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  1. This is from my original post: "Being disabled and unfit for work and obviously not being able to get a reference from my current landlord due to the arrears, I am having no success finding anywhere to move to. The Section 8 Notice gives 4 weeks notice which is correct as that it was the law requires where the arrears are 6 months or more. As of today my arrears are at 5 months. I've contacted the Council's Homeless Prevention Team with no luck -- they never answer the phone or respond to emails. I've used whatever money I could scrap up to pay down my arrears and pay my current rent so I have no money now for a month's advance rent and 5 weeks security deposit for a new place. Presumably I can't be physically dragged out of this flat until the Possession Order is in place? Realistically how long is it likely to take for this case to get to court and for the Possession Order to be granted?"
  2. Thanks for the link. It just confirms what I already know --- that the landlord's SEction 8 is valid and that because of the amount of my arrears it's a "mandatory" ground and the judge will have no choice but to grant them a Possession Order.
  3. Yes the Section 8 Notice is definitely valid. I am on AST that runs out in 2022. Any ideas re likely timeline to the case actually going to court and being physically thrown out on the street?
  4. Hi, I'm a disabled person in my 30s who has accrued substantial arrears (6 months) due to my ex partner's financial abuse. Although my ex partner is now being prosecuted for domestic abuse and no longer resides here it's too late for me to save my tenancy. I am paying my rent now that the ex has left (it was a joint tenancy) and I am paying down the arrears via installments but the landlord has just sent me a Section 8 Notice to Quit. Being disabled and unfit for work and obviously not being able to get a reference from my current landlord due to the arrears, I am having no success finding anywhere to move to. The Section 8 Notice gives 4 weeks notice which is correct as that it was the law requires where the arrears are 6 months or more. As of today my arrears are at 5 months. I've contacted the Council's Homeless Prevention Team with no luck -- they never answer the phone or respond to emails. I've used whatever money I could scrap up to pay down my arrears and pay my current rent so I have no money now for a month's advance rent and 5 weeks security deposit for a new place. Presumably I can't be physically dragged out of this flat until the Possession Order is in place? REalistically how long is it likely to take for this case to get to court and for the Possession Order to be granted? I'm wondering if if there is a backlog for a court hearing date this might give me time to have paid off the entire arrears or at least gotten it down to below 2 months? I've never been in a situation like this before so have no idea how long it takes for eviction proceedings to actually get a hearing date? Couple of months? 6 months? Any ideas? I have no idea whatsoever what to do and presumably I will just get hauled out onto the street on the day with my furniture and have to sleep on the street?
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