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Posts posted by Hideyspidey

  1. Here is the contract

    Ive also attached the photos they took, you can see how dark it is, however i chose to ignore as i understood i had the right to park in the space allocated to the apartment to conduct what was an essential job during lockdown.


    Yes i guess i was just stupid to assume but for the life of me i didnt think there would be anyone snooping about and that on  a cold dark wet late afternoon i wouldnt get a ticket. (morally) 


    I saw that there is off road parking a few hundred yards away when i went back to look again in the summer, this is unlit and on a steep hill and i had a ladder. Im not sure what they wanted me to do.


    They did send the first letter from excel, received just after xmas.

    Im still chasing DVLA and also EXCEL.

    Shall i contact them again, excel got my SAR request in May?

    Vcs contract headford-redacted.pdf


    here are some photos to show how dark it was too and the original ntk etc


    i really want to know if they should have had people wandering about during lockdown


  2. There is no solicitor anymore.  They were using elms but they informed me that is not the case anymore. 

    I've received a letter today,  another offer but I'm not happy with it. It reads like they are adding another £220 for a local solicitor to attend ( a A zoom hearing)  on their behalf. That is not fair.  

    I've attached 

    Screenshot_20210818-170938_Chrome-converted 1.pdf

  3. Finally, i have my hearing date. 24th november by video link in small claims court. It says the claimant must pay the fee before 27th october. Do i need to get my WS out asap so he can see it and hopefully wthdraw?

    I have attached a page from the letter and i am confused by number 6. As i understand siple simon has to supply all those documentd as well as a a WS.


  4. Not yet. I've heard nothing since the letter saying it was moved to Lincoln.  No change on the website either. 

    I was thinking..... once this is over could I then file a new claim against them for my time.  I know I had the option when doing my original reply to the court papers but I widnes want to be presumptuous. Now I'm annoyed at them for taking everyone's time up.  I've also got the option on the sar to excel that was ignored

  5. The neighbour is very unfriendly. Her house is falling to bits.  We built our conservatory 5 years ago.  Flue was moved above it. Now it's broken and we are able to access the Flue for a boiler change because she has now put in a giant cage in her garden.  We can't access any rear part of the property now for maintenance. 

    We could access before by going down the side of the conservatory and taking the fence panel out and putting in a ladder..albeit the ladder was on her property but I'm sure we are allowed to.  Now the only way to access is to climb on to of her cage or have her remove it. Its huge.  Like a tiger enclosure. We are mid terrace town house

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