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Everything posted by RC710

  1. I have royally messed up. In my panic I have not read things correctly. I have not submitted a Directions Questionnaire. The original "General Form of Judgement" is dated 26th Sept, I received it 27th Sept, and on the form it says "completed directions questionnaires to be filed and served by 4pm on 28th Sept. (This would have given 24 hrs to complete and serve it). I received another letter from the court also dated 26th Sept, which says at the hearing on 24th August the Judge considered the statements of the case and directions questionnaires filed and allocated the claim to the small claims track. - I think I read this to be that I had already supplied a Directions Questionnaire. I honestly can't then understand why I did not read your responses properly. I didn't see dx100's last post until tonight when I looked. You were really clear and I just can't explain my oversight. I have completely neglected this matter in terms of taking action - I have however been wrestling daily with how I will mediate with a reasonable income but none of it spare. I have been working 14 days straight, prioritising other people's problems and this is a stark reminder of the dangers of doing so. Is there anyway I can resolve this? I'm sorry. You have tried to help and I've mucked up.
  2. Hi, So yesterday finally I received a letter from court - a Notice of Allocation to the Small Claims track. The hearing date has been set for 21st Nov, for a duration of 2 hrs. The notice states that unless the claimant pays the trial fee of £346 by 24 Oct the claim will be struck out. The notice encourages the parties to settle. It then goes on to say each party must submit documents on which they will rely and witness statements no later than 14 days before the hearing. Today I received an “annual statement for the period 1/9/22 to 31/9/23” which on the reverse shows each loan, with opening balance, payment received (this is the 27p odd that they have used my postal order for) and closing balances. I assume they think this may suffice to address the judges criticism that they have not provided a clear breakdown of how they arrived at the alleged outstanding sums. This letter does not refer to any interest added and oddly, just for the first loan, they have added a ‘balance adjustment’ for sums of £100 and £587.64. I genuinely have no idea what this relates to. I have also today received a letter from Drydens including a Claimants Directions questionnaire, which indicates that they wish to be referred to the Small Claims Mediation Service, but also going on to indicate that the claim is suitable for determination without a hearing. Drydens refer to the judges comment that we attempt to resolve the matter and they say they are willing to consider a settlement, and ask me to complete a financial statement and supply a settlement offer/monthly repayment for their client to consider. They go on to warn that they will seek instruction as to whether the agreement needs to be formalised by way of a Tomlin order. If I don’t contact them, they will go ahead with the hearing. So after an initial emotional response - collapse/fear of not being able to have the strength to get through another hearing, I am feeling slightly more settled. They still have not addressed the issue of the illegible copies (and I am confident that the blank they sent is not a copy of the original as the deferment section is removed), they have still not provided the breakdown of figures that was necessary, and they have evidenced dishonesty by using the postal order towards the debt, expressly against my written wishes. I am tending to conclude that they are bluffing, and are simply desperate to scare me to get something from me. Please correct me if you think otherwise? Do I just wait to see if they pay the fee? This would give me a 2 week window to sort my witness statement if needed. Should I write to them to explain they have not provided the information needed - so as to counteract any claim that I am not open to mediation (I’m actually not, and I think you are likely to say no). I’d appreciate your thoughts on this next step. Thank you
  3. Thanks @dx100uk and @Andyorch This gives me some hope then. I guess I will see what Erudio's next step is. Taking a week away from thinking about it - it has become all consuming. Really grateful for your help.
  4. Could it be that HMRC have, and that's why they are pursuing my case? Yes, my hours increased in 2020 - was meant to be temporary but I then got the job full time. So have earned £34/35k plus since this time. More now. Embarrassed at this is a good salary but as I said the impact of COVID, extortionately high rent etc, other debt, means things are still incredibly tight. The payments they wanted back in 2020 were £206 per month. I would try to find a way to prioritise Erudio if it meant this was all done by Sept 2025 - 25 years after the last loan was agreed - but then I do recall they wrote to me in 2020 to tell me that each year of deferment delays the age related maturity by a year. Lying b*ggers.
