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Everything posted by Warrior_Walshy

  1. Caught lying then dx100uk retorts with more distractions and avoids answering and then runs away. Pathetic - dx100uk should not be an 'advice' giver on any forum. Deeply concerned by some of the 'advice' being dispensed on here. Deeply concerned by the levels of censorship and suppression of facts on here. Screenshot taken before post is hidden. Yes you did and thankfully this time you didn't hide the posts to conceal how you make things up as you go along and lie. Deeply concerned by some of the 'advice' being dispensed on here. Deeply concerned by the levels of censorship and suppression of facts on here. Screenshot taken before post is hidden.
  2. You're whole operation here is a scam, at least in part. You pretend to offer help and advice to advice seekers, people who are often in very rigged and vulnerable situations, but as my case proves you quite often do the opposite. You offer 'advice' that is not based on anything written in a post but is purely manufactured to get the advice seeker to be scared so that they are blindly obedient and comply with the person/organisation they're seeking advice about so that they just pay up. Take a look at the 'wonderful and totally impartial advice' offered by site team member/classic account holder 45002. No one has asked me for money because you offer free 'advice' which isn't advice at all. But of course you don't make your money via direct payments from advice seekers do you, that wouldn't be acceptable and would completely destroy your cover. Rather it seems you help them pay the people you are really helping - the landlords, the letting agencies, the debt collection companies, the finance houses and the banks etc. Deeply concerned by some of the 'advice' being dispensed on here. Deeply concerned by the levels of censorship and suppression of facts on here. Screenshot taken before post is hidden. So now you do have some involvement with post hiding!!!!!!!!Gah! Such a liar. You really do make things up as you go along don't you? Deeply concerned by some of the 'advice' being dispensed on here. Deeply concerned by the levels of censorship and suppression of facts on here. Screenshot taken before post is hidden.
  3. 'Marc nor we make a penny' Utter nonsense also known as bs. 'as i said any advice is for everyone to read now or in the future should they have a like issue and search for answers. we are not here to just fluffy bunny answers to appease the starter of a thread and it must be accurate and true. if it's not what the op expects nor wants then that's sadly not our problem.' As I said I suppose not reading a very detailed post regarding someone's situation and then responding with 'advice' that does not address a very simple question but instead gives the 'advice' giver a moment to absorb himself in what can only be described as self important drivel is considered 'advice' right? And then not content with not helping at all answer the question invents a narrative claiming the advice seeker is to blame for their situation when it is abundantly clear it is not his fault. And then not content with that then goes out of his way to worry the advice seeker with redundant information which the advice seeker already knows anyway. Yes that sounds like great 'advice'. If it were advice of course, which it clearly isn't. we mere siteteam have no control over what admin do or don't regarding posts showing or not. Nope you have no influence whatsoever, even though you literally signed off on hiding my posts last night and spend hours of your time on here just generously, altruistically giving it to CAG for no self enrichment whatsoever. Ah yes more of that bs. The only scammers are the curious ones in disguise operating as 'advice' givers on here when what they're really doing is trying to get people to 'pay up' even when they should not do so. Deeply concerned by some of the 'advice' being dispensed on here. Deeply concerned by the levels of censorship and suppression of facts on here. Screenshot taken before post is hidden.
  4. Well it's good to see that the main post that was hidden has been restored, what about the others? I thought you guys have a keen commitment to ensuring proper legal archiving, or does that not count when the truth doesn't fit the CAG narrative? How much does Marc and his friends make from CAG? I'm sure Marc Gander is a totally selfless person and wouldn't ever dream of enriching himself and his friends with Consumer Action Group, or by working with Marstons and other DCA's. I suppose not reading a very detailed post regarding someone's situation and then responding with 'advice' that does not address a very simple question but instead gives the 'advice' giver a moment to absorb himself in what can only be described as self important drivel is considered 'advice' right? And then not content with not helping at all answer the question invents a narrative claiming the advice seeker is to blame for their situation when it is abundantly clear it is not his fault. And then not content with that then goes out of his way to worry the advice seeker with redundant information which the advice seeker already knows anyway. Yes that sounds like great 'advice'. If it were advice of course, which it clearly isn't. Your feeble attempt to come up with yet another spin effort has not succeeded. Deeply concerned by some of the 'advice' being dispensed on here. Deeply concerned by the levels of censorship and suppression of facts on here. Screenshot taken before post is hidden. Walshy
  5. I dread to think that other people are actually taking some of the advice featured on this forum, that's what bothers me the most. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about or be ashamed of and that's why you deleted 4 of my posts, because they exposed the truth of this platform and it's not a particularly positive truth. You need to get that warning I mentioned on all your posts asap. I'm sure Marc Gander is a totally selfless person and wouldn't ever dream of enriching himself and his friends with Consumer Action Group, or by working with Marstons and other DCA's. Deeply concerned by some of the 'advice' being dispensed on here. Deeply concerned by the levels of censorship and suppression of facts on here. Screenshot taken before post is hidden.
