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  1. I have no confidence left in the surveyor or his abilities. Surveys are not what they once were. Walking away £1k down is better than months of stress followed by losing another £1k on top. Cutting my losses and walking away is wise advice that I am going to accept and get on with my life. In this case it has paid for me to ask
  2. I had hoped the survey would provide me with guidance on progressing with the purchase, instead its clouded the issue further. I will likely walk away and put the financial loss (conveyancing and survey costs) down to experience. I’d rather not say who the surveyor is at this stage, except to say it’s a local company, not a nationwide setup. I have contacted the surveyor, and their regulatory body without any success; however, I’m still persisting through their channels. To answer your earlier question regarding T&Cs. Prior to engaging the surveyor you’re supposed to receive a signed ‘Terms of Engagement’ which outlines the agreed process. However, this can be circumvented by sending a generalised unsigned 'copy and paste' document which is what I received. It 'may' not best practice (unsure), but I doubt it helps me in anyway.
  3. Lots of good advice here, thank you. The survey was a RICs 3 full building survey commissioned by me. The report omitted to note and comment or several steel support bars going through three of the outside walls that formed part of the structure. I asked that several areas with damp patches be investigated, but no mention was made in the report. I did not receive any ‘Terms of Engagement’, although I’m not sure if that would have much impact. I only found out afterwards that I should have. Structural areas are noted in one section of the report as of no concern, then in an another as cause of concern. The above is just a handful of many such examples. However, I assumed this could be a long and costly exercise has BankFodder suggests. If it involves more expense, then I would need to walk away before a £1k loss becomes a £3k loss. Not to mention all the stress and time it would take.
  4. Hi Brief background. I paid just over £1k via credit card for a building survey on a house I'm in the process of buying. The survey I received contains several errors, contradictions, and omissions. I've approached the surveyor and their regulatory body with little success. Would it be worth putting in a Section 75 claim, or is this something that would be rejected. If it was possible, instead of paying of the card as I usually do, should I dispute the payment first before submitting the S75 paperwork? Many thanks in advance
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