  5. Yes. Seems a sensible approach. Although if they allow it, they will discover that I have earned over the threshold since 2020 - and I'll face a huge sum of "arrears" as soon as things are reinstated. I just wouldn't be able to pay this without taking out more debt. It's something I'd have to figure out with them and I wonder how amenable they will be.
  6. I'm back. It was quite traumatic and I'm still trying to process all that was said. In essence the application for a SJ today was denied, but the case is going to trial "to be tested". The stay was lifted. I'll try to summarise what I understood, as I did take some notes. The legal rep was present and introduced herself. She asked if I wanted to ask her anything and I politely declined. The Judge did not invite the legal rep to make representations as I expected him to, he launched straight into dissecting the claim and defence. The legal rep did raise that I had submitted my statement late, but conceded that they were not prejudiced by the late statement and so my WS was allowed. The Judge raised the contradiction in issues I raised in my WS - namely that I queried the legitimacy of the agreements alongside an admission that I had had dealing with Erudio and had been deferring. He gave me a hard time about why if I am questionning the legitimacy of the documents now, why I did not at the time things moved to Erudio. If I claimed I did not know about the assignment, why would I have engaged with the deferment process for all those years. He also gave me a hard time about not receiving documents in the post. He made a point to say this should be "tested in the witness box". He got a little frustrated with me I think, rolling his eyes. He laboured around my claim about the copies of agreements being illegible. He agreed they could not be read in entirety but concluded that dates/signatures/sums were visible. He looked up S.77 and determined that it said nothing about legibility but added that the law is prescriptive and picked up on the fact that there was no Statement of Account that S.77 refers to. He said he would expect this to be present and said it should have been provided. This should also be signed by the Claimant. The Judge said he was "worried" about Eruido's use of the portal to provide documents. He asked why I did not take them up their offer that I email them for them - and I asked why I would be required to request the documents for a second time, outside of the legal framework that I had already used. He seemed to accept that the "blank agreement" was a true copy, despite my WS raising the removal of reference to deferment in the terms and conditions that I could see. He was very focused on my original defence but now accepted that I was not disputing the issuing of the various documents, that I agreed that they had since been produced (aside from the issue of the agreements). He was dismissive of my point about a change in communication from Erudio. He noted this was not in my defence and seemed to say this was a "precarious defence". When the Judge had made his decision that this should proceed to trial the legal rep continued that my defence was "fanciful", that I could not pick and choose what communication I had received to suit me" and raised that there is no evidence that I had got into contact with Erudio, given it was my responsibility. The legal rep asked for an adjournment, explaining a trial was a "waste of resource", but the Judge was clear that an adjournment could not be used to give the Claimant time to "muster further evidence". He then asked the Legal Rep what directions she had been given for trial. She admitted she had none and the Judge was not very impressed, said he was surprised and advised that they should have prepared. He allocated the case to the small claims track and took some time to tell me about the pack I would receive and the directions I must read and follow. It will not be before 26th Oct but will likely go back to the original court. (Which is what I did not want due to my profession). He estimated it will take 2.5 hours. The Judge in his summary advised that he could not say I did not have a real prospect of defending, but warned against me getting my hopes up. There should be a trial to assess Erudio's compliance with S.77. He also referred to CPR 3.4 and 24.2 - but I was a bit lost at this point. He noted the FOS decision that I had attached to my WS and raised that he does not have the jurisdiction to reinstate the agreement but strongly advised that the Claimant and I work to resolve the issue to avoid a costly outcome for one or other of us. The legal rep asked for costs. He asked why, and pointed out this could not be justified as their claim for SJ had been opposed successfully. I now need time to decompress - I've been carrying so much stress around this. I'm terrified of a trial. I could contact Erudio and try to come to an agreement. They too were keen to avoid trial, maybe for good reason. BUT although I have a better income, I am deep in debt - currently managed just about but I'll struggle to carry more... I'll await your thoughts and reassess when I have a clearer head. For now I need to take a bit of time to be present for my family. Thank you for your help dx100uk and Andyorch. I'd have buckled before now without your support.
