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  1. I know it was a shock for me.. I've nothing to do i'm alone in this problem but I've chats + call records and the transaction from my bank account to his. So you think they will sue me? I swear, (everyday) I blame myself for selling the account but it's done, so what's your opinion sir? I'm sorry for didn't answer your comment fast
  2. thank you sir, your reply means a lot for me thank you I didn't steal any money and may god forgive me for what happened Thank you again
  3. Ooh sir, I've read all the topics on this site and I was waiting for your reply sir. I'm sorry but I always think about worst so are you sure all will be good or they will sue me? I don't care about the account or the money in it, I just want to continue my life, i can't do anything cuz of thinking of this problem and you are the only site i can trust right now... I'm sorry sir for killing your time Hope to understand. "I didn't quote as you mentioned :)"
  4. It's okay $ or euro still a problem and I will edit the topic now. at least thank you sir that you replied.
  5. Hi there, I've a serious problem and I don't know what to do PLEASE read all of the topic before you judge. I'm 22y. I was a seller on eBay, and I've sold 3000 items with no problem,, then my partner (for 6y) offered that to sell the account to his friend and he will give us 2000$ and it is a lot of money. I accepted the deal and gave him the account with PP as it was a part of the deal to keep away from closing the ebay account. He told me that he will use my account for 3 days then will use his bank account. My partner said do NOT worry I do trust him so I agreed. He sold 140 item in those 3days with 5800 $ !!! and I got a limitation on the PP, he created another PP with similar name and started to withdraw money of new sales to his bank account. I've contacted my partner that his friend (will not) ship the items and run. He didn't answer me! and 12 days nothing new happened still the same. I have chats between us, I've call records proving what i said and I've also pictures. even the transaction when i transferred the money to him. I know most of you or all of you who read this topic will mock me, I know, But 13 days I can't sleep, I always cry that my future is screwed. I have only 1000$ (what I got from selling the account) I didn't steal any money, I don't know what to do. most of you may ask how i trust him, I would easily say he is my partner for 6 years and he is the one who helped me to get into the business. he always sent me money when I need, gave me his credit card to pay with it, I've never doubt it. may be my life is screwed but I even can't say to the buyers that i'm sorry! I just want to know what is gonna happen, all data on PP and eBay is fake but my bank account is there Waiting anyone to comment... I do want to say that I am sorry
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