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  1. So just back from the fracture clinic where we were seen by a different doctor with the MRI images. This Doctor however agreed with the report generated by Guy's, and pointed out where the fracture is seen on the the MRI. There was no mention of Osgood Schlatter desease, but said that as no bone has lifted there is no need for surgery. He was seen by physio and reassured that the excessive swelling is normal even after 8 weeks. I have everythig crossed that he will make a full recovery with the help of physiotherapy
  2. Thank you. I still believe that a fracture exists as detailed on the MRI report, as there has been no history with any pain of his joints and this a result of an injury sustained in the park when he extensively flexing his L knee with a load. But the Dr said that as he can lift his leg (in pain), no fracture exists. I don't know
  3. Thank you Manxman. So I'm just back from the consultation at the fracture clinic of my local Hospital. My son recieved a harder brace (which he must take off at night) and told "there is no fracture, the problem is radiologists see scans but do not examine the patient so misdiagnose, I will order the MRI images from Guy's and see you in 2 weeks. he has osgood schlatter disease". I have never heard of that disease until today so am reading about it now. My son is not convinced, but I, so far, hope the Dr is correct as this condition apparently never returns after the age of 14 and requires no surgery. I was originaly waiting for a G.P appointment but my son is in so much we decided to take him to a different A&E. For some reason that just feels wrong but what do I do when my son is holding a picture of his x-ray saying, dad, that is not a sprain, I am in agony etc. Thanks for your replies and I appreciate any thoughts
  4. Looking at the xray above amd my sons continues pain, we went to another A&E to seek a 2nd opinion. The gentlemen at the fracture clinic at Guys arranged an MRI which does show a fracture. So we are returning to the original fracture clinic for some treatment hopefully. I think the least his knee should be imobilised a cast right? Thank you
  5. Thank you for the replies. I really hope the consultant at the fracture clinic was correct, that it is a sprain and full motion will return within 2 to 3 weeks. G.P telephone consultation is also booked now Looking at the image, I see bone lifted off the main bone, or maybe not, hopefully not. Cheers
  6. The paediatric orthopaedic consultant at the fracture clinic told us today that he believes it is just a sprain behind the knee. I'm concerned my GP will say something along the lines of, 'you have seen a consultant, he says it will heal in 2 to 3 weeks, you don't know more than him!', or something like that. It's just that I believe I can clearly see a fracture. And as there was no fall or hard knock, only a very tightly stretched knee bending at an angle behind, with a load. I figured that the tendon must have pulled some bone up. And thats the injury I found online. I totally take on board what you are saying. You are correct. I guess I'll see what my GP says tomorrow, hopefully she allows me to email the images, if she doesn't have access to them already. Thanks again
  7. Would you be content with the following X-Ray image being explained as a "sprain behind the kneecap"? My 11 year old son wrapped his leg around the extention of a zip line at the local park a few days ago, then used that foot to hold on to a bar behind him before raising his right leg and enjoying the ride down. He cannot straighten or bend the knee without pain and the affected kneecap is higher than the other. Following an X-Ray at A&E the Doctor sent us to the fracture clinic. At the clinic the consultant told us it was a sprain behind the kneecap which will heal in 2 to 3 weeks. When I pointed out what I thought looked like fracture he said that if this xray was from an adult, he would say it is fractured, but an 11 year old bone growth can present like this. Who am I to argue? If anyone understands how this possible please enlighten me. Looking at X-Rays online, the condition in the title is what resembles my sons X-Ray the most. And learning that late treatment in children will cause issues with bone growth later on down the road. which is very worrying. Thank You for reading this far, any opinions will be most welcome
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