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  1. Youre too kind calling him a menace! I'll live and learn by all of this, but I'm a great believer in Karma. Let the Universe deal with James Harrison. All the best..
  2. Hi senbell1 , I just tried messaging you but it wouldnt let me. You are not alone . I bought a car 6 weeks ago from this clown. Still no log book or warranty papers. I too bought online and it was driven down from Solihull. Drives well but delivered filthy, broken armrest, fan blower not working, broken boot handle, missing parcel shelf. He even asked me to tip the delivery driver due to him being a hard working lad who worked through the pandemic. On arrival, I asked the driver to keep his (social) distance but he proudly explained he is healthy as he has just returned from Dubai (poor lad). Having messaged Jim harrison about all the problems he told me to get them sorted at a garage and he will reimburse me. A few weeks later I asked him where the warranty papers were and he said I will receive in 6 weeks time. When I asked about being reimbursed for the faults he told me he couldnt deal with my enquiry as he was in Dubai. I went on to tell him it must be a popular place as his penniless delivery driver apparently had returned from there not long ago. I was then blocked! Still no log book and have to contact DVLA to find out how to tax car.
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