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Everything posted by VGTom

  1. Thank you for the detailed response. You have a good understanding of what had happened and all the evidence we have here. Fortunately, the photo shows the whole reception area with one of the members of the staff (no face though) so it is pretty easy to prove that the driver has been there. Also google confirmed in email that the parcel in the photo indeed looks like the one they sent out. I do agree with what you are saying. I will wait for the concierge desk to officially close the investigation on their side and then send a letter before action to the building management agency(?!). The item's value is £180, so I don't mind going to court with slim chances even as the money I can lose if ruled against me is negligible. Thank you again, will get back to you once I receive the concierge staff's final answer.
  2. Interesting, I actually think it's awful to read something where there are 2 cm high blank lines between sentences. Hurts my eyes. Also not sure how you write on facebook, I don't use it. According to Yodel the parcel has been delivered but the concierge team can't seem to find it. All I know is what I've shared with you. Not sure if you read my previous message - "I am just not sure if I should go for Google or the reception. I guess I was in contract with Google and in the end they failed to fulfill that contract." My question is if Google can be blamed for me not receiving the item or not. Yodel has a photo as proof of delivery, I can't sue them unless I prove that the image is an old one and the metadata has been tampered with.
  3. My bad, just realized this. I could try this but do you think there is a more direct approach like suing the reception for the value of the item? I am going to be honest, I would prefer not to do any detective work myself. I am just not sure if I should go for Google or the reception. I guess I was in contract with Google and in the end they failed to fulfill that contract. How do you see this? Who is the one to blame here?
  4. There is and this is the reply I got from the concierge team: I feel like they are stalling. I told them the exact minute the parcel has been delivered, I sent them the proof of delivery photo which shows the parcel they have to look for and they still "couldn't locate it".
  5. Yes, I bought a Pixel 7 pro and it came with a free gift from Google that I was able to claim in January, a month after the purchase of the phone.
  6. Hello there (again)! Hope all is well since the last time I was here. I am hoping to get a little bit of help with the issue I am currently facing. Let me give you guys a clear picture of the situation: Google Promotions sent me a smartwatch via Yodel that was supposed to be delivered on the 8th of Wednesday. The Yodel website showed that *the delivery will require a photo in your open door* ,I thought they would ring the intercom and try to deliver it in person. I work from home so was home the whole day. Around 14:00 I get an email that the item has been delivered. Obviously the driver didn't even come to my apartment but went straight to the reception desk and left my parcel there. Just to make sure I quickly checked in front of my door and downstairs but they didn't leave any parcels there. Usually the concierge team needs a couple hours to register any items they receive into the system, after which I receive an automatic email and a text message which lets me collect the parcel the same day or after. This time I didn't receive anything from the concierge team. It seems like as if they didn't even receive the parcel however Yodel has an extremely blurry image as proof of delivery (2 parcels on top of each other on the concierge desk). I waited another day and decided to ask the concierge team in person. After hours of searching they couldn't find anything in the storage hold. Since then I have contacted both Google and Yodel, none of which could give me a clear answer and help me. Yodel completely ignores the fact that the driver should have come to my place first and tried to deliver the parcel in person (I didn't specify any safe places, I didn't even mention the concierge in the comments or the like). Google tells me the item has been delivered so they can't help me anymore. I just wanted to know what my rights are in this situation. Which party is to blame here? Google did have a contractual obligation that I successfully receive the item they send me and they failed to do that. In my opinion I am not in contract with the delivery company but with Google. On the other hand it seems like the concierge desk has clearly made a mistake here. Is there any way I can sue the concierge desk for losing my parcel? I am not sure what is the best course of action here, would love to hear your opinion on the matter! T
  7. Hello again! Hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday. A little update here: I got the refund in the end, they were pretty quick actually, I didn't even realize but I got it in three days after receiving that email from the CS executive. I have to say I am a bit relieved now, it would have been interesting to go through with the whole thing, go to a hearing, etc. but it's nice that I don't have to risk any more money in court. The only thing I am sad about is that Hermes is getting away with stealing again. I guess we would need thousands of people to sue Hermes for losing packages and maybe then they would be forced to refund customers and change their policies. I also wanted to thank you for your help, I would have probably sued Hermes for a lot less money if it wasn't for you. I would also like to donate a small sum of money to support what you're doing here. It is very nice of you to help all these desperate people in your free time without asking for any money. Oh by the way, I sent them the reply you suggested to send and have received no replies from them since
  8. Ok, sorry for my late reply but I got this letter from Amazon yesterday (Monday): Now this sounds great but I am not going to celebrate until I have that money on my bank account... Not going to proceed with Moneyclaim in the meantime. Will be back to you as soon as I get (don't get) the refund
  9. Don't worry, I read around already, just wanted to double check. I will post the particulars of claim tomorrow or Sunday here.