  7. @dx100uk, @Andyorch Application to lift the summary judgement is tomorrow. I emailed my WS on Monday, and posted a hard copy special delivery to both Drydens and the Court. I have since received a Statement of Costs from Drydens, to the tune of £425. I have also since been contacted by both Court and Drydens notifying that the case has been moved to a different local court - same date/time - which I am hugely relieved by as it means I can be more anonymous given my profession. I am ready to argue why my WS was late, about their non-compliance by sending late illegible copies. I do notice that their reconstituted blank "credit agreement" has lost the "deferment" section on the second page of the terms, so I will also raise this. I have prepared an argument around why I would not have noticed that I had not been invited to defer in 2020 - and will add that I had nothing to gain from defaulting when I could have deferred, and have been heading to age related maturity. BUT I am extremely anxious that I will be given an utter grilling about the fact that I am saying not to have received any communication from Drydens until the Claim given I have not moved address. I just deny, deny, deny? They have no proof to think about pursuing me for contempt of court? Will they ask me if what is shown on the illegible agreements, is my signature at the time? I'm desperately tying to keep my anxiety under control. Any last minute tips? Anything I should anticipate? I know not to engage with the Dryden legal rep. Grateful for any last minute thoughts ahead of tomorrow. Thank you
  8. Thanks so much. I can get this off now which will be a huge relief.
  9. Noted, thank you. Would it benefit from this, at point 11? 10. In response to paragraphs 8 and 34, - the agreement/s referred to at pages 1 - 8 as per their own admittance within its statement are illegible due to age. The agreements are therefore unenforceable pursuant to sec 61/ 65 of the Credit Consumer Act 1974. sec61 Signing of agreement. (1)A regulated agreement is not properly executed unless— (a)a document in the prescribed form itself containing all the prescribed terms and conforming to regulations under section 60(1) is signed in the prescribed manner both by the debtor or hirer and by or on behalf of the creditor or owner, and (b) the document embodies all the terms of the agreement, other than implied terms, and (c) the document is, when presented or sent to the debtor or hirer for signature, in such a state that all its terms are readily legible. sec65 Consequences of improper execution. (1)An improperly-executed regulated agreement is enforceable against the debtor or hirer on an order of the court only. And therefore pursuant to sec 127(3) The court shall not make an enforcement order under section 65(1) if section 61(1)(a)(signing of agreements) was not complied with unless a document (whether or not in the prescribed form and complying with regulations under section 60(1)) itself containing all the prescribed terms of the agreement was signed by the debtor or hirer (whether or not in the prescribed manner). 11. In reference to the Claimant’s Witness Statement paragraph 8, the claimant includes an additional 'blank agreement', pages of which the nature of their source is not referenced and therefore questioned. If from the claimants own internal sources, this does not comply to the consumer credit act request criteria. And should I leave in the stuff about the changes to ways of deferment? Can this be used now, or would it come in at the point I need to give a defence? Honestly very grateful for your advice..
  10. @Andyorch They have only provided illegible copies of the agreements and a blank clear copy, but have not referred to the source. I had this in an earlier version, 11. In view of the information set out above I respectfully submit to the court that the claimant’s application be denied. The claim remains stayed until such time the claimant can comply with section 77 of the CCA1974 or in the absence of that compliance strike out the claimant claim and dismiss the claim in its entirety. Should I put this back in? @Andyorch and thank you for coming back to help.
  11. @Andyorch Apologies, as I know you are very busy, but do you have some time to look over my response above? I have to return it today and I am panicking! Thank you.
  12. dx100uk. Thank you Is there a way to flag this post to Andyorch?
