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  1. Following on from the comment above, I was hoping to have received a reply by now. That is not the case just yet, so a chasing email has been sent. I have no additional factual information to share on here at this time. Should the matter be resolved in a timely manner, I will of course make this thread aware. Nothing just yet.
  2. Thanks @BankFodder for looking into this with me, much appreciated. I believe I have a strong case indeed but enforcing it might be tricky as you pointed out. I wasn't aware I could sue the individual and also the ltd company as co-defendants, I thought it was one or the other. That would probably be wise in that case. Indeed my receipt for this purchase is handwritten on a piece of A4 paper, with the individual's name, his company name (minus "LTD") and his business address. The company is located 30 miles away from me, not too far. I have been to his unit twice, once to view the car, once to pick it up. It looks like a rented unit, with no company branding and a small office. Nothing too official but nothing ringing alarm bells either. There were about half a dozen of cars in his unit, which were being valeted by another guy, I suppose an employee, family member or unofficial business partner. Indeed, they do not have a website. They only have a Gumtree Motors Pro page, which currently list 14 vehicles up for sale. Car photos are all taken at said Unit, I recognise the premises. I'm not sure if the individual / dealer owns the vehicles or if he sells them on behalf of customers. https://showroom.ebaymotorspro.co.uk/MJS-Vehicle-Solutions I found the individual's address on the Companies House' register and his business address is listed in the link above.
  3. The dealer is called MJS Vehicle Solutions Ltd, based in Wolverhampton.
  4. Hi all, Apologies if this is not listed correctly. I was wondering if anybody would be able to help with where I stand with a dispute I'm having with a used car dealer. I bought a 2nd hand BMW 320i on 27th October from a dealer, for £3,995. I expressed my concerns buying second-hand so the dealer gave me a 12-month warranty cover. Car has done 101K miles. I paid the full amount by bank transfer (oh how do I regret this decision). Important ‘detail’, said dealer is registered as a limited company. 30/10/2020 - I noticed a huge white cloud coming out of my exhaust as I pulled away from services. I didn’t think much of it. 30/11/2020 – First drive in 3 weeks. I got stuck in traffic and big puffs of smoke were coming out of my exhaust every time I pressed on the accelerator to move forward. So much so, the driver behind me came to say I had a problem with the car. I called my warranty company who sent me an assessment form and booked a diagnostic at a BMW specialist garage. 07/12/2020 – The garage in charge of the diagnostic called me and informed me the engine needed replacing (Engine burning oil, faults with valve lift. Suspect internal engine damage, suspect internal piston rings and valve stem issue plus worn eccentric shaft. Further strip down of the engine is required to confirm). Estimate total £9.015. I informed the dealer I bought it from. He said he’s sorry to hear that and that he’ll talk to the warranty company to see if they can assist and that I should do the same. 08/12/2020 – I sent the assessment form and the garage’s estimate for the repair to the warranty company and copied the dealer I bought the car from. His reply: Bearing in mind his email was in response to me sending said forms to the Warranty company. Reply from the Warranty company the same day: 09/12/2020 - I informed the dealer I bought the car from of the warranty company decision. Here’s my email, which has not been replied to yet. 10/12/2020 – I got the car seen by another BMW specialist who came to the same conclusion. The car needs an engine replacement. This one pointed out that this damage could not have been sudden and that faults shown on his test report were likely already present at the time of purchase. I’m seeking assistance as I have a strong feeling this will need to go to Small Claims. I want to make sure I’m giving the dealer enough time to sort the issue but I do not want to give him opportunities to wiggle out of it. The receipt for my car is handwritten, showing the dealer’s name (without the LTD bit) and director’s name. The limited company is active and has been registered since 2018 but I noticed a compulsory strike off 11 months ago for late accounts. That doesn’t fill me with confidence. Should I need to escalate this, do I go after the limited company and hope it doesn’t vanish or do I go after its director?
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