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Everything posted by AJC1973

  1. Hiya, it was £74.46 snd yeah I could probably find something similar on Amazon etc. My choice would be curry’s sending what I ordered but thinking it will be quicker cancelling and ordering elsewhere
  2. Hi, would appreciate advice on how to take this forward. On 13/11/20 I ordered a TV and wall bracket from Currys. This was paid for with a re-loadable Currys gift card. The TV bracket was to be delivered on 17/11/20 but DPD turned up with a Coffee Machine. I refused delivery and they took back and this has been returned to Currys. I have contacted Currys via both their webchat and phone on 18/11/20, 25/11/20 & today (28/11/20) to ask they send the correct item out. I was told on the first call on 18/11/20 a exchange would be processed to get the TV bracket sent out. I heard nothing and I did a webchat on 25/11/20 where they said the incorrect item had been received back but the relevant dept hadn't processed the return so the exchange couldn't be actioned. They said they would escalate and to give them 48 hours. Having heard nothing I called again today and again they said they would contact the dept but I'm really feeling I'm getting the runaround. I would prefer to get them to send the correct item but this is dragging on and I'm getting weary of it all and I'm almost at the stage of asking them to just refund and getting the bracket elsewhere. The TV arrived ok but I cannot set up due to the non delivery of the bracket. Would appreciate any advice you guys have as to getting resolved. I live in Glasgow. Many thanks.
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