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  1. Hi, This is my first post. I hired a car in Italy in Oct 2016. While driving in Florence I drove through a traffic restriction sign. This was on a sort of roundabout, and went through it 3 times in quick succession trying to work out where to go. I later received recorded delivery letters from Italy for the traffic offences. I believed at the time it was from the authorities, don't have them now so can't confirm one way or another. There were three letters for the three separate offences, of which I only picked up one from the post office. I believed at the time that these were unenforcable (maybe naively) and so ignored. Today I received three letters in the one envelope from Credit Limits International Ltd. I've attached one. They total over £1000, so am really worried about this. They say that I can send to a cheque with the Italian police name on it, so am concerned that this is a more legit than some of the posts I've seen on this subject in the past. Any help would be really gratefully received. Thank you so much. CLI Letter.pdf
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