  6. Deliberately attempting to construct some kind of positive spin to cover up defective advice is not a good look. If ever you get that quality of advice from a solicitor you can sue them. Instead of trying to be clever you should be stamping out bad 'advice' and making sure that whenever you do give 'advice' you clearly state on each post that the information contained is not always in the interests of the person you are claiming to 'help'. Does Marc Gander still work with Marstons? Deeply concerned by some of the 'advice' being dispensed on here. Deeply concerned by the levels of censorship and suppression of facts on here. Screenshot taken before post is hidden.
  7. Deeply concerned by some of the 'advice' being dispensed on here. Deeply concerned by the levels of censorship and suppression of facts on here. Screenshot taken before post is hidden.
  8. Let me correct you THEY DO SERVE AS A HANDY TIP FOR LANDLORDS. Can I ask how many landlords work for the site team? Have you seen some of the quality of the 'advice' you are handing out? It's not advice as this thread proves. Site team members don't even bother to read your posts properly and then go off on some kind of self aggrandizing monologue under the guise of 'helping' people. If you need another example please do feel free to look at my other issue in relation to Council Tax. I was advised by London1971 to send an email to my local councillor using a template he had produced and I would get all my Council Tax issues resolved, here's what he said. If you listen to me this can all be sorted out by tea time tomorrow, but before I explain, I need to make one thing clear. You will not go to prison, end of. It has been over a month since I did what he said and in that time I now have a Liability Order and bailiffs knocking on my door. When I stated this later on he became fixated with me contacting my Council Tax Collections Department, which I looked up and is the same department that deals with Council Tax in general and now they won't talk to me and simply advise me to speak to the bailiffs. Deeply concerned by some of the advice you guys are dispensing on here. Walshy
  9. I have been told what I already knew. I did not get any help with my simple question. Can you delete the thread? It purely serves as a handy tip guide for landlords. Walshy
  10. Given that I didn't receive the help I was looking for despite the extensive history explaining this situation is not my fault, it seems that all this thread has done is to serve to possibly make things worse for me. Therefore can I ask that it's deleted. I see we're not allowed to delete posts or threads ourselves so can I ask an admin to delete? Walshy
  11. I am aware of all of these things. You seem determined to not want to help me and make me worry even more. Just so you know you can't make me worry even more. Walshy
  12. Nope. But despite my offer to pay all of the backdated rent in one single payment if I can be allowed to stay in my home, as I stated to the judge, they're not interested. The more I think about this situation the more I think the landlord just wanted to get rid of me. Why else would any half decent human being impose such an impossible condition? Walshy
  13. Hi, I'm fully aware that my landlord doesn't have to give me a reference and could also issue a S8 Notice in addition to the S21 route. I have explained my situation clearly and the landlord has placed me in this situation, despite offering to pay him the rent owed. This entire situation is entirely down to the landlord's and letting agency's own fault. I will try again - Does anyone have any ideas at all how I can sort out an alternative or replacement reference in lieu of a landlord's reference? Walshy
  14. Hi, Thank you all for your responses. I have no intention of moving into a Housing Association property. I live next door to one and will do all I can to avert going through that experience. I'm not saying for one moment that people who live in social housing accommodation are all bad people, far from it. I've met and spoken to some absolutely lovely people from the block next to mine. However, I have also seen a few neighbours who I would never wish to live in the same block as. The point I'm making is that if I move into a situation like that it will only make my health and my life a lot worse not better. So I will not be approaching the council for social housing accommodation. As I explained I am in receipt of Universal Credit and I am in a position to move to another private rented property. The money I have saved will now have to go to my new landlord/letting agency as I will have to pay the rent up front for the whole contract. As I told you I would have preferred to have given it to my current landlord and stay in my current home but he's not interested. This time I am looking at property that's partly rural as I want to live with as few people around me as possible and I am in desperate need of some quiet living. The only issue as I mentioned is that I can not rely on my current landlord and letting agency for a landlord reference but I will obviously need one. Does anyone have any ideas at all how can I sort out an alternative? Walshy
