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ContentCreatives last won the day on March 31 2020

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  1. I hear you! My experience (which may not be the same as yours) is that when that sort of resentful rot starts to set in, you don't get back to the mindset of where you were at the start. It may not look like it right now, but this realisation could actually be one of the best things to happen to you and set you off on a series of new adventures that reinvigorate your joy in what you do.
  2. I so resonate with your situation. I worked with a bank till I was 32 and was so burnt out I had zero enthusiasm for life. I then ran my own retail business for 4 years before again being burnt out through the relentless irritation the customers evoked in me. When I realised work was a miserable experience, I knew it was time to pack it in. Had 2 other careers that ended similar ways - all my initial enthusiasm for the job drained way. Then a few years ago I started an unexpected path that became super exciting and endlessly evolving. I'm currently loving the new career I'm carving out for myself but realise that the fact it keeps changing is part of the reason why that enthusiasm stays high. 32 is still super young and you have plenty of potential career paths ahead of you. However, as UB says, Covid is a rather large consideration at this time for taking the risk of completely switching. I'd suggest listening to podcasts/reading books on people who have made a successful career change. Even if their situation might not be 100% relevant to you, you might be inspired in unexpected ways.
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 64 seconds
  4. A far more user friendly version of the list Bankfodder posted last week. The UK companies listed is growing quite extensively - good and bad https://didtheyhelp.com/
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