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Everything posted by Kallil

  1. Hi all Sadly my dad passed away in 2016, leaving children and his wife behind, Sadly his wife with no close family or relatives, except me, she was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2016, her old social worker is now trying to take over her life by doing things she does not want to do for example she's happy where she lives and does not want to leave, I dont disagree with her social worker but my step mother still has a right to do what she wants to do, I have always done as she wishes, am i legally related to her? Via marriage, do I have the right to disagree on such thing? Thank you
  2. Hi, Yes it's a letter that come in the post today Thank you
  3. Hi I have been sent a letter from hmrc saying that I've missed a self assessment payment ending 2014 and 2015, while I was in employment then I did not work self employed but for a large company that paid my taxes and NI I do not recall missing any payment or remember any letters being sent to me, is this been sent from mis-information?
  4. Hi all We need help with benefits and the benefit cap We get universal credit Standard allowance( couple ) Housing Children 1 Carer Limited capability for work and work-related activity On top of this i get Pip ESA My partner gets Carers allowance Child support Universal credit deduct £494.43 for ESA £292.93 for carers allowance. they have told us they make this because of the benefits cap but I have read we should not be effected by this? also we are due a 2nd child in February, so there will be 2 adults and 2 children on our claim then, will our claim change? We are concerned about affordability because we loose £80 a month soon due to covid thank you
  5. Hello If I awnser no to this question In the 12 months before you claimed Universal Credit, did you earn below £542 per month at any time? You'll find this on your payslips or bank statements. It brings up a page where I have to enter my earnings, so do I awnser yes to this one?
  6. Hi all I believe we are receiving the correct amount, all of you have been brilliant thank you so much!! I am having trouble awnsering there questions the one is below. Confirm previous earnings from work To make sure you get the right amount, you'll need to tell us how much you were paid while you were working. In the 12 months before you claimed Universal Credit, were there any gaps in your employment? This doesn't include paid holidays, maternity or paternity leave. Awnser (yes) or (No) In the 12 months before you claimed Universal Credit, were you living with a partner? This one will be no. In the 12 months before you claimed Universal Credit, did you earn below £542 per month at any time? You'll find this on your payslips or bank statements. Awnser (yes) or (No) I was on support group esa and pip previously since 2016 Thank you all
  7. Hi bob, I have just added a note into the journal, this is his partner lily today, He is getting really frustrated and he will not go near anyone due to this virus, I have trid explaining this to uc, I have managed to calm him down by telling him they will probably not be doing assessments this year. Thank you LILY
  8. Hi, I have received a letter from universal credit, why would I need to take a new assessment if I was awarded pip and esa till december 2021. We need to find out if your disability, illness or health condition affects your ability to work or carry out work-related activity. If we decide you are not capable of work, we will not ask you to search or be available for work. If we also decide you are not capable of work-related activity, you will get extra money. What happens next The Health Assessment Advisory Service (working for us) will send you a questionnaire. You will need to fill this in, giving details about any physical or mental health conditions you have and how they affect you. If you do not return your questionnaire we may not have enough information to assess your capability for work. This means you may have to do more to receive Universal Credit. This could include being available for work, searching for work and preparing for work. If you need an assessment After we have received your questionnaire, you might be asked to go for a work capability assessment. The Health Assessment Advisory Service will contact you to arrange an appointment. The person assessing you will want to find out how your disability. illness or health condition affects you in everyday life. You must attend this assessment if you are asked to. If you do not, we might decide that you are capable of work. After your assessment, we will let you know if you are entitled to any extra Universal Credit. Tell us about any changes You must tell us straight away using your journal if there is a change in your circumstances. For example, you need to tell us if you have a new health condition or your existing health condition gets better or worse. If you give wrong or incomplete information or you do not report changes straight away you may be paid more or less money than you should. You will have to pay back overpaid money when told to do so. You could also be prosecuted or need to pay a financial penalty. If we pay you less money than we should we may pay you this money back including any arrears due. More information Visit the Health Assessment Advisory Service website at www.chdauk.co.uk to find out about work capability assessments. Visit www.chdauk.co.uk/videos for a video example of an assessment. Yours sincerely, Universal Credit You still need to report your fit notes (also known as sick notes) in your Universal Credit account. Do not bring your fit note into the jobcentre unless we ask you to. Keep it because we may need to see it in future. If you do not keep reporting your fit notes, we will not be able to assess your capability for work. You will need to search and prepare for work, or do the things in your commitment that you have agreed with your work coach. If you are fit for work, or have already returned to work, tell us using your journal
  9. Thank you We are in the process of sorting it now, they uc have asked me for a sicknote so I am just waiting to speak to my doctor tomorrow, apart from that I think everything is in place then we will get a decision, we really appreciate the help we have been given you guys are brilliant!!
