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  1. This is what I sent ..... Startline Motor Finance Ltd DATA PROTECTION REGULATIONS – SUBJECT ACCESS REQUEST Vehicle Registration: KM66BAU Contract Number: 16917235 To whom it may concern, Please supply me with copies of all the data which you hold on me in relation to any matter and in any form and for any period of time. Please note that I require disclosure of any personal data which you hold on me for the entire period of my dealings with you. This Subject Access Request includes - but is not limited to any data you hold about me in respect of any matter and held in any form including; statements, notes, screen notes, recordings, internal correspondence and external correspondence. Please note that this Subject Access Request is not limited to the account/reference number mentioned above but that number has been provided purely as a starting reference for you. Under the new GDPR regime, you must satisfy this data disclosure request as soon as possible and in any event within one month. If there is specific information which you require in order to satisfy yourself as to my identity, please let me know by return however, you are not entitled to impose any formality upon me or to require that I complete any particular form or template before you comply with your statutory duty. I also require you to confirm to me that you are processing my personal data, how you acquired it, for what purpose you are processing it and also to identify all the parties with whom you have shared it. You are required to provide this information regardless of whether you believe that the substantive disclosure satisfies the conditions which permit you to impose a charge. I also required to know whether my data has been subject to any automatic processing which has resulted in decisions or suggested decisions being made in respect of me. Also, has my personal data been used in any way to categorise me or to place me on any lists. If so please explain. Finally, I should remind you that you have a duty to make clear the meaning of any codes or shorthand which you use in relation to my personal data. If I do not hear from you then I will assume that this Statutory Request is satisfactory and that the one month timescale has started. If you fail to comply with all of your obligations, I will make an immediate complaint to the Information Commissioner about your statutory breach – and without any further notice to you. This may also lead to legal action in the County Court and a judgement will then be forwarded to the FCA. Yours Sincerely,
  2. I don't know, what would you do? They were about about 2 weeks late on the SAR. They are an absolutely shocking company to deal with.... they didn't deal with the court thing well at all ignoring it and then saying they were scared to open the file lol.... In terms of debt what I mean is they are adding defaults to my credit file saying I owe £600 odd or whatever, but that will now be removed according to the email.
  3. Well.... having just said Johnathan was radio silence, look what I just received... !!!!! Dear I can now confirm the following; 1. The Agreement is ended. Until such time as it is fully closed on the system you may still receive an automated statutory notice so please ignore. 2. The vehicle will be collected from Trade Centre Wales. 3. Any adverse reporting to the CRA has been requested to be removed. The CRA has their own timescale so the request is not immediately actioned. 4. On the basis that the claim has been settled, I am instructed to withdraw the application. In due course, I will close my file. Thank you for your assistance and co-operation. Kind regards
  4. No it doesnt refer to the court case other than when they have called me to ask for payment and i have told them im not paying them as a i have a CCJ against them... that is about it, nothing past that. There is no communication there between them and the dealer, just emails back and forward from me to them which i already had. Nothing regarding their legal team/Jonathan Hall either. It doesnt say anything about the status of the contract. They are still chasing me and send me 1 letter per week charging at £15 to invoice me for the arrears owed. They have now filed in with the credit agencies. I am not out of pocket for anything. The car is still at the dealer, I have not heard from them recently. I am still in limbo waiting for this contract to be cancelled and the vehicle rejection to be allowed.. .all the while I am building up debts on my credit file for a car I haven't seen for 3 months. The final word from TCUK a while back was that the vehicle rejection was not being allowed due to it being down to a servicable item. (One that THEY didnt service therefore mechanical failure due to lack of maintenance!) Johnathan Hall has gone Radio Silence since the CCJ was paid.
  5. So having looked through the pack it really only contains the emails back and forth printed out, the initial finance agreement and a few notes about what i rang for. the only thing in there i can find wrong is in the initial finance application. This was obviously done by TCUK in their office and i was asked questions which they then put on the computer. I am unemployed on long term Disability benefits. TCUK knew that. So in the application it says Employment Category: Skilled Manual Permanent/Temporary: Permanant Full time/Part time: Full Occupation: Homemaker Employer/self employed: Unemployed Time with employer: 7yrs 4 months I mean there is no employer address or job title other than homemaker but would inputting a skilled manual full time for 7yrs make a difference to the application? I dont know? It does say Unemployed? That is the only discrepancy I can find with the paperwork.
  6. Thats great! However, i have just received a great big wod of paper through the door from my SAR! Its dated 6th March so its outside the 30 days by about a week still.... What on earth am i looking for in all this now? Its very overwhelming.
  7. Funny call I just had with the Ombudsman Service. They feel after talking to their legal team that the contract SHOULD already be cancelled. They said that the particulars of claim I submitted and won a CCJ against state that I wanted the contract cancelled and to reject the vehicle and that was ruled in my favour so they feel that Startline and johnathan Hall are wrong. They are going to get a final word via email to me hopefully today that i can then send to dear Johnathan!
  8. I actually sent the SAR directly to the Finance Company via post. I then emailed them giving them a further 7 days and while I received an automated acknowledgement for my email I never got a response.
  9. Ok, i cant start off the claim until the 14 days is up though can i? its only been 6 days
  10. in the letters that i sent out Thursday it does say in there this..... Tell your clients from me that if I do not received both £100 in respect of the statutory breach as it exists at this point in time along with full disclosure of all my personal data within 14 days, that I shall sue them in the County Court and without further notice. However i have not given them a formal letter of claim.... If i send this letter of claim off today to Startline can I please put at the bottom there is a charge for this letter of £15?? LOL So we are doing £100 damages for not fulfilling the SAR obligation? Also do i put anything in the letter of claim regarding still not having heard about cancelling this finance contract? Startline Motor Finance Ltd Vehicle registration number: ......... Hire purchase agreement: ....... Letter of Claim I sent you a letter on 26th January 2024 by post asking for you to comply with a Subject Access Request. I waited the 30 days the Information Commissioner's Office stipulate in order to give you time to respond. I am not surprised to find you have not responded. I again contacted you on 28th February 2024 via email to give you a further 7 days in order to remedy this breach of Data Protection and again you have not responded. I am now writing to let you know that not only have I reported you to the Information Commissioner's Office but I am also now going to be issuing you with further Court Proceedings for this breach of Data Protection without further notice. Yours sincerely,
  11. Sorry yes I meant information commissioner office ICO. I don't think I did send them a letter of claim for £100? The last thing I send was the letter addressed to johnathan Hall but sent to dealer, finance and himself...
  12. Yes I am prepared to do that. I will do it today hopefully. (I have a speed awareness course to do today,) Also the 7 day final warning is up today for the SAR so will go ahead and do the complaint
  13. No I was just clarifying. So I'm sending letters to everyone but it's only for Jonathan to respond really?
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