  10. Ok both sent today. Should we wait for a reply now? I mean technically they don't have to reply to this, right?
  11. Understood. I am going to send it in email to both managingdirector@amazon.co.uk and to complaints@amazon.co.uk (I have no clue where else to send this, the only other email I could find was Jeff Bezos', probably he has bigger fish to fry ). Additionally I will send a physical copy to the Amazon UK headquarters (60 Holborn Viaduct, Holborn, London EC1A 2FD, UK ???).
  12. Oh and one more thing. I think there is one more important thing about this case that I should mention in the letter of claim. So I got the following response from the head offices: "Since you used your own label, I recommend that you directly contact the carrier used and see all possible options" I feel like they are trying to blame me for using my own label. I think it would be important to point out that this was the only option left and that I was told to do that as they weren't able to create a prepaid shipping label for me. What would be the best way to incorporate this into the letter of claim?
  13. Oh I am prepared to sue! And thank you again for the edits. Also, should I send it by post as well?
  14. Hey, thanks for the edits. So this is how it looks like now:
  15. Yes, I have the original ones (by that I mean screenshots of the chat as Amazon uk is not able to send chat transcripts to emails + you can't ask for chat transcripts that happened in the past... how convenient for them). I forgot to post it the following day, here is the letter of claim: So do I just send this to Amazon via email? If yes, I will both start a new chat with a CS assistant and send it there and send it to managingdirector@amazon.co.uk as well.
  16. Hello! Please see the chat transcript attached. I am still working on the letter of action, will post it as soon as I'm done. So regarding the chat transcript: this is basically the ONLY evidence I have. What do you think? Is it enough to support my case? Chat_transcript_typed.pdf
  17. Thanks, I will do both the transcript and letter of action before Monday and post them here. Enjoy your weekend!
  18. Is there any way for me to send you the chat transcript (I am talking about just a few lines, the important ones) so you can check if what you see there is enough evidence? I only have screenshots, I can't just copy/paste the conversation here. Or if you want I can just write it all down here so other people checking the forum can still see the conversation. About the letter before action: I have looked at the other topics but I am not sure which template should I go with. I understand that I shouldn't really go into details about the case but make it brief instead. Can you suggest me a template to use?
  19. Hello! So I directly contacted the managing director at managingdirector@amazon.co.uk (as I haven't heard back from anyone about that "ongoing investigation")and I got the following reply: My name is Jaluk Singh from the Amazon.co.uk Amazon Executive Customer Relations Team. Your correspondence has been brought to my attention, and I wanted to personally respond. "I understand that you did not return the order using the Amazon pre-paid label as you had some problems during the collection. Since you used your own label, I recommend that you directly contact the carrier used and see all possible options. Amazon.co.uk is not able to resolve return issues when our return mailing label isn't used. I hope this helps." I immediately replied and tried to explain the situation (that I acted on Amazon's behalf when returning the defective laptop as I was told to do so by the CS assistant, etc.) and today I got the following reply: "Jaluk here. As stated in my previous email, we suggest that you contact the carrier you used for this return to initiate an investigation, file a claim, or enquire about other options they may have available. Amazon.co.uk is not able to resolve return issues when our return mailing label isn't used, so we recommend that you purchase insurance on any return if you choose to send the item on your own. Thank you for understanding." So I think we should definitely move on to sending a letter of claim. I do have one question though. As stated in Jaluk's email: "Amazon.co.uk is not able to resolve return issues when our return mailing label isn't used, so we recommend that you purchase insurance on any return if you choose to send the item on your own." This part is probably in the term and conditions that I accepted when purchasing the item. Does that change anything? Can they build their defense on that? As I told you before when I first contacted Amazon the customer service assistant did ask me if I wanted to proceed with me organizing the delivery or them organizing another (third) Hermes pick-up but he did point out that it seems useless as they already failed to collect it twice.