  13. Thanks dx100uk. I've rejigged it, to highlight the FOS decisions in the main statement response, and not in the conclusion. I will be sending this, with the relevant personal details of course added. Yesterday I received a statement of costs from Drydens to the tune of £425. To manage my expectations, they are likely to actually go ahead with this hearing? I will try to read up about what to expect from the hearing, to help manage my anxiety around it. I know not to speak to the solicitor and not to deviate from what I have provided in this witness statement but is there anything else I should be aware of? My final Witness Statement. In the county court at XXXXXXXXX Erudio Student Loans Limited V XXXX Claim No: XXXXX Witness Statement I, xxxxxxx being the Defendant in this case will state as follows; I make this Witness Statement to oppose the claimant application dated 25/04/23 to lift the stay and Strike Out Defence/Summary Judgment pursuant to CPR 24.5 (1) a & b in view of my defence submitted to the claim dated 24/11/22. The Claimant confirms that this claim issued through Northampton County Court Business Centre on 26/10/22 and remained stayed since. I will respond to the same numbered paragraphs as the claimant’s statement as follows: 1. The claimants witness statement opening paragraph confirms that it mostly relies on hearsay evidence as confirmed by the draft’s person in the opening paragraph. It is my understanding that they must serve notice to any hearsay evidence pursuant to CPR 33.2(1)(B) (notice of intention to rely on hearsay evidence) and Section 2 (1) (A) of the Civil Evidence Act and also be in attendance at hearing to give evidence in support of the claimant’s witness statement. 2. As an assignee or creditor as defined in section 189 of the CCA this applies to this new requirement on assignment of rights. This means that when an assignee purchases debts (or otherwise acquires rights under a credit agreement) it also acquires certain obligations to the borrower including the duty to comply with CCA requirements (such as the rules on statements and notices and other post-contractual information). The assignee becomes the creditor under the agreement. This ensures that essential consumer protections under the CCA cannot be circumvented by assigning the debt to a third party. Background 4. On receipt of the claim form, dated 26/10/22, I sought clarity from the claimant’s solicitor via a CPR 31.14 request, letter dated 31/10/22 and sent by Royal Mail, requesting a copy of the original agreement, a copy of the terms and conditions as applicable at the start of each agreement, a copy of any default notice or termination notice, and a copy of the legal notice of assignment showing their right to take action. 5. Neither the Claimant nor their solicitors had replied to my requests by the time my defence was filed on 24/11/22. 6. On or about 25/11/22 I received a letter from the claimants solicitor stating documentation was available via an online portal. I could not make the portal link operate. 7. The Claimant failed to further communicate with the court, or the defendant, and following the standard time limit after my defence filing their claim became autostayed. 8. On or about the 25/03/2023 I received a letter from the claimant’s solicitor enclosing documentation and a request for income details should I wish to enter into any payment agreement via a Tomlin order, at cost to me to, avoid further court action. 9. On 25/04/2023 the claimant raised an N244 request to lift the 4 months stay on proceedings seeking to strike out my defence and attain a summary judgement as they now had attained all the information I had requested. Defendants Response to claimants claim/ Application 10. In reference to the claimants Witness Statement paragraph 6 - The defendant did not admit in their defence nor has at any time admitted entering into any agreements with the original creditors. 11. In response to paragraphs 8 and 34, the agreements referred to at pages 1 - 8 are illegible due to age, as per the Claimant’s own admittance. The Claimant includes an additional 'blank agreement'. Its source is not referenced and therefore questioned. If from the claimants own internal sources, this does not comply with the consumer credit act request criteria. 