  15. Hi Guys, As some of you will know from the help you have provided to me on my other thread I have just completed the second stage of my treatment and I'm on the waiting list for the next stage. My health isn't great and I am in receipt of Universal Credit with the health component, after winning my Tribunal regarding the health assessment. A few months ago my renewal came up for my tenancy agreement. I thought this would be a simple process, it wasn't. My landlord and letting agency demanded I pay the full 6 months rent up front for the contract, totalling £5000. I simply do not have anywhere near that level of money lying around and I asked to pay monthly as is the standard payment method for rental agreements but they insisted I had to pay up front the 6 months rent. I said I simply don't have the money so they then issued a Section 21 Notice on me forcing me out of my flat. I was so shocked at their callous nature and very angry but there was nothing I could do. I recently had my Possession Order hearing in which I asked the judge to be allowed to present my medical evidence in confidentiality for the judge's eyes only as I did not want all my personal medical details handed over to my landlord or letting agency, but I was denied this and my medical evidence was not allowed to be relied on at the hearing. The judge granted the landlord his Possession Order. I stopped paying my rent as soon as the S21 was issued. I even said at the hearing that I would be happy to pay all the backdated rent in one payment so long as I can carry on living in the property and be allowed to pay my rent on a monthly basis. Even though all the government guidelines I have seen stipulate that landlords should only issue a Section 21 Notice as a last resort and especially due to the coronavirus situation landlord's should be extra flexible it seems that my landlord and letting agency have gone out of their way to be as unreasonable as possible. I would understand that more had I been a bad tenant but I have been an excellent tenant, my rent has always been paid on time and I have looked after the place and I am a very considerate neighbour. I really didn't need all this hassle and I would have preferred to concentrate on getting my health back to normal but clearly you are not allowed to be ill and if you are the system will make it even more difficult for you. Thankfully I can take advantage of the eviction ban but soon I will need a new place to live. The problem I clearly have now is that I will soon need a landlord reference but clearly I will not get one from my current landlord. I have been a renter for over 10 years and all my other references are impeccable, I really don't know what to do. I don't want to lie to my new prospective landlord/letting agency but I don't know what else to do. Perhaps they could use my other landlord references? I have only lived in this flat for 18 months, perhaps the new landlord/letting agency would accept all my previous refences? If anyone has any advice, guidance or suggestions I would be so grateful. This whole situation is really worrying me so any help appreciated, thanks. Walshy
  16. Hi London1971, Yes I have done exactly that and they simply now direct me to the bailiffs. Walshy
  17. Ha! Yes you're right it's Capita. Nice little racket they've got going isn't it? I always wondered why local councils are also registered as companies with Companies House. Still no word from my local councillor. Not sure if he's really trying to help. In fact after almost a month I'm getting the distinct impression he's making sure he doesn't help but just not telling me so. Walshy
  18. So an update from the not so helpful Council. All discussions of repayment options must now go through the bailiffs. Fantastic. Walshy
  19. This letter is to give me a chance to make an arrangement with them it seems. I'm assuming the Notice of Enforcement will be their next letter. On the back of the letter they have sent it lists the next stages and then the charges: Compliance Stage (Administration Fee) £75 Enforcement Stage £235 Removal Stage £110 Walshy
  20. Just so you know I don't think the actual Enforcement Notice has been issued. A Liability Order has been issued and I have received a letter from CDER Group informing me: 'Formal Notification of Issue Of Liability Order For Unpaid Council Tax Owing to .....Council'. So it looks like the enforcement company is sending out a pre-Enforcement Notice letter warning me if I don't respond they can enter my property to take control of my goods and sell them at public auction. I assume the next letter from them will be the Notice of Enforcement. Walshy
  21. As far as I can tell the 'Collections Department' email address is the same one as the regular Council Tax email address. I have written to and phoned this department on several occasions and they are fully aware of my situation but insisted on pursuing the Liability Order. Hence the reason I went down the route you suggested. And now I have a Notice of Enforcement. Walshy
  22. Hi London1971, Thanks for your latest response. I approached my local councillor based on your post and advice, it seemed like an excellent suggestion and from what you said I could get this sorted in a very quick period of time. However, over three weeks on and despite a number of emails to my local councillor and the head of my local council as well as phone calls to them both, neither of them have come back with anything of help to me. In fact I'm not sure what my local councillor is playing at. Even with staff working from home I would have expected some type of positive sign from him by now but nothing whatsoever has been forthcoming. As regards bailiffs I'm afraid you're wrong, the bailiff process is continuing and they have now written to me. They will very soon start to make their visits regardless of my health and irrespective of the pandemic, unless there is a current bailiff ban but I don't think there is at the moment, not in relation to unpaid Council Tax anyway. In one of my subsequent emails to my local councillor I have informed him that bailiffs are about to knock on my door and would be very grateful of his help in buying me time to pay the debt off, but the only response is that he is still in the process of obtaining information. I agree with you and I will not be engaging with the bailiffs. I will just have to be very careful with them and do my best to stop them attempting to enter my home, and make sure I have everything closed and locked. Walshy
  23. Hi, I have explained from the outset what stage I am at and then provided an update a few days ago. I mentioned before that I don't have a scanner. No I have not made any contact with the bailiffs, nor will I. Walshy
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