  20. Hey again! I completely get your point and I agree with you. Again sorry for not writing for weeks, to be honest, I was also waiting for a reply from Amazon (I had to contact them three times, the amazon associates are awful... they don't read your messages and they just don't care in general). Yes, I have and I just got an email from them actually (2 days ago)... They have finally understood that the item is lost in transit... They told me this: "As the item has been lost in transit, I have referred to our higher team and have raised an investigation for the item missed. (I have been assigned a case ID as well). So I request you to wait for 72 hours until the investigation is completed and we can help you further." We will see if they understood that message I wrote to them about how I did what I was told by the customer service assistant, etc... I am going to send you their reply as soon as I get an email from them. But I feel like the next step will be to send the letter before action. Btw I have read around about the steps required to take a small claim. The only thing I'm afraid of is losing even more money (if I lose), but I guess this is just a risk I have to take. When claiming 2000 I think i can lose around 400 in total. Will get back to you as soon as I get a reply from Amazon.
  21. Hey! Sorry for not writing, I have been extremely busy in the past few weeks. I do have a question though and I wanted to see your opinion. I understand that the next step will be probably to take legal action against Amazon. But there is one thing that I haven't tried yet. What do you think about filing an official complaint through a third party, like https://www.econsumer.gov/#crnt or with the relevant (private sector?) ombudsman (I am not sure where I could do that)? And if I am not happy with the ombudsman's decision, I could still take court action.
  22. Thank you! I will write as soon as I spoke with them. I am still waiting for a reply from them (they promised that they would conduct an investigation into the matter).
  23. What are the main points I should stress during my call with Amazon?
  24. Understood. Maybe as a first step it would be a good idea to write to Amazon and tell them that I would have selected the prepaid hermes drop-off option, like I always do, but I wasn't able to as that option wasn't available for the laptop. Additionally, after Hermes not collecting the item on two consecutive times with the Hermes home pick-up option, I was advised by a customer service assistant to organize the return myself as there is no point in choosing the home pick-up service for the third time. Following his advice and returning the laptop myself being the only available option to send it back to Amazon, I have decided to organize the return myself. I was told that I can use any of the shipping services. To quote I was told: "I could only find the pickup option. So you could arrange your own return using parcel monkey: www.parcelmonkey.com or any similar service. Keep the receipt and send it to: ...url... And we will refund you the postage fees". I didn't get any other instructions and I did what I was told by the assistant to the letter. What else should I add? Should I mention anything else? I understand that. I am not afraid of that, I do think that nothing protects them from having to compensate a consumer where they have failed to take reasonable care in performing the contracted service. They have a general duty of care, and they have also failed to provide the service paid for. I really hope that the judge sees it that way too. But maybe Amazon realize the mistake they made and I won't have to sue Hermes. To be honest I think it is disgusting what they do... There is no way to lose a package of 70X40X15. It is way too big. And what are the chances that they lose another package of mine that I send with the laptop at the same time? Obviously someone stole them. What else could have happened? How can they not find the driver who was responsible for the package at the time of moving it from the ParcelShop to the sorting warehouse? And if something happened to the car/driver, it must be logged somewhere. And I would like to see that log (I actually asked them to provide that in my last letter). The whole thing is just unbeliavable.
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