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Everything posted by Zooz

  1. Is anyone able to offer any clarity about the new rules for applying for a maintenance loan when studying as a disabled student with the OU? It appears on face value that the evidence required is 1)Medical letter stating unable to travel to university and 2) correspondence that been in touch with at least one HEP who state they are unable to accommodate disabled students needs. The two apparent relevant paragraphs have caused us confusion. TIA Information relating to part-time maintenance loan funding available to disabled students on distance learning courses - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) Information relating to part-time maintenance loan funding available to ... In order to assess whether a distance learning applicant would be eligible to receive the full-time support package/part-time maintenance loan, evidence is required and each applicant’s individual circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Evidence should include, but is not limited to: medical evidence from their GP and/or Consultant confirming that the student’s condition prevents them from travelling to/from their Higher Education Provider (“HEP”) and physically attending their HEP; and evidence that the student has had discussions with their HEP/multiple HEPs about the facilities available, accessibility and why the HEP/s cannot accommodate the student’s requirements. This could be emails/correspondence between the student and different HEPs – this is to be differentiated from a “rejection letter”. For disabled students who apply for Disabled Students’ Allowance and who are studying via distance learning, there is no requirement to provide any evidence that applicants wishing to receive a maintenance loan are asked to provide. Disabled distance learning students’ allowance is provided for by regulation 127 of the 2011 Student Support Regulations.
  2. Def. on main page. The Start New Topic button at the top of this page clearly states 'start new topic in this forum'.
  3. I think I am on the main page when I click on "Start New Topic" but can't be sure exactly where I am as I have found the site difficult to navigate. I have copied and pasted the box that comes up when I click 'Start New Topic' with the highlighted choices it gives me to click on: Welcome to the Consumer Forums Consumer Forums website - Post Your Questions & Suggestions about this site Helpful Organisations The Bear Garden – for off-topic chat Consumer TV and Radio Listings
  4. It just comes up with all the forum options but only 2 or 3 of them are available to click. I thought it might be because I am a new member...
  5. I've emailed a sponsor to ask. They will likely speak truthfully. Thanks, I hadn't thought to do that before asking. Will update when I know more. Yes, that was the reply/excuse given from my MP! P.S. Apologies for posting in the Bear Garden, I don't seem to have the option to click on the legal forums etc.
  6. Public scientific hearing on animal experiments - Early Day Motions - UK Parliament EDM.PARLIAMENT.UK That this House applauds the new Animal Sentience Bill, enshrining in law the ability of animals to experience joy and feel suffering and pain; notes the science-based campaign For Life On Earth with its... Trying to understand why being on the Labour front bench prohibits my MP from signing this.
  7. Can a Labour MP sign an EDM if he is a member of the Labour front bench? Thanks.
  8. Zooz

    Cat Food

    Ok, thank you. If I do enter a confidentiality agreement (and I take your point about my moral obligation here), would you be ok about removing my thread? I had wanted to just gather information first. I see the title has been changed already.
  9. Zooz

    Cat Food

    Thanks for clarifying the legal framework. I've never experienced a situation like this before so it really helps and thankyou for your offer of support. Not a huge amount in wages lost, in a bit of shock for a couple of days followed by a significant amount of stress and anxiety, disturbed sleep albeit temporary over a week or so and then back to normal now. It will be straight forward getting a vet report if needed. Do you think it advisable to have a chat with the MD over the phone about this? The reseller was aware of the situation as it unfolded and has said he will email company if needed.
  10. Zooz

    Cat Food

    Thanks for your reply. We went through a series of questions with the company who wanted to know if we had defrosted the product correctly, we had, that we had not cooked the product, we had not and then the advisor said they allow for bone bits up to 6mm. It turns out the bone in our tub was almost a cm. Around 9.5mm They have seen a picture of the bone and they then asked for it so their lab can analyse it. However when discussing sending it by recorded delivery and us wanting it returning by recorded delivery so that we could attain a second opinion if we disagreed with their lab, they instead decided that their lab no longer wanted to see it. It concerns us that they have not taken this incident seriously and made sure this doesn't happen again. An advisor then moved on to try to claim that because the bone was more than 6mm, and that their bones go through a grinder twice, that the bone could not have been from their product. Fortunately, not only did we witness the incident occur while our cat was eating the product, as he suddenly stopped eating and began pawing at his mouth in pain and distress, he is also an indoor cat and has no access to other food or bones. We can be certain therefore the bone came from the product. Our cat is allergic to ketamine and has to have a specialist vet. The fees were approaching £500. Plus travel £40 and a days lost income. Not to mention a great deal of distress. Cat is doing ok now and has recovered. The offending food was bought about 3 weeks ago and the company is Natural Instinct. The tub just shows the batch number. We have been in discussion with the company itself, although the reseller has been hugely supportive and empathetic, they have not mentioned their potential liability. The MD of NI wants to talk over the phone, even though I requested a resolution by email. An advisor had previously offered a £50 NI voucher even though I had already stated I was moving my cat off NI and onto nutriment as I couldn't keep on sieving through their product as it was time consuming.
  11. Zooz

    Cat Food

    Can anyone help me with some advice. My cat went onto a commercial, raw food diet. Was doing very well on it for about 3 weeks. Then suddenly was in violent pain. It turns out, there was a sharp bit of bone in the food which lodged in his gum. He was unable to eat for 2 days and required emergency surgery at the vets which left us with a large bill. We have the piece of bone the vet dug out and we have the tub with batch number. The company have stated that their own regulations only allow for bone pieces to be up to 6mm and this was a cm. I believe this company failed in its duty of care and my cat nearly died. Do you think the company has any moral obligation to cover vets bills/damages/compensation? I feel it's equivalent to finding some glass in your ready meal and ending up needing to go to A&E for emergency mouth surgery. There have been no similar bits of bone in further tubs as I have sieved through them, but I am also shocked that 6mm bits of bone is allowed too as even that seems too big. Thanks.
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