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Everything posted by Anxiety123

  1. I received a letter regarding my income but thats all at the moment. They did say it could be a while because of the current situation etc Would worry to much, its been dealt with
  2. Hiya, I have messaged you
  3. Hi stresshead. Please do not stress, I got it sorted very quickly and easily, felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders. The lady on the phone was absolutely lovely, im still waiting for the amount I owe but she stressed that I only pay what I can afford:)
  4. Hi Waffledog, please don't panic. I was completely sick about it. I was on the phone for 3 minutes if that. She didn't really ask anything because I told the truth from when I picked up the phone, thats my advice to you, just be honest xx
  5. Yes i will definitely let you know. I've now started getting organised for changing my name on everything and getting my debts in order. Kind of glad it happened in a way because its given me that kick up the bum and looking at things alot differently. This group has been fantastic and I thank you all for your input
  6. I really couldn't believe it to be honest I had worked myself up so much to the point of being sick. Couldnt of said enough not to worry, happens all the time and just expect a letter with the amount and take it from there.
  7. Ok so I've just came off the phone and wow I feel so much better. The lovely lady was so kind telling me not to worry, my current claim will just end , didnt require any other information from me and will receive a letter with what i owe. She said she doesnt want to add any stress and they would never do that, they want to support, i will have to pay back but only what I can afford. She advised to apply for universal credit as their office is now starting close. I want to thank you all so much for your advice and now I can try and get my shit together
  8. Thank you both. I will do and thanks for your input, slightly more calm this morning after speaking to you. I hope so
  9. Thank you for that. I have everything that I can ready for it. Yeh thats the amount that I am expecting if not more
  10. I defiantly cant see anything about saying "its under caution" well I hope I'm in that aswell and all I can do it pray that they listen. Its such a long time frame , I think thats whats really worrying me but i just hope they will listen.
  11. I intend on being really honest from start to finish. Im not looking for sympathy from them but maybe understand slightly. Im just a mum of 3 trying to hold it together. Im worried now if its under caution and I cant get my words out
  12. No its a check on my tax credits, well I think. Says on the letter at the top "were reviewing you tax credits" but then we have info about links to "mr" to your address? Between 11 and 12 she said
  13. Disclosing information to points used against me. Well i know what I did what extremely wrong, never intentional. I feel like this is now going down the prison route. Im all shaking now
  14. Sorry im reallu confused about your comment? Now im absolutely petrified. I just want to tell the truth, decide to respond. At which points should I not respond?
  15. Well the day is fast approaching and 8ve never been so scared. I've got all the information I could plus awaiting some others. Plus all my husbands to backdate the claim. I am praying for an understanding voice at the other end of the phone
  16. Thank you london1971, I really appreciate you commenting telling me that
  17. I really want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart, youve really made me slightly more calmer and felt like im not the only person who's been in this situation. I was just worried more about the time frame that would get me prosucted. I have ignored my beautiful chlidren and been sat in a corner rocking basically for the last 2 days, its funny how it takes something like this to give you a valuable life lesson.
  18. Thank you for your comment. I intend to be fully honest from start to finish, I worry then how they are going to react when I tell them all this information, I know I'm not a bad person and would never do anything intentionally .I just want it done with at the same time to maybe get part of this big cloud away from me. Thanks for that, I feel like it is...over 20k hanging over my head, and for what, complete stupidity. Can i ask, do you know what the process would be after I tell them everything?
  19. I'm definitely stupid, not taking care with life. Ok so I imagine when I tell them everything they will want all of my husbands details, pay etc (which won't be a problem) and then they will work out how much I will need to pay back, all I could think about is prison. I know but I've had so many situations goinf around in my head but I know when I explain everything I hope to feel much better in sorting my life out.
  20. Thank you again for your response again.. My claim will need to be changed to joint, between 2 its just over 20k. As I say I fully understand and am prepared to pay it back as I shouldn't of had it in the first place. Im worried about the phone call, telling them my full story and being judged completely, like petrified. I understand my issues isn't their problem and I should of claimed joint years ago as probably many other people should but I cant help but feel completely petrified of my life for my own stupidity
  21. Thank you for your response. I am more than willing to pay it back with what i can afford. I only receive TC and WTC, which will now be a joint claim but im not expecting anything to be honest and im happy with that I just feel like a complete mess and an absolute idiot for ignoring everything in my life and keep worrying ive ruined my life and having to leave my family behind. I'm so close to an edge I dont want to be and its all my own fault, I will now never be using the term "il sort it next month".
  22. Thank you so much for your response. Honestly i have been physically sick. I know i did wrong but it was never intentional, it was always "oh il sort that next month" and im still sitting in the position now. The letter was from HMRC, doesnt say DWP anywhere on it. HMRC operations? As i say I got married and never changed my name. Everything of mine is in my maiden name. I opened an account not long after we got married in my "new" name with the intention of getting a joint to put money away but then the debt started rolling in with loans/payday loans, the list is endless. I have been reading your threads continuously which all of them have been reassuring. I keep thinking I cant be the only one who's been stupid for such a long period of time. I feel such a fool. Im more than happy to pay the money back. Some documents I do not have to hand but I can get hold of them. Have you had experience yourself? Ive just never felt gut wrenching like it.
  23. Good afternoon, I'm looking for some help. I haven't eaten or slept in 2 days. I had a letter through the post for an interview for that next day but obviously I was so shaken I called to change it which is now for Monday. I have been utterly and completely stupid and up to my eyes of 20k of debt as well which I just buried my head in the sand...until now. My eyes have been completely open. I got married very quickly into a relationship after i fell pregnant within 3 months. Im still not sure why but it happened. I never changed my name, I didnt want too. The marriage was OK to begin with then started going down hill this was in 2015/16, in and out of our lifes. Life struggles I never got round to changing anything nor my claim. I received a letter wanting documents between 3 months of 2019 via telephone interview as they have links to said person to this address, the husband was staying between houses but contributing to living for the kids, i didnt see a reason to update, he wasnt fully staying with me, possibly just being totally naïve. From 2018 I should of being doing a joint claim, I never ever didnt update intentionally, I had several family struggles, money struggles, mental health struggles and everything inbetween, I thought I could sort it all out but it just kept building up. I am absolutely petrified im going to jail, like severely. I have 3 children, work to provide and barely making ends meet. Life just got in the way, which I know isn't an excuse. Please give me some advice, im in a really dark place and I just feel like im going yo crumble at any given moment.
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