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  1. I refer to the below : "CASE 2 I agree with lookinforinfo. If they actually sued you when you had a ticket showing then that is a very serious GDPR breach. If you want to go down the road of suing them, please start a new thread and give us more details of what went on, with the important documentation redacted & uploaded". I started legal action against EPS but was advised by the judge at a pre-trial hearing that there had been no breach of Data Protection law in my case and that the EPS attendant had merely failed to read the ticket correctly. This is despite the earlier case against me being dismissed by the judge with the comment: "And upon the court noting the pay and display ticket was clearly displayed and not obstructed" A redacted copy of my claim is attached. Do I have grounds to sue under a GDPR breach? And how should I proceed. img20220917_0015.pdf
  2. CASE " There is no CCJ. The Court or case hasn't even been allocated to date. CASE 3 With regard to the "over-stay" issue, documentation does refer to a car I own. But the one in the photos supporting the claim is different! So no ifs!
  3. For the last six months, I have received a barrage of Court papers for alleged parking infringements by the same operator, Excel Parking Ltd and am considering taking legal action against them. Here is a summary: CASE 1 Pursued 4 years after the alleged infringement only for the case to be summarily vacated the claimant within days of the Court hearing CASE 2 Pursued 2 years after the alleged infringement. Case dismissed by the judge as evidence provided by the claimant clearly proved a valid ticket was purchased and displayed CASE 3 Pursued 2 years after the alleged infringement. Received and completed Notice of Proposed Allocation to the Small Claims Track and awaiting Court allocation. Claimant has claimed they already have CCJ against me for this case despite no Court allocation or hearing and have advised of impending bailiff action. Requests for detail of the alleged infringement not met. CASE 4 Being pursued for an "over-stay" at a motorway service area car park despite having never been the legal owner or keeper of the vehicle in question Any suggestions on my next move?
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