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  1. Nope read what happened... landlord contacted to check facts....OVO has no contract or ever had at this address I'm not asking what happened...just advice as to what to do next
  2. Nope they said it was erroneous transfer happened some time after we had moved into the property Living in property since 2018
  3. No we were registered and paying Eon OVO executed a transfer unbeknownst to us It was previously a betting shop but converted by landlord to flat and currently a charity shop beneath. We were the first residents. The landlord confirms there is not or ever has been a person that OVO were billing. We did everything correctly regards gas electric when we moved in. At some point OVO took over without consent and obviously without informing us
  4. My partner woke alone after a nightshift to 4 men outside the bedroom door having picked the locks.to gain entry. Ovo has been sending letters for some time addressed to a man we dont know...letters being returned to sender The letters then started being addressed to the occupier, we assumed it was junk mail. Curiosity eventually got the better of me and i opened one to find ovo intended to recover a debt.. I called and informed them of their mistake and as the agent asked, i checked the meter number. They said that an erroneous transfer had probably occurred and i asked them to sort this out as we had not asked for a change in supplier. I gather that they then applied for a warrant irrespectively and then executed it on a home not connected to the debtor in anyway claiming the home was unoccupied. 1 i believe they must have deceived the court in order to obtain the warrant (having been informed it was occupied, not by the debtor.) 2 the warrant should not have been executed upon discovery the home being occupied 3 ovo having addressed letters to the occupier and not the debtor any longer should have prevented this surely(acknowledging debtor not at the address!) 4 the warrant named a person not at this address and as it was never previous to our occupation a residential address could not ever have been resident here 5 we are registered voters and could be found at this address if searched 6 having raised a dispute the warrant should not even have been applied for Obviously this cant be attributed to mistake(s) , there being every safety protocol sidestepped consecutively to arrive at this point. Kathryn now suffers symptoms of acute anxiety...headaches, sleep disturbances, bouts of crying and ,although she is unaware that i know, sleeps with a knife in the bedside cabinet. It is also impossible to explain to our 2 yr old autistic son why mummy is always crying and is already affecting his behaviour as i think he believes he is upsetting her. I cant find any precedent to refer to for our situation and was hoping if anyone could offer advice re course of action. Also is it not Fraud to deceive the court in order to install remote control devices to recover money from a person(s) that you know do not owe you money? Thanks in advance for any help and advice you can give
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