13. At paragraph 16, reference is made to the issuance of their default notice issued 29/09/2020 due to a failure to pay some £826.79 arrears. Since the 2013 assignment via the Government of these old Student Loans Company mortgage style Loans to Erudio, Erudio have always written by post every year including their deferment forms to complete and return. In 2017 their reminders changed to an email only process, referencing a log-in to an online portal. I deferred via this portal each year when a reminder email was sent. I did not receive any reminder in 2020 to defer, this resulted in the arrears and the subsequent default notice. I make reference to the Financial Ombudsman Service website and their relevant decisions about this period of change by Erudio, whereby numerous people suffered this issue around the same period. In these circumstances the Financial Ombudsman Service made decisions that Erudio should rollback arrears and accept post deferment, see Exhibit 1 (DRN- 3629000) attached. I have always deferred due my earnings being under the financial threshold. Conclusion 14. I believe the claimants claim to be in error because I did not receive an invitation to defer in 2020. Statement of truth I, XXXXXXX defendant, believe the facts stated in this witness statement are true. I understand that proceedings for contempt of Court may be brought against anyone who makes, or causes to be made, a false statement in a document verified by a statement of truth without an honest belief in its truth. Signed: Print Name: Dated:
  14. Ok, working on this again. Just need to find the supporting FOS decisions. The ones I have seen relate to people having moved address and this being why the change has impacted them. dx100uk. - My best hope is that they reinstate things as to where I was before the "default"? I maintained those full time hours ever since, and will have earned over the threshold to defer. (At the time I "defaulted" I did not know that the hours would continue and my original issue was that they would not take my annual average, but wanted to use the months wages I had increased my hours). When they discover this, do you think they'll agree a payment plan, rather than defaulting me immediately again? I'd be liable for the payments since they became due in June 2020 until the loans expire in Sept 2025? Better than having to pay forever, although given the potential sums it may push me into a debt management plan (which they may not accept). Gosh I am learning a hard lesson... dx100uk - better once I have found the FOS supporting decisions? Grateful for your thoughts. In the county court at XXXXXXXXX Erudio Student Loans Limited V XXXX Claim No: XXXXX Witness Statement I, xxxxxxx being the Defendant in this case will state as follows; I make this Witness Statement to oppose the claimant application dated 25/04/23 to lift the stay and Strike Out Defence/Summary Judgment pursuant to CPR 24.5 (1) a & b in view of my defence submitted to the claim dated 24/11/22. The claimant confirms that this claim issued through Northampton CCBC on 26/10/22 and remained stayed since. I will respond to the same numbered paragraphs as the claimant’s statement as follows: 1. The claimants witness statement opening paragraph confirms that it mostly relies on hearsay evidence as confirmed by the draft’s person in the opening paragraph. It is my understanding that they must serve notice to any hearsay evidence pursuant to CPR 33.2(1)(B) (notice of intention to rely on hearsay evidence) and Section 2 (1) (A) of the Civil Evidence Act and also be in attendance at hearing to give evidence in support of the claimant’s witness statement. Background 2. On receipt of the claim form, dated 26/10/22, I sought clarity from the claimant’s solicitor via a CPR 31.14 request, letter dated 31/10/22 and sent by Royal Mail, requesting a copy of the original agreement, a copy of the terms and conditions as applicable at the start of each agreement, a copy of any default notice or termination notice, and a copy of the legal notice of assignment showing their right to take action. 3. Neither the Claimant nor their solicitors had replied to my requests by the time my defence was filed on 24/11/22. 4. On or about 25/11/22 I received a letter from the claimants solicitor stating documentation was available via an online portal. I could not make the portal link operate. 6. The Claimant failed to further communicate with the court, or the defendant, and following the standard time limit after my defence filing their claim became autostayed. 7. On or about the 25/03/2023 I received a letter from the claimant’s solicitor enclosing documentation and a request for income details should I wish to enter into any payment agreement via a Tomlin order, at cost to me to, avoid further court action. 8. On 25/04/2023 the claimant raised an N244 request to lift the 4 months stay on proceedings seeking to strike out my defence and attain a summary judgement as they now had attained all the information I had requested. Defendants Response to claimants claim/ Application 9. In reference to the claimants Witness Statement paragraph 6 - The defendant did not admit in their defence nor has at any time admitted entering into any agreements with the original creditors. 