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Everything posted by Edisoneb

  1. Bit of a strange one but here goes, my brother split with an ex wife and was kind of sofa surfing but I let him use our address for post. She took him to court over the house, possessions Etc and I’m 99% sure she has won this. Letters come now and then and I hand them over to him not really asking any questions or for a forwarding address as he just says he’s staying with friends still till he house sells. we’re in the process of moving house I’m just wondering will this have any impact on anything? Would the ccj show up on land searches or anything like that? I understand it isn’t the best situation and I have repeatedly asked him to find somewhere else for them to go but they keep coming, and I have thought about just putting no longer at this address and returning but it’s a difficult situation as it is still family and don’t want to make it all worse. thanks
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