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Everything posted by 1987mcg

  1. thats the one. I will write a review about them eventually, ive just not had time with everything going on. Thanks for all your help though, its been really useful
  2. Giant Liverpool Through the cycle2work scheme, can they get my employer to pay them and i would be out of pocket that way? Ill be honest, i deleted the email in anger and only just been thinking about it during the night and think i should really address it. What do you think the best action now moving forward would be?
  3. Apologies for the delay. It is a Giant store , all giant stores however are actually not part of Giant the manufacturer, its a franchise. Just incase they read this i will hold off on saying exactly which store it is. These items are over at my parents house, im having a baby so the spare room is now being used for baby storage - i addressed the value of those items. The items which they owe me for is pedals £20 and bike bag £25. Therefore, they would owe me £15 currently if included insurance. Ive explained the issues to my employer previously, they sympathised with me at the time when they were being unhelpful but they dont know that theyve threatened to go to my employer now. I suppose i can go to them and explain what ive said to you. So is there anything i can do around compensation for my time and distress?
  4. It came from a Giant store yes apologies but apparently they're also independent which is why they kept saying they're not going to bother Giant in head office with my faulty bike. The bike insurance did say the name of the bike yes. I bought those items from the same dealer yes. I will be buying another bike elsewhere however im really worried as the situation i was in has left me a bit scarred by it all. No joke, 15 times i attended the store with the bike to say its still broken, countless amount of phone calls, majority of them didn't answer and arguments about it all. I have full email trails including a complaint to Giant UK however as mentioned, due to the independent store, they couldn't do anything. Do i have any way of claiming for the time wasted and stress caused or is that a waste of time? p.s. happy to share emails privately if requested
  5. Hi there sure. Giant Bought in March, refunded in June Bike was 650, insurance was £70 Faults were wheel warping causing the disc brake to rub against the brake pads making a really loud almost train sound. broken crank causing clicking when left pedal pressure applied. Refused to contact manufacturer to replace bike which caused me distress which is why i threatened legal action realised it was a helmet too - thats £30 for lock, £20 for pump and £50 for helmet. In that time they owe me for new pedals and bag i bought for the bike that they kept as they had the bike.
  6. Hi there, i dont really know what to think of this myself so thought id get second opinion. I bought a bike from a really bad bike shop, the bike was faulty i took it back to get fixed. After 15 trips to the shop and countless arguments i threatened legal action to which they said they would refund me as they had the bike in the shop. I mentioned to them that this had caused me a lot of distress and sleepless nights and wasted so much of my time and that i was now out of pocket as i had paid for bike insurance on the bike and i couldnt get a full refund on it. Admittedly i did have a bike pump and lock that came with the bike in my house which i wasn't using but thought, well they owe me for the insurance at least im keeping them. Due to it being through the cycle 2 work scheme, they have sent me an email threatening to go to my employer about getting the lock and bike pump back and i wanted to get your opinion on this situation. 1. Do i have a right to claim for the loss in insurance against them? 2. Do i have a right to claim against the amount of time they wasted of mine and the emotional distress? 3. Should i just give it back and be out of pocket?
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