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Everything posted by Bellemorte

  1. Email to Currys advising of Chargeback, in reply to theirs today saying that the investigation is complete and although the Item I ordered is now out of stock, they suggest I go back onto their website to find a replacement. Needless to say, I left them I no doubt that I would not be going anywhere near them again. Thanks again for all your help - you guys are amazing and I have passed your web address along to several colleagues at work, and if I hear of anyone having similar difficulties, I will direct them to you without hesitation
  2. Bank are pursuing PayPal and have not told me when I might expect a refund, but until then they have added a temp payment, equivalent to that outstanding, to my account, which I can use. The refund, whenever it happens, I presume will go to the bank dx100uk - That is exactly what I told Currys to do as the carrier was contracted by THEM, not me, and they can chase reimbursement from them - but apparently that is not how it works… I am shocked that they can get away with it - I didn’t get even a glimpse of my item and DPD freely admitted they had lost it Thanks again guys
  3. I am not holding myself hostage! What an awful thing to say. My bank just advised me it is 60 days!
  4. Chargeback takes up to 60 days! Why is it that I can be held hostage like this when the delivery company is nothing to do with me!? Their contract is with Currys, not me. Why don’t Currys refund me and then claim it back from DPD?! This legislation has to change…
  5. I did the letter to Currys but they have not responded. PayPal have also said that I have to wait as Currys have 8 days to respond. They reminded me that they were only an arbitration service… DPD are now saying the tracking number no longer exists… I will contact my bank and see if they can help.
  6. PayPal is linked to my bank account. PayPal not able to chase response from Currys until several days from now… which doesn’t help me.
  7. Thank you for your help and advice. I used PayPal to purchase the item and have started a complaint with them but again I have to wait 14 days. I cannot email Currys as they have closed off all their emails, even though they still direct you to them on their website. I need to buy a replacement item now, not in 14 days. I just don’t understand how they can hold my money when it is their agent that is at fault! I am going to have to borrow some
  8. I bought a Dyson Cooling Fan online from Currys on 19 Jul, a substantial purchase for me at £339, but absolutely necessary even if it took all my savings. I paid extra for next day delivery. The 20th came and went - It never arrived. The courier was DPD so I checked the tracking details. It arrived in the local DPD Depot at 0727 on 20 Jul and stayed there - It said “your delivery is being held in the depot” no reason why and no contact from DPD either. It took me all day to get hold of DPD who checked and rang me back advising me that my delivery is missing! Stolen more like… DPD were not interested at all. I managed to get Currys Customer Services after nearly 3 hours and told her what I had happened and what I had found out. She said she would ring DPD and I had to hold. She came back and said that it was being held in the Depot! Which is what I had told her!! I advised her that it had gone missing from DPD and she was so unhelpful. I requested a refund, but was told I could not have it until the outcome of a full investigation which could take 14 days plus! This item was urgently needed for medical reasons, hence the reason I paid for the next day delivery, so without the refund I cannot source anything else as I had used all my savings for this purchase. Currys we’re not interested. I have spent hours trying to get help with this issue as I do not believe Currys should withhold my money! The carrier is their issue, not mine, I didn’t engage DPD, there is absolute proof that the carrier received the item and lost it, I have nothing to do with the transit of my delivery at all so why am I being penalised? They are literally stealing my money. Everywhere I have gone for help has advised me to write complaints and all that rubbish, BUT I have to give them 14 days to respond! I need my money now. What is the point! Why don’t Consumer Laws actually help us? Who writes these laws? How do we get them changed? I am absolutely beside myself will all this and have nowhere to turn. It has had a severely detrimental effect on both my physical and mental health.
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