10. In response to paragraphs 8 and 34, - the agreement/s referred to at pages 1 - 8 as per their own admittance within its statement are illegible due to age. The agreements are therefore unenforceable pursuant to sec 61/ 65 of the Credit Consumer Act 1974. sec61 Signing of agreement. (1)A regulated agreement is not properly executed unless— (a)a document in the prescribed form itself containing all the prescribed terms and conforming to regulations under section 60(1) is signed in the prescribed manner both by the debtor or hirer and by or on behalf of the creditor or owner, and (b) the document embodies all the terms of the agreement, other than implied terms, and (c) the document is, when presented or sent to the debtor or hirer for signature, in such a state that all its terms are readily legible. sec65 Consequences of improper execution. (1)An improperly-executed regulated agreement is enforceable against the debtor or hirer on an order of the court only. And therefore pursuant to sec 127(3) The court shall not make an enforcement order under section 65(1) if section 61(1)(a)(signing of agreements) was not complied with unless a document (whether or not in the prescribed form and complying with regulations under section 60(1)) itself containing all the prescribed terms of the agreement was signed by the debtor or hirer (whether or not in the prescribed manner). 11. In reference to the Claimant’s Witness Statement paragraph 8, the claimant includes an additional 'blank agreement', pages of which the nature of their source is not referenced and therefore questioned. If from the claimants own internal sources, this does not comply to the consumer credit act request criteria. 12. At paragraph 16, reference is made to the issuance of their default notice issued 29/09/2020 due to a failure to pay some £826.79 arrears. Since the 2013 assignment via the Government of these old Student Loans Company mortgage style Loans to Erudio, Erudio have always written by post every year including their deferment forms to complete and return. In 2017 their reminders changed to an email only process, referencing a log-in to an online portal. I deferred via this portal each year when a reminder email was sent. I did not receive any reminder in 2020 to defer, this resulted in the arrears and the subsequent default notice. Conclusion 11. In view of the information set out above I respectfully submit to the court that the claimant’s application be denied. The claim remains stayed until such time the claimant can comply with section 77 of the CCA1974 or in the absence of that compliance strike out the claimant claim and dismiss the claim in its entirety. 12. In addition I make reference to the Financial Ombudsman Service website and their relevant decisions about this period of change by Erudio in exhibits xx – x, attached, whereby numerous people suffered this issue around the same period and the rulings by the Financial Ombudsman Service that Erudio should rollback arrears and accept post deferment. I have always deferred due my earnings being under the financial threshold. I believe the claimants claim to be in error because I did not receive an invitation to defer in 2020. Statement of truth I, XXXXXXX defendant, believe the facts stated in this witness statement are true. I understand that proceedings for contempt of Court may be brought against anyone who makes, or causes to be made, a false statement in a document verified by a statement of truth without an honest belief in its truth. Signed: Print Name: Dated:
  15. Hi dx100uk/Andyorch Does this look more appropriate? At this stage I do not need to mention not being invited to defer, that would come in my defence at trial? In the county court at XXXXXXXXX Erudio Student Loans Limited V XXXX Claim No: XXXXX Witness Statement 1.I, xxxxxxx being the Defendant in this case will state as follows; I make this Witness Statement to oppose the claimant application dated 25/04/23 to lift the stay and Strike Out Defence/Summary Judgment pursuant to CPR 24.5 (1) a & b in view of my defence submitted to the claim dated 24/11/22. The claimant confirms that this claim issued through Northampton CCBC on 26/10/22 and remained stayed since. I will respond to the same numbered paragraphs as the claimant’s statement as follows:- 2. The claimants witness statement opening paragraph confirms that it mostly relies on hearsay evidence as confirmed by the drafts person in the opening paragraph. It is my understanding that they must serve notice to any hearsay evidence pursuant to CPR 33.2(1)(B) (notice of intention to rely on hearsay evidence) and Section 2 (1) (A) of the Civil Evidence Act and also be in attendance at hearing to give evidence in support of the claimant’s witness statement. Background 3. It is admitted that I have in the past had financial dealings with the Student Loans Company in the past. 4. On receipt of the claim form, dated 26/10/22, I sought clarity from the claimant’s solicitor via a CPR 31.14 request, letter dated 31/10/22, requesting a copy of the original agreement, a copy of the terms and conditions as applicable at the start of each agreement, a copy of any default notice or termination notice, and a copy of the legal notice of assignment showing their right to take action. 