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  1. Dave, in response to yout post #183: I agree with you re POPLA. I too saw the cases on the Welfare Committee site, and most if not all are cases where the motorist did eventually managed to pay, but still got a PCN I had already informed the Welfare Committee and Sara Powell of the verdict, and will give them my Claim number if they ask for it ... I think. Do you think there could be any ramifications if I do so? Why do think the others who won their cases haven't disclosed their numbers? I really have absolutely no appetite for suing OPS now, regardless of the chances of success. I am pleased now just to be able to draw a line under this whole affair. I should say that the judge never mentioned the term Frustration of Contract in his summing up. He said he decided in my favour as he believed I had made a genuine attempt to pay. It could be that he preferred to speak in "plain english" and avoid legal terms and jargon, which he did throughout, but it is important not to misquote what he actually said, I think
  2. One other point of interest. I did get a reply from the Llangrannog Welfare Committee re the new (mains powered) ticket machine installed in Feb 2023. In response to my question was the machine it replace already mains powered, they said "Yes, there was a mains-powered machine before that one. The Feb one was a replacement for the one which worked even worse than the current one."
  3. Well, it was a small donation. But a really big thank you to all of you for your support and advice, without which I would not have got through this. Such a relief that's it's over now
  4. Some more detail on the court hearing, which you may be interested in The hearing was delayed by an hour and a half, as they managed to schedule 2 cases to be heard in the same courtroom at the same time The claimant was represented by a young solicitor, who I think works for a local law firm The judge was distinctly unimpressed that the claimant did not attend the hearing in person The judge hadn''t received the claimant's SWS and hence disallowed it as it was sent after the 14-day deadline The judge's summing up was very detailed and lengthy, and not until the very end could I tell which way the verdict was going to go In short, he decided in my favour, as he believed I had made a genuine attempt to pay for parking, but had been unable to do so One other point of note - the claimant's solicitor alleged that every other motorist was able to pay via JustPark on 03/05/2021, which I rejected, quoting §11 of my witness statement (which you wrote for me). The judge asked me why I didn't request the information as to what PCNs were issued on that day via a Freedom of Information Request, to which I replied that I wasn't aware I was allowed to do that
  5. I clicked on the Donate link and it's taken me to a page to donate to Reclaim the Right Ltd. Please can you confirm this is indeed you
  6. Yes, thank you, I don't feel inclined to write another WS. The hearing is 90 mins. There'll be time enough to respond to their points, surely?
  7. Hi Dave, yes, I found a general enquiries email address for the county court and sent the WS to that, but also printed it off and went into town and took it to the court in person, so hopefully I'm covered
  8. WS now sent to Claimant. I'm not sure I can send a copy to the court via email? There is no email address indicated on any of the correspondence I've received from them
  9. Thanks for your suggested additions, Dave, and well spotted re the timings of the metric payments. I hope you enjoy your well-earned mini holiday
  10. Have failed the redaction test, yet again. Another attempt attached Couldn't see a ref on p11, other than that of the contract which surely doesn't matter. I think the claimants, if they're reading this, will have figured out who I am by now anyhow
  11. I have received the Claimant's WS now, redacted version not attached as ca 11MB in total. Do I need to chop it up, or is there any other way I can upload it?
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