  10. I am really confused by it all, I just phoned esa and told them I am changing my address and moving in with my partner, and there has been a joint universal credit claim made, The esa told me that I will continue to claim contribution esa what is £137 per week plus I will get universal credit on top of this, is this correct information? And dose it change anything advised of above mentioned by will goodfellow? Thank you
  11. Hello, good afternoon. I have this in my journal on my universal credit it account, as said previous I am on ESA + SDP + PIP - EDLA + SMR, we spoke about switching to UC on my partners claim. Unless I misunderstand this message it means that I can continue to claim ESA but I will loose my SDP but my partner would get CA for me, I would prefer to stay on ESA but would UC Still pay my HB? Some other benefits can affect how much Universal Credit you get. You and your partner can continue to claim these benefits, but we will adjust your Universal Credit payment. Your statement shows you how we do this. Our records show that My Name is getting: Employment and Support Allowance If you think this is wrong If My Name no longer gets this benefit they should contact the office they claimed it from. Tell them My name is now getting Universal Credit and to update their records. Benefits that can affect Universal Credit are: Employment and Support Allowance
  12. Hi all Thanks for your help so far, while I'm here the new house they are asking for a £679 deposit, it is with a housing association bromford housing and we was nominated by the local council for the property, since living on my own I have had 3 tenantcys and i have never had to pay the first deposit, is this right or has there been some sort of error down the line?
  13. Ok brilliant so its really just the case of ringing up and telling them when we are going to move in
  14. Thanks again will Severe disability premium You cannot claim Universal Credit if you either: get the severe disability premium, or are entitled to it got or were entitled to the severe disability premium in the last month, and you’re still eligible for it. I was really confused with the above comment on the gov website, but you have explained it alot more clearly to me, unlike the website and benefit calculators I was really confused by it all. Would you possibly no if I will have to go threw a assessment again or will our money just simply swap over? Thank you
  15. Thank you for the info I didn't no about it but my partners midwife did tell her about it, i have two other children so probably not I am on income related esa with sdp in the support group, I don't have to attend any meetings or carry out any work I just have to go to a assessment normally every 2 years it was every year at first. I no i probably shouldn't say but I receive £381 every two weeks and pip £451 every four weeks Then council tax and rent is paid automatically for me except I have a direct debit setup to pay £36.90 per month We have now been accepted for a 2 bedroom house well they said nominated. But its via the council. Thank you
  16. Thank you to both of you, will I also loose my pip as well? And does universal credit not have a disability component? Because I wouldn't be able to live on a standard joint claim of £409.89 my eating disorder costs more than that for supplements. Also my partner is only 23 so she also has the under 25's amount what is a lot less
  17. Hi thank you I'm not really good at the calculator I dont understand it properly I will call mind on monday
  18. Hey all, I am male 33 I receive employment and support with severe disability premium, pip enhanced daily living, lower mobility rates and housing benefits. My partner 23, pregnant and gets universal credit. The council have a joint application and we are on a high banding so that we can move in together, my question is how will our benefits be affected, we both was advised to stay as single claimants as we dont live together at the moment and I dont understand what will happen to our benefits will they stay the same? Will I get moved to universal credit? If I do what outcome of income should I expect? I am worried I will just get moved into standard universal credit or my money will stop. Could someone help me do a benefit calculator and explain what benefits I will loose and how our rent etc will be paid
  19. I think this upload will work thank you council1.pdf council2.pdf council4.pdf council5.pdf
