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  1. I had the final response email but the ombudsman says I should receive a letter so to wait and see if that arrives if it doesn’t within 5 days to then ask finance company to send it in that letter it needs to state what my legal rights are if not happy with the complaint I have already raised the complaint with ombudsmen and when I called them today to update on my complaint this is what they have advised I do
  2. Spoke to ombudsman then said I have to wait for the final response letter to arrive and then send it to them to review ombudsmen state this should have the next steps on what I can do if not happy so we need to follow that in the first instance no joy from baileys they were too busy to discuss due to COVID 19 issues
  3. I have a recording from the leisure caravans slagging off the finance company stating that if I had used their usual black horse finance none of this would be taken seriously. Leisure caravans actually told me they were repairing as a good will gesture and that the independent inspector the finance company are using haven’t a clue what they are talking about FYI I recorded the conversation because I new the seller was not going to repair it as instructed by scotia and I wanted this evidence to put to the finance company to help me. Even with this evidence it did not change any course of action and I still resulted where I am now
  4. I can’t provide the complaint as it was filled in online and submitted in text boxes if that makes sense. I can’t afford at the moment to go to court so I will await the ombudsman help firstly. I am pleased I am no longer financially attached to the credit agreement etc But feel upset at the amount of loss we have endured and Stress. I really thought we would have gotten something back out of all this I tried calling the ombudsman today but they said they could not answer my call due to COVID 19
  5. Yes their final decision at that point was to let the leisure caravans repair it I did not want it repaired as it was not fit for purpose hence why I involved ombudsman. However when I realised how long it would take for the ombudsman to get back to me and upon reading the credit act etc I knew I had to give them chance to repair before I could reject
  6. I had already raised a complaint with the ombudsman the same date I informed leisure caravans of the problem, however as yet still have not heard from them. the three outings we had were ruined as the hot water wouldn’t work nor would the heating. My daughter has chronic lung disease so needs warmth etc this is what cost us £700 to fix I live right near leisure caravans and ok I’ll call baileys and update tomorrow
  7. Bailey Pegasus 546 2011 model 6 berth https://www.baileyofbristol.co.uk/current-motorhome-models/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwnqH7BRDdARIsACTSAdsKhEuyseLbUtcMc20NisO95QtwoSN09Iy5I0Q1MKe0rFVDyk0YXtkaAkcyEALw_wcB
  8. Unsure I can obtain a NEW price for a 2011 model they are all used A 2020 model of the same spec is 22,500 but I fail to see how that can help corroborate the facts. so long as the van is insured and inspected yearly pretty much like an MOT they can last a vast amount of years however must be inspected yearly to ensure remain damp free.
  9. Sorry I edited my post stating a google search shows the value to be from £10,995 i am unsure how I can provide a price new as it is a 2011 model and that’s the price for sale apologies
  10. The £5000 was just a rough guestimation of costings. Obviously a little less than 5k when I’ve provided you with a breakdown apologies The holiday losses did not incur any costs as such as holiday company held deposits so have just retained the deposit to use on a new date. we managed to go to Blackpool for a week in a b n b 2 adults 2 children. Holidays for myself and husband had been granted with work so still took them. I will try find a value for the caravan now and get back to you. Thanks - a quick search has shown me the vans for sale now start from 10,995
  11. The caravan has been picked up on behalf of the finance company and my agreement with them has ended making it that I am no longer responsible for the agreement. the caravan cost 12k unsure of a new one still selling slightly above this price due to COVID-19 2 owners from new 2011 model monthly payments £280 x 12 storage fee £250 repairs £700 3 lost holidays engineer reports £75 Only used three times since purchase due to work commitments and then COVID lockdown
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