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  1. Oops ... Sorry its not clear.... In August I arranged with Asda a home delivery, during lock down, for my son who was sheilding. He lives in kettering but I accidentally put my address as the delivery address. I realised my mistake and called Asda helpline who said it was too late to cancel the delivery and I should refuse the delivery at the door, which I did. And the status of the order was "cancelled" 2 weeks later the status of the order on line changed to "delivered", at this point I was charged for the non delivery. My on line bank account showed 2 amounts of 97.84 as pending. I called Asda helpline and they said sometimes it shows as 2 amounts pending on my account but only 1 amount will be charged, and I should wait 7 days for the amounts to "fall off" after 7 days the amounts were still pending and I called the helpline again, they authorised a refund. This deleted one amount of 97.84 and the other amount was taken out of my account. So far :- * 2 amounts of 97.84 were pending but I did not take a screen shot of this and I only have evidence of 1 amount on my bank statement. 1 has been charged to my bank Can you please help me to resolve this issue? In August I arranged with Asda a home delivery, during lock down, for my son who was sheilding. He lives in kettering but I accidentally put my address as the delivery address. I realised my mistake and called Asda helpline who said it was too late to cancel the delivery and I should refuse the delivery at the door, which I did. And the status of the order was "cancelled" 2 weeks later the status of the order on line changed to "delivered", at this point I was charged for the non delivery. My on line bank account showed 2 amounts of 97.84 as pending. I called Asda helpline and they said sometimes it shows as 2 amounts pending on my account but only 1 amount will be charged, and I should wait 7 days for the amounts to "fall off" after 7 days the amounts were still pending and I called the helpline again, they authorised a refund. This deleted one amount of 97.84 and the other amount was taken out of my account. 2 amounts were pending 1 has been charged to my bank Asda say they have refunded the money but there is no refund in my account Barclays say they can see the refund but this will not show up on my account (this i do not understand) All I know is that i am still owed 97.84 by Asda. Asda say they have refunded the money but there is no refund in my account Barclays say they can see the refund but this will not show up on my account (this i do not understand) All I know is that i am still owed 97.84 by Asda and this shows on my bank statement which I have sent them. They say they have refunded the money but this has not come through to my account, nor is on any statement. hope this is a little clearer.
  2. Thank you for the welcome and moving my post to the appropriate area
  3. Hi hoping for some help or advice re asda. On Saturday 15th August I had to cancel/refuse a delivery at the door. On 7th Sept the status of the order changed to "delivered" and I had 2 amounts of £97.84 deducted from my bank balance as pending. I called Asda who refunded £97.84, this deleted one amount. I have still been charged £97.84 for a delivery but Asda are saying it has been refunded and to contact my bank. This is their response "Hi there, thank you for your patience with this. I have spoken with our payments team this morning who have confirmed they have refunded the charge on this order. Sometimes when an order is placed, two transactions do appear on your statement; one pending and one charge, but only one of them actually affects your balance. Our payments team have confirmed they have refunded the one charge present on our system and therefore have refunded you the £97.84. I appreciate that you sent through a picture showing this charge on your statement, but that is one to query with your bank directly as we have refunded the charges that we authorised on your order and therefore the charge affecting your balance. Thanks, Jake." My bank say they can see the refund but this does not show up on my statement and I am still out of pocket 97.84. After sending my bank statement showing the charge and no refund they emailed back today.... I have replied stating my statement does not show any refund. But will only show 1 amount. Could someone please advise my next step please.
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