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Everything posted by anonymous615271636

  1. will do. I’ve read through the Uncivil Recovery document you linked, and with the examples I saw that most people had denied the shoplifting and that there were only claims. I was made to sign something and print my full name, does this change things? I’ll ask anymore questions before doing anything if I get a letter in the post
  2. Thank you so much for helping. I’ve never done anything like this before and I won’t again, I’ve learnt from this. Thank you again for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it
  3. Hi. I want to start off by saying that I know how stupid it is to shoplift and that I will never do it again. I’m 16 and I made a mistake, it was an awful thing to do and I feel so disappointed and ashamed of myself. Earlier today I was caught shoplifting from Boots. Total value came under £20, I was asked to empty all my pockets and bag. I was shaking so much and I felt so ashamed of myself, I really regret taking anything, and not just that I was caught. I took a couple of makeup items that I wanted to give to my mum for Christmas. I don’t have any money to buy them for myself. I was asked to fill out a form with my full name, address and phone number, and I did so. The letter says: ’You are no longer permitted to enter this store because of your unacceptable behaviour. Please note that if you disregard this letter, we shall not hesitate to take legal action against you.’ The man said that I’m banned from all Boots stores in the area that I live, which I understand. And he said that a letter will be sent to my home address. I’m a smart girl and I have high hopes for the future. I made a stupid mistake which I feel deeply ashamed for. Please could someone tell me if this will be shown on any records when I apply for jobs/universities in the future? Will I be fined? Will the police get involved, even if the store let me go after returning the items and signing the form? I really hope that a stupid mistake doesn’t ruin my future. If anyone could give me any advice or comfort I would really appreciate it. I’m only young and I know that that’s no excuse but I’m really worried and upset over this because I have no idea what’s going to happen. Thank you
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