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  1. The replacement value has now been refunded. Is there a template to get me started in claiming the costs associated with removing the old shower and installing the new one?
  2. The supplier is Plumbworld, the product cost £440 and it was installed by my plumber. The engineer sent by the manufacturer (Triton) did not find any fault in the installation but I have nothing in writing. However, the manufacturer has confirmed the issues to the supplier as the latter contacted them to verify my refund claim.
  3. Hi, Last year I purchased an expensive digital shower from an online retailer but this broke down 4 times in less than a year. The manufacturer sent their engineer each time at no cost to me due to the warranty. The replacement of individual parts and even the replacement of the entire unit didn't prevent the issue from reappearing just a few weeks after. Tired of the poor quality of the product I requested a refund to the retailer which contacted the manufacturer to confirm my story. The problem is that the retailer is proving unreasonable in that: 1) They are asking for the return of the entire unit, including the shower head, which is glued to the ceiling. Removing this will incur additional costs and will serve no practical purpose as I can't imagine them being able to resell it. The item is not sold separately. 2) I offered to pay for the shower head but this option is also being denied. 3) I offered to buy an even more expensive shower from their store, as long as they deliver it before collecting the old one. This is to avoid having to pay for the plumber call out twice and allow having the old one uninstalled and the new one fit in during the same visit. This was also denied as they are asking to return the old appliance first. Of course I could buy the new one when I want and get the refund later but that would mean an even higher exposure to the whims of a retailer that I no longer trust. In short, the retailer is in my view making the return process as inconvenient and expensive as possible for me, perhaps hoping that I just give up. Is there any legal tool that could be used in my favour in this scenario, e.g. claiming damages? Thanks
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