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Everything posted by Melissa2574

  1. Thank you honeybee I very much appreciate this. I don’t want to sound like a whinger but I feel completely on my last legs at present. Here goes: in April 2018 I took out a logbook loan with car cash point. The loan was for 2000. I fell into difficulties a few times but always got back on track within a week or two. Due to covid I asked them ( they have on their website they were doing deferrals) for a deferral and I had a couple of them. I paid an intermittent £100 here or there during this time. I set up a further repayment plan of £80 per week beginning 12th December and made the first payment. Unfortunately my aunt and uncle who were like second parents to me developed covid and one of them died on 20th December and the other on 22nd December so you can imagine it was a horrendous time. Tbh helping my mum get through day to day was my focus over those initial few weeks was my main aim. I didn’t keep an eye on my bank and my payments didn’t repeat. fast forward to Monday evening I am driving home from work and receive a telephone call from a man telling me he was at my home to take my car and if I did not cooperate he would phone the police and report it stolen. I said I would phone the police which I did and they confirmed they would not be doing anything as it was a civil matter. This man continued to intimidate and verbally abuse me on the phone telling me I shouldn’t be taking things when I cannot pay for them and who did I think I was driving in a car that belonged to a finance company etc etc. the next morning I made a complaint which was passed to Burlington who surprise surprise won’t uphold it as the officer told a different version completely. I had been trying for two days to negotiate with CCP to try and reset up a plan. I sent 7 emails and finally got response tonight telling me I must pay £2800 by Monday which is arrears and Costs or the full balance of £3750!!! They say if I do that they will cancel the instruction to recover. But that at present the car is going to be lifted as soon as sighted. I have not slept or eaten in 2 days. I’m a key worker with social services and cannot concentrate on my job. I simply cannot find that money. I am scared out of my wits that they will come to my parents house. I live with them and they are elderly and I cannot tell them about this it would put them over the edge. I simply don’t know what to do I am a nervous wreck and wouldn’t wish this on anyone. I took the loan for £2000 and have now paid in excess of £4700 back. so sorry for how long this was.
  2. Hi there is anyone around this forum I have something urgent to discuss and it’s affecting me so badly I can hardly eat. I would love advice if anyone is around. It’s quite long to type out.
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