow! Thank you so much for your help and advice. Keep up the good work! I will be making a donation
  5. Ok, so I ignore Connex, but what should I do if I get a letter from this Global Debt Recovery company?
  6. Thanks for the advice, but out of curiosity I think I will email them. If they reply to my email with my correct name and address, what should I do? I haven't had any debt, loans, credit cards or finance since my bankruptcy in over 10 years ago, from which I was released from a year later, so if there is any debt anywhere it must be passed its sell by date surely? My worry is that this could be a scam and make up some debt that doesn't exist. Hope you can advise.
  7. I received a letter in the post today, Sept 15th from a company called Connex. The letter says; "We have been asked to locate an individual and we think you may have some information that could assist us". The letter is addressed to me (name and address). Can't find any info on Google about the company which is strange. I noticed in the top right hand corner of the letter it says ###/G/global/date/time. I don't have any debts. It says to contact them either by phone or email. Should I reply to them?
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