5. On or about 25/11/22 I received a letter from the claimants solicitor stating documentation was available via an online portal. I could not make the portal link operate. 6. The Claimant failed to further communicate with the court, nor the defendant, and following the standard time limit after my defence filing their claim became autostayed. 7. On or about the 25/03/2023 I received a letter from the claimant’s solicitor enclosing documentation and a request for income details should I wish to enter into any payment agreement via a Tomlin order, at cost to me to, avoid further court action. 8. On 25/04/2023 the claimant raised an N244 request to lift the 4 months stay on proceedings seeking to strike out my defence and attain a summary judgement as they now had attained all the information I had requested. Defendants Response to claimants claim/ Application 9. In reference to the claimants Witness Statement paragraph 6 - The defendant did not admit in their defence nor has at any time admitted entering into any agreements with the original creditors. 10. In response to paragraphs 8 and 34, - the agreement/s referred to at pages 1 -8 as per their own admittance within its statement are illegible due to age. The agreements are therefore unenforceable pursuant to sec 61/ 65 of the Credit Consumer Act 1974:- sec61 Signing of agreement. (1)A regulated agreement is not properly executed unless— (a)a document in the prescribed form itself containing all the prescribed terms and conforming to regulations under section 60(1) is signed in the prescribed manner both by the debtor or hirer and by or on behalf of the creditor or owner, and (b) the document embodies all the terms of the agreement, other than implied terms, and (c) the document is, when presented or sent to the debtor or hirer for signature, in such a state that all its terms are readily legible. sec65 Consequences of improper execution. (1)An improperly-executed regulated agreement is enforceable against the debtor or hirer on an order of the court only. And therefore pursuant to sec 127(3) The court shall not make an enforcement order under section 65(1) if section 61(1)(a)(signing of agreements) was not complied with unless a document (whether or not in the prescribed form and complying with regulations under section 60(1)) itself containing all the prescribed terms of the agreement was signed by the debtor or hirer (whether or not in the prescribed manner). Conclusion 11. In view of the information set out above I respectfully submit to the court that the claimant’s application be denied. The claim remains stayed until such time the claimant can comply with section 77 of the CCA1974 or in the absence of that compliance strike out the claimant claim and dismiss the claim in its entirety. Statement of truth I, XXXXXXX defendant, believe the facts stated in this witness statement are true. I understand that proceedings for contempt of Court may be brought against anyone who makes, or causes to be made, a false statement in a document verified by a statement of truth without an honest belief in its truth. Signed: Print Name: Dated:
  16. Thank you Andyorch I will adapt using that template, and some of the pertinent points that DX100uk raised. I'll then post here in the hope that DX100uk will not mind looking over for a final check. I'll email to both solicitors and court, and follow up with hard copies via royal mail.
  17. Thank you. Grateful to you both for the time you put in to support.
  18. Andyorch, I was so grateful for dx100uk's help and was just tidying up the statement, trying to find the relevant supporting FOS outcomes. My WS was due yesterday but I had no idea what I was doing and was reliant on support. What should I do? Am I too late?
  19. Thank you. I'll look at that link now and have a read. No, no reference to the call at all. I have been in touch with the court and obtained an email address to send my witness statement through later on today.
  20. dx100uk I am so sorry. I did not mean to come across as being demanding or disrespectful. I have checked my email history. It looks like I deferred via the online portal in 2017, 2018 and 2019 online, after receiving emails inviting me to do so. It also looks like I registered for their online portal in June 2017. Erudio also sent me letter reminders - it was on one of these that I wrote my scribblings during the call I made to them. I think prior to this I received the reminder to start paying or defer by post, and responded to these also by post, using royal mail. rc710
  21. Thank you dx100uk I am going to a funeral in another county today but will log back on later this evening. Were you able to look at all at my revised witness statement? Do you have an example that might help me, when I have such little to draw on? Thank you
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