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Everything posted by Bubsy90

  1. Thank you both! Guess what couldn’t get in contact with them via telephone, so I’ve had to email them and no reply all day.
  2. Thank you, what do I do? Get it in writing? Tell them I’m recording the call? Thanks
  3. My plan is - ring them tomorrow, tell them I’ve seen the ccj via credit check, tell them I want this setting aside as I had no knowledge of it, Haven’t had chance to defend myself, and won’t be paying anything until I’ve take legal guidance and I’ll only be satisfied with the removal of the ccj off my file. I’ll see what they say, if they offer me a deal, I’ll go for it. To be honest I just want it gone, I can’t be bothered with forms. I don’t feel threatened by them, from what I’ve read online they sound like ****! Thanks for the advice!
  4. It’s blank.....so they are chasing me for a parking fine that they already took me to court for and for a ccj against me, that I didn’t know about. They want me to pay a reduced fee of £261 instead of the £349 they say I owe them. What a mess!!! I don’t even know what contempt of court means these people sound like savages!!!
  5. didn’t update the v5c no because at the time it was probably the last thing on my mind. However the company have made no other attempts at trying to contact me before going ahead and taking me to court, if I had known I would have paid. I don’t have any other debts at all, not even a mortgage so that’s not an issue thank you. the letter titled Without prejudice save as to costs! Our offer to settle the judgement debts with a form attached titled application for debtor attend court for questioning. Ive been reading up and was thinking of applying for a set aside - why has that ship long sailed?
  6. 1 Date of the infringement12/07/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date]Unknown [scan up BOTHSIDES as ONE PDF- follow the upload guide]please do not put JPG Picture files into your post 3 Date received22/05/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [Y/N?]No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event?Unsure 6 Have you appealed? [Y/N?] post up your appeal]N Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it upN 7 Who is the parking company?Civil Enforcement Ltd 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town]Lambourne House, Burntwood I have a backdoor CCJ which I was first aware of beginning on the year, while checking my credit file. I haven’t done anything about it. I’ve received a letter dated 24/11/2020 to my old address, my parents address, who both have dementia and have been in and out of hospital the last few years, I found it on the side opened, but parents don’t pass information on. It’s from civil enforcement limited, asking for me to pay them to settle the judgement or they will take me to court to reclaim monies owed. This is apparently for my old car, which I owned at the time on the letter, however did not live at the address, I had not long moved home to my current address. I have received no previous information about this. I know where the car park is, I don’t use it often at all, maybe two/three times in my life. It just states (parking in breach of Terms and Conditions on Notice). It’s now apparent that this ccj is from this parking fine, I was unaware of. However what do I do now? I’m worried to contact them, in case they try to get me to admit to something, or want my new address etc. I’ve looked into it and the cost is £225 to ask for a set aside order. I don’t even know whether this would be successful seeing as I would be to blame for not updating my registered keeper details. At the time it didn’t seem too much drama as it was my parents house, but sadly they became very unwell, and their house is full of paperwork, letters, hospital visits etc. Any help would be much appreciated. they are asking for £261 in 21 days to settle, but I’ll still have the CCJ for 3 years 6 months. Not sure what is best to do. Ideally I obviously want this removing from my credit file. thanks
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