  20. picture KM2. I have definatly never seen in my life. picture KM3. it is a black bag and some kind of box, i cannot see it properly i cant say i have or havnt seen it? picture KM4. is not a visible picture just looks like bushes to me? picture KM5. is my property. picture KM6. It is not even clear or visble I cannot say i have or havnt seen it? any how, I am mostly at home, I have a eating problem, and I drink alot of ensure, I asked the council back in febuary for a new blue bin so i have been storing recycle rubbish in my vechile because the bin outside overflows outside mine, I cannot remember if it was that road, but I had a tyer flat and i was rumerging around looking for the spare wheel and jack, I may have mis-placed some items on the side of the road, it was on a dark road, no lights, I get bad anxiety and I was pancing rushing around I could not see anything, I even remeber falling into a slight ditch,
  21. Hi i have attachd photos and the letter also there are 18 questions 1.Do you uderstand the caution? "you do not have to say(or write), anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something which you later rely on in court, anyrthing you do say may be given in evidence. 2. please sate your full name and address what is your occupation and how long have you held this position. what is the name of your employer the company you own? 3. please give your full account of how waste that contained correspondence addressed to you was found to be fly tipped material depositiied it then shows a map. 4. did you produce the controlled waste, shown in KM2 - KM6 below, deposited on the named road. KM2 I have never seen before in my life KM3 is not a clear picture i cannot say i recognise or dont recognise these objects. 5. if not, do you no who produced the waste shown in photographs KM2 - KM6 depositied ---- if so please state there name and address. 6. did you deposit the waste, shown in photographs. 7. if the awnser is yes to question 6, please state why and the date you depositied the waste. 8.if the awnser was yes to question 6, did you ask permission to deposit the waste there? if so please give details of person or company. 9. if you did not depsoit the waste shown in photographs KM2 - KM6, depositied (name of road) do you know who did? please state name, address. 10. have you organised or paid to have any waste removed? 11. if the awnser to question 10 is yes, do you recognise any of this waste in photographs KM2 - KM6 pkease state photograph numbers. 12. if you asked or employed a third party to remove or organise and manage removal of waste, please state details name address etc. as well as a written agreement. 13. if you trannsgerred waste to a third party please state on what date, how i found the individuals and when i contacted them. 14. if you did employ or ask someone to remove the waste produced by you, did you check to see if they were a licensed waste carrier with the enviroment agency. 15. if you transferred waste to a third party describe the vechile used to transport the waste away. 16 uf you transferred waste to a third party please describe the persons involved. 17. did you do everything you now believe to be reasonable actions in the circumstances to make sure that any waste produced by you was transferred to a authorised person or registered waste carrier? please list actions taken, what else could you have done to check? 18. is there anything else you wish to add. I have trid to upload files direct to this website but it said error 200 https://docdro.id/gnI3oBJ https://docdro.id/BsMEPgn https://docdro.id/i70Eu9U https://docdro.id/gOhhUVe Sorry i pressed something my keyboard and it sent
  22. Hi all I have been accused for fly tipping I think it may of been in with some rubbish that I was unable to take to my local tip because i did not have a permit so i paid someone to take it away and it, I honestly dont have any contact for the 3 men who came and collected it i dont no what to do and I dont no how to fill out any of the forms
  23. , I have complained to everyone listed I will keep you updated on responses I get thank you all
  24. Just a update on this, we have been accepted by the council but we are on band 4, there banding category band 1 highest priority, band 4 lowest priority, We only have one bedroom entitlement until my partner is 25 weeks pregnant what is in 4 weeks time, how ever band 4 is around 5 years waiting list, but she needs housing before then, is she better off putting in a single application? The banding could possibly go down in 4 weeks to a higher priority but I'm not clear on this I have emailed them to ask but no response Thanks
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