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Everything posted by Badtimes123

  1. This definitely looks like they know it's unenforceable! also many of those pages uploaded are either totally unsigned or you have the best redacting skills I've seen So such a large discount within days of you showing you are likely to start challenging it, is a standard practice in the hopes you will see a bargain and rather pay to 'save yourself the hassle' than defend. It is also likely that even with 80% discount, they would make a profit on their purchase. I personally would stop paying and wait, as dx says, for if they send a letter of claim. At which point you request even more documents they won't have BT
  2. Agree with uncle. also you mention her tenure being quite long, it is important that companies follow due process and support employees before dismissal otherwise it can be very costly, I suspect this is the perceived delay you are seeing and perhaps the employee wishes to be ill health retired. Given what you’ve said it shouldn’t be too much longer before something happens
  3. Hmm ok, that issue at the rear, same side could definitely be related to the damage.. anyhow, I would definitely recommend a full inspection of the vehicle, think AA offer this service, others may well too Read this it may help and then I'm sure someone will be along soon to advice how you best approach this. What is the Consumer Rights Act, and how does it affect my vehicle purchase? - The Motor Ombudsman WWW.THEMOTOROMBUDSMAN.ORG If you bought your car after 01 October 2015, the Consumer Rights Act 2015 applies. This means that, when you buy the vehicle, it has to be of...
  4. You came back after 2 months to comment like that?? Stu has really helped with eviction side of things, but do you have an appropriate update to the other advice you've been given? Like: All the above statements and questions are valid as you as the landlord are accountable in the event someone gets hurt, or worse.. So, Stu mentioning 'urgent' multiple times - did you heed this advice or just hear what you wanted to hear and then come back to tell HB and UB how wrong they are?
  5. Hi Pixel, just my opinion, more knowledgeable people will be along shortly. Rust can happen at any time and given it isn't a major defect that affects reliability, I wouldn't have thought you can get them to take the car back, no harm is asking them to assist with the repair, but if it's just cosmetic then I doubt you'll be entertained as you should have noticed it. You should always do this... All items that should have been noticed by you before purchasing.. sills, lower doors and wheel arches are common areas for light repair work (if my wife drives it anyway ) Have it checked by a professional to ensure it isn't a major repair with potential structural damage that hasn't been registered.
  6. Hi Mizzy, certainly not my specialty however I've experience managing large teams. The only real thing you can do is approach your manager ( as they are responsible for resources ) regarding the fact the absence is affecting the team as you are a person down, it is up to HR to manage the absence policy and they will be very much aware, there's clearly information you are not privy to as well. As for your other comments relating to the medical history, I would suggest this is none of your business and perhaps you don't know the truth given the fact the GP signs her off based on symptoms. A GP has access to medical records... again this information (why she is off work etc) is none of your business nor should you know any details, what you think you know is simply gossip and hearsay. So really, my suggestion is simply highlight it (without condemning) and get your head down, pick up the slack and show your manager you're a grafter not a whiner I know that's likely not want you want to hear, but I hope it helps you move through this BT
  7. Very welcome Lulu, I figured there was an element of statute barring in there as you had eluded to part of the lowell claim being very aged, but my intention was to figure that out after the simple stuff You called me bedtimes, funny because that's a great idea! I'll be back on tomorrow evening after work
  8. Sorry dx, I just meant this one.. but didn't follow lulu's last comment properly - thanks for jumping in!
  9. Ok great, for the accounts not showing on Credit File, these are more than likely statute barred and lowell know this almost certainly. So, as per dx's comment, backdoor CCJ's could be a risk, hence the urgency to update your address. Other than the above, there's nothing to worry about here, send the letter and await their next move. When they reply, come back here for next steps. In the meantime, get to reading similar threads, you'll pick up how this is going to go BT
  10. Ok makes sense that lowells are acting now then, before they become statute barred. Let's get the address updated - have you posted the letter yet? hehe Just a few more questions for now: Are all of these debts in England? as in, you lived in England when taking them out and still live in England? Are lowels showing on your Credit file as the owners of the debt? As the letter contained an offer, it's unlikely to be a Letter of Claim, but just to be sure, please describe the wording in the letter
  11. Hi Lulu, Update your address with lowell by post, do this right away. Have you made payments to any of these accounts in the last 6 years?
  12. Welcome back xJohn, That's a result, keep to the agreement and I second Mantis's comment. Secure your hardware and move on
  13. HI Ice, This could quite easily be a mistake, in so much that email addresses can be written down incorrectly (Chris.Davis@... Chris.Davies@..). I've seen this happen before and it is rarely double checked once taken. Note, they took the information at the time of check-in, not when booking. At this moment I wouldn't worry too much, it is not stolen identity per se, I would just perhaps reset my email account password to a unique complex password and move on. BT
  14. Welcome to CAG Midlands, appreciate there's alot of information to follow above, but work through dx's posts and once you've done with MCOL we can guide you further as to how to defend this There's a wealth of knowledge coming your way very soon both in answer to your questions and also on this website for you to self learn too Don't worry about a CCJ at the moment, it highly unlikely because you are defending the claim - we will get into more detail with you on that soon BT
  15. No worries, it's easy done post in your thread Admin - please delete mine and Yorky's posts from this thread
  16. Hi Yorky, did you post in here by accident? you have an existing thread for your questions.
  17. sometimes it's slow at this time of night, you're in no danger with this, so come back tomorrow If you must stay up, I do suggest you read up. I used the enhanced google search at the top of the page for "returned lost" try other terms and read Programmable Search Engine CSE.GOOGLE.COM ^^ click and fill your boots until help arrives
  18. Hello azurauk, welcome to CAG! Someone will be along soon to help you, in the meantime, have a read through the site for similar thread to get an idea of how this might go. Don't worry, there's no urgency so stay off the phone for now. BT
  19. Right, I see dx is here now too, and just so you know, Andy is light years ahead of me and it's not even close! I'm just trying to ask the easy questions so the knowledgeable guys have the answers when they arrive
  20. I'm going to double post because I don't want an edit to be missed again again and I need to go bed.. You state you were never aware of a Vanquis debt, we must wait for the SAR, THEN you can absolutely slap the DCA around with it.. forget about them for now. In post #13 you said: "the original debt was sold and that it was down to the discretion of eVanquis to add the default and they guy said they were not obliged to thus they didn't " So maybe that is what happened here.. not sure how lawful or not that is, but it's certainly looking like this..
  21. Ok did you ever access it before 2021? Wait for the SAR from Vanquis also, unless they have responded yet? you did send it right?
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