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Everything posted by DaveyD

  1. I've already stated he rents on here and isn't his house. The contacts I could but all I really need to know is what is the possibility of getting cash back off him if he liquidized/bankrupts himself which he's likely do. ps: I did mention others
  2. We could do county court fees etc but not afford any losses and leave us with the dangerous garden. I could ask the other people to help a court case but if he's broke where would we stand
  3. Only problem is we are flat broke and have a very unsafe garden which is a constant worry about our dog and need it rectified asap court waiting times would be lengthy I imagine, he's carried out about 3k work here according to the builder that visited. Yes we've been in contact but can't wait for any more delay
  4. I did read it I can tell he's a rip off merchant that takes money, starts peoples jobs takes payments and doesn't return (repeat) he's no big company like the thread I've read, changes addresses and lies to people. To do that surely he must have cash to live. Even if he's "broke" would there be any chance of any kind of repayment?
  5. This is the quote I recieved yesterday from the new builder I'm not sure if he'd be ok having his name out there but I could ask him
  6. It has my name & address all over it not feeling that good about putting that out here. I could word document for you tomorrow if fine please
  7. Hi just an update we got the quote back today for 13k ..Apparently about 3k work carried out. We have an email of broken down quote.
  8. Hi BF We have someone visiting tomorrow so should be able to give you an update on costs. I also had to change my password earlier saying someone in Cwbran was trying to log into my account
  9. Hi Honeybee I just checked and couldn't find another address can you let me know what you saw please?
  10. Hi We've arranged for someone to come and look for us on Wednesday so we'll get a quote then and ask for it in writing, but will also look for other quotes aswell. The actual person we've been dealing with is Alun Griffiths he owned 85% shares and im guessing 100% now his brother has recently left. With payments via bank (some were cash we've got emails/texts to prove it) my partner made them I'd guess it's gone into his personal account. He's also advertising finance of up to £100.000 made payable over 10 years on his page so we thought he was the real deal (even though we didn't need it). Theres also a video of them working in our garden he put on there.
  11. Hi BF We advertised on FB and the directors came to view the job and we agreed a price with them. We saw them titled just LTD on their FB page. No written contracts just text and emails between ourselves. We agreed the payments to be made in instalments ( cash and bank transfers as not always possible to get to the bank whilst in work) .No reciepts but bank statements. We have contacted the bank but they say they cant help because work was started As I say they say LTD on their company name no mention of LLC. Cheers
  12. According to somewhere I cant quite remember it was Feb 2021 they started up, they were just removals before.
  13. Cheers As far as I know its just a LTD company nothing to say Liability that's advertised on yell and gov.uk and shows still active. I just looked he has another correspondence address on opengov.uk in Abergavenny. His brother ( director that's recently left the company) gave an address on gov.uk I that comes up as a taxrefundsus in uxbridge when googled. With someone to come and evaluate the garden would you recommend a QS or another builder? I will definitely sort out the land registry first thing tomorrow, I'm starting to think he hasn't got any assets and its all show but hoping something can be done about his future earnings and any repayments to us. I know it's a cruel world and we as many should've been more sensible but it pains us someone can get away with doing it. Also, I cocked up the headline it should of said 4-5 payments only 2 were bank registered. Is it worth instigating court proceedings before the deadline stated in the second letter?
  14. Hi, cheers for the reply The company are called Griffs removals & renovations, as far as I can see the walls are incomplete but look fine .Almost certain the bricklayers were sub contractors and they were doing as instructed. We;ve had communication with people who've had similar experiences as ourselves and whether or not to trust strangers comments he's broke and hires flash cars and also claims housing benefit. Digging deeper he's had a couple of companies that are dissolved according to gov.uk
  15. Hi, we've recently decided to get quite a bit of work done in the back garden ( £12,000) including slabbing and walls built including privacy screens. They (well, there were 2 directors but now only 1 still active according to research on the internet) have left us with an unsafe garden, a mud pit and open walls so had to fence off top half of garden to prevent our dog escaping (12ft drop at the back). Gone to citizens advice and followed the recorded letters advice, We are hearing we aren't the only people he's done this to and are in contact with them. He's removed his Facebook page although the business page still open. We got an incident number after contacting the police and have contacted actionfraud. Looking back we feel like such fools getting suckered in and its caused us untold stress, they seemed ok but once final payment was made they were hard work replying to texts,ignoring calls . cutting calls etc now the company phone is permanently off. We do have an address but not sure if he owns property, no replies to correspondence either. Any advice much appreciated as we don't have the